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Ten Myths about Priestly Pedophilia

MC Just

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Nope I meant what I said, your eating whatever the media puts on your plate...

I admit that I do not have a source for the black homosexual numbers. But I did not pull the pedophile homosexual one out of anything, I would say it comes from one of the more reliable sources thank you very much.

Questioning your gay/lesbian statistic, where was it taken? Do you know that far fewer % of blacks vote than whites? Have you ever lived in a black society? The black gays do not even consider themselves gay. Sort of like your not gay if you dont participate in Vancouvers [color=red][Edited by Kilroy the Ninja: choose a different adjective please][/color] parade.


Edited by Kilroy the Ninja
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I think its really important, when discussing percentages and probability, to cite your sources. Without credible substantiation, how do we know you aren't making this up?

Also, I don't think we can trust polls in regards to this. I think we can all agree that most people that call themselves 'Catholic' do not lead Catholic lifestyles. Even more closely related to the subject, is that around %80 percent of those who hate homosexuals and would be considered 'homophobic' are in homosexuals themselves. This is a great illustration of the way people lie about this sort of thing. Especially in regards to scandals. I think this was from the American Journal of Abnormal Psychology, but I'd have to look up the exact source if you care. So I don't really think that there is any point in arguing mathematical probability based on shifty numbers.

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Homosexuality has always had this question in my mind.. if we are given free will, why was Judas condemned before he even started? Why was Peter told he would deny 3 times before he did? If homosexuals are born evil, is that not destroying their free will? That is why homosexuality is caused by society, as is pedophilia, and the two are linked.

Would you say Harvard is a reputable institution? If anything, they lowered the real number of gay pedophiles... I cited my source in great detail if you didnt notice..

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Repeating what I have already cited, adding url.

"Police, judicial, and treatment records suggest that almost all pedophiles are male, and about two-thirds of them are mainly heterosexual. "

Harvard Mental Health Letter
January 2004, Vol. 20 Issue 7
Page 1, Paragraph 4

Can I make it any clearer ?

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I'm not arguing the only source you've used Monoxide. I'm arguing your multiplication. I demonstrated with my example that you can use stats to mean anything.

It is laughable to suggest that african americans are six times more likely to engage in pedophile behavior because that's not the prevailing factor. The prevailing factor is that a vast majority of of abusers were themselves abused.

Because of the scandal, you want to wrongfully tie in homosexuality with child molestation. Yet again from the Bureau of Justice, they state that 90% of all sexual crimes are committed to girls 13 or younger.

The reality is that sexual abuse (in all its forms) is not about sex. The ultimate goal for the offender is power. Predators are predators. We need to elimate predators from ministries. To say that if we deal with the homosexuals, we're done, is as ridiculous as my stat quote that african americans are more likely to be pedophiles.

Oh and one more thing.


Homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered. Get your catechism straight.

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...? Not evil? I suggest you discuss the morality of this with [i]your[/i] 'Christian' brothers at [color=red] We do NOT link to this [/color] Tell me about intrinsically disordered after you read all that site.

Oh, at least I cited a source, you could have made up those numbers and sources?

Edited by cmotherofpirl
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That should start you off sport. Happy reading

And no not evil.


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I hate to tell you this, but after reading each one, I stand by my point that homosexuality and pedophilia are linked in far more ways than being both perversions... It has almost strengthed the thought. What is wrong with that site? We should accept them because they are doing what they feel is right, right? They are just 'intrinsically disordered'.

Edited by Monoxide
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[quote name='crusader1234' date='Apr 24 2005, 03:32 PM']

Even more closely related to the subject, is that around %80 percent of those who hate homosexuals and would be considered 'homophobic' are in homosexuals themselves.  This is a great illustration of the way people lie about this sort of thing.  Especially in regards to scandals.  I think this was from the American Journal of Abnormal Psychology, but I'd have to look up the exact source if you care. [/quote]
I am very suspicious about these figures. Is there anyway of anybody knowing this? What do they do, take a poll and ask if people hate homosexuals, then ask if they are homosexuals? How many people claiming to hate homosexuals would admit to being homosexual? Just seems fishy.

While this may be true in some cases, I think this is one of those unsubstantiated falsehoods bandied around by the Left to silence opposition - If one is against homosexuality, he must be a homosexual himself! This seems an effective way to keep people from voicing opposition to homosexuality out of fear of being labeled qwerty themselves. Anyone who opposes homosexuality for moral, religious, or health reasons, or opposed the advance of the homosexual agenda is automatically suspected of being a closet homosexual.

Edited by Socrates
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Gee color me shocked! I doubt that anything will sway you into believing that homosexuals are not evil. Honestly I don't know how one can read through the Bureau of Justice statistics and not understand that pedophilia has little to do with homosexuality but you have a right to be as prejudiced as you want.

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[quote]While this may be true in some cases, I think this is one of those unsubstantiated falsehoods bandied around by the Left to silence opposition - If one is against homosexuality, he must be a homosexual himself! This seems an effective way to keep people from voicing opposition to homosexuality out of fear of being labeled qwerty themselves. Anyone who opposes homosexuality for moral, religious, or health reasons, or opposed the advance of the homosexual agenda is automatically suspected of being a closet homosexual.[/quote]


I agree wholeheartedly with you. Likewise it is a falsehood that if someone defends homosexuals against unnecessary accusations, they are automatically suspected of being closeted as well. This is a falsehood that is bandied about by the Right.

I think when folks go over the top and state "homosexuals are evil" or post horribly innapropriate links on sites, they do it out of fear and ignorance.

We have tremendous problems in the Catholic Church.
Some of them involve priests with homosexual attractions.
But homosexuals are not the cause of all our woes.

I wish more people would debate the issue of why celibacy isn't being enforced instead of just focusing on homosexual priests.

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[quote]I wish more people would debate the issue of why celibacy isn't being enforced instead of just focusing on homosexual priests.[/quote]

Great thought.....

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Guest CodeSequence

What do you mean the issue of why celibacy isn't being enforced? From what I know there are no theological basings towards celibacy, other than that your 'marrying' your life to God. But as I have said many times - some married priests were the best speakers and one inparticular was extremely effective in his youthful ministries...

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[quote name='CodeSequence' date='Apr 25 2005, 10:47 PM'] What do you mean the issue of why celibacy isn't being enforced? From what I know there are no theological basings towards celibacy, other than that your 'marrying' your life to God. But as I have said many times - some married priests were the best speakers and one inparticular was extremely effective in his youthful ministries... [/quote]
At this time, the promise of obedience that transitional deacons take is a promise of obedience. This is where those ordained enter into a formal life of celibacy. (in diocesan priesthood, religious life is different)

If the promise is broken and there are sexual relations, with whomever, man, woman or child.....(ugghhh, that sounds so gross), is a breaking of that promise. Why aren't the Ordinaries sanctioning those priests? If they are, that is great, however, there is a preponderance of the evidence that shows that this isn't the case.

I think that is what hot stuff is getting at.

Incidentally, there are many theological basings.....we can get into that later though.

While I don't have a problem with married priesthood in the Rites in which marriage is approved. However, I do in the Rites in which they don't. Celibacy is a discipline that should be inforced in the Rites in which it is the practice. End of story.


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