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A Statement From Catholic Priests

MC Just

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[quote name='AfroNova No Limit Soldier' date='Sep 21 2004, 11:15 AM'] Don't lose hope.

Those old hippie unorthodox liberal progressive priests and catholics are dying off. [/quote]
I'm sorry, but I have to admit that statement made me laugh for some twisted reason. Probably because of the bluntness of it. ^_^

I realize I have a sick and dark sense of humor at times. -_-

With that being said, I'm sick of all this soft-talk "conscience krap."
Give the heterodox an inch, and they will make a mile. And it's NOT just one issue, people!!!! There are specifically, five. Abortion. Gay marriage. Euthanasia. Stem Cell Research. Cloning. If we don't get in the habit of trying to stop the first one, the rest are going to slide on that slippery slope, too. It's already starting.


But the good news is what was said in the thread. The younger Catholics are "rebelling" against the elders for orthodoxy, and God always has the last word. ;)

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[quote name='azaelia' date='Sep 22 2004, 11:23 PM']EEEERRRRRGGGGG!!!! :angry:[/quote]
Is that the best Howard Dean impersonation you could come up with?

Sorry. I couldn't help myself.

Seriously, it does make me want to :scream:

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Notice in the letter it says "American Catholics" Sheesh why dont they just split off from Rome like the Scismatics and Protestants and form their own sect. Instead they are trying to "convert" the entire Church into something totally contrary to the gospel..Some
of the dissenters actually want the people to be able to vote for the Bishops they want and even vote for the Pope of their Choice.That is what the term "American Catholic" brings to mind. Hmmmmm.. I wonder if this has anything to do with the "False (political)Messianism" mentioned in the Catechism.

Edited by MC Just
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yo just.. there was a great homily today on EWTN on this very topic..

that statement is full of carp.. i dont understand how welfare and housing are "equally weighty" ([b]proportionate reason[/b] is the term the Cardinal actually used) with abortion.

And "Each person also has the right to the conditions for living a decent life"---yeah if they are alive!

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Maybe this might help:


I gave it a quick browse, and saw that under "Moral priorities for public life", "Protecting human life" was listed first. And it calls abortion and euthanasia "preeminent threats to human life and dignity".

Maybe it's just me, but it sounds like we should make abortion and euthanasia the top issues.

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[quote name='Sinner' date='Sep 24 2004, 10:33 PM'] MC ...... are these Priests signing this statement? Do we know who they are? I hope they aren't at my Parish. [/quote]
They are mostly in south Texas

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Sep 25 2004, 01:01 PM'] They are mostly in south Texas [/quote]
Yet another reason to be glad I ain't no Texan.

(The Dixie Chics are the other)

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