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the lumberjack

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the lumberjack

I mean, I like the fact that you guys think I (and other "protestants") are SUCH a THREAT to catholocism that you would give us that [color=red]BRIGHT REd[/color] technotronic robotic writing saying that we're a spiritual danger.

but is it really necessary?

not that I mind all too much...like I said, I'm acutally pretty honored.

so, to all my estranged brothers and sisters in Christ, beware....

every IM or PM I send you could be the one that converts you to the absolute relativism of a false heretical belief system.



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You are a threat to Christianity, and to them. Christ set the ways, and developed the ways in the Church. Therefore anything that goes against the Church is an enemy of the Church and of God. You believe in your man-made doctrines, faith-alone etc. Which was a 16th century doctrine well over 1500 years after Christ, and you expect them to understand 'Were not a threat, were your 'Brothers & Sisters''

Your a threat to the Body of Christ. Whether you get 'gradification' or 'happiness' doesnt matter, Scripture speaks of this, Apostolic Tradition, & Teaching. And Basic Catholic Teaching does. Its historical, so your gonna either follow them or stop whining through a pseudo-victimization attitude.

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Archangel Raphael


Ok that's it, I want the pretty red letters too!! :D If Jesus can be called a blasphemer by the pharisees, then I can be called a 'spiritual danger' :cool:

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Justified Saint

Oy Lumber,

If I recall correctly you guys are the ones always making the noise about being non-Catholics. Afterall, you do revel in your self-proclaimed title of "heretic".

Looks to me like another gracious effort to accomadate for all your desires and to make all our separated brethren feel comfortable and at home.

Can't you just be satisfied? ;)

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Archangel Raphael

I'm rather enjoying this really. :huh: Especially since I agree with alot of the Church, but just cause I am not going to a Catholic mass nor may not believe in a few details of the doctrine means I'm going to hell? lol!

Oh wait..I take that back, past couple weeks I HAVE been going to Catholic Saturday mass :P

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[quote name='Archangel Raphael' date='Jun 21 2004, 12:56 PM'] I'm rather enjoying this really. :huh: Especially since I agree with alot of the Church, but just cause I am not going to a Catholic mass nor may not believe in a few details of the doctrine means I'm going to hell? lol!

Oh wait..I take that back, past couple weeks I HAVE been going to Catholic Saturday mass :P [/quote]
Yeah, but if you believe all that much then youmight just come to believe all of it. ;)

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I hardly find it inappropriate. A label as such will let Catholics, especially those who are not strong in their faith, know that you are not speaking as a Catholic, much less speaking the Truth of the Church.

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Archangel Raphael

[quote]Yeah, but if you believe all that much then youmight just come to believe all of it.  [/quote]

That's sorta like saying to a Jew if your eating most of the steak, might as well eat all of it (including the fat). :huh:

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Anyhow, my point was thats why they call it a conversion "process", there are steps you go through (not that I am saying you are in a conversion process, but you could be, in which case you'd learn and accept things one by one most likely...)

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Archangel Raphael

If you read in Leviticus and in other parts of the Old Testament. One of the things God had forbidden the Jews to eat was the fat and blood of eatable animals.

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Ok, that makes sense now... I was thinking of the eating habits of Jews and trying to recall what they aren't supposed to eat (like no pig meat and no mixing meat and dairy...) but didn't even think to look to the Bible reference... guess I should have done that first. lol

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the lumberjack

[quote name='DojoGrant' date='Jun 21 2004, 11:02 AM'] I hardly find it inappropriate. A label as such will let Catholics, especially those who are not strong in their faith, know that you are not speaking as a Catholic, much less speaking the Truth of the Church. [/quote]
I know this...

it doesn't take a rocket scientist.

but the thing is, you must think I'm here to convert people or something.


and morph....

almost, but not really

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Why don't I get a green sign for being so cool?

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