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since this board seems relatively inactive right now,

just a question i was wondering

what do you think of the place/what is happening there with Mary?

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I'm not convinced at all that Mary is appearing at Medjugorje. I don't believe that Mary would side with two disobedient Franciscan priests who are now shacking up with nuns. I don't believe that Mary would refer to the bishop as wicked.

Now I'm not saying that there haven't been genuine spiritual conversions taking place there. But that doesn't necessarily mean that there are genuine supernatural occurences taking place either.

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two disobedient franciscan priests....where is that from? (it might be true, i just haven't heard much. Most of the stuff i know is from an older book and what my grandma told me.)

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I remain undecided at the moment. While I know people, including clergymen, who have had spiritual experiences at Medjugorje, the alleged messages of Our Lady to the seers seem rather repetitive. Unlike Fatima and Lourdes, these messages don't seem to signal any upcoming event, nor do they have any specific instructions aside from the usual devotions and practices of good Christians.

I'll wait until the alleged messages stop and the Church makes a decision about whether or not they're credible.

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I've been there and am completely convinced of Our Lady's presence. Many miracles have happened there, and I don't think God would try to mislead us by having miracles occur there if the place wasn't legit.

The church obviously hasn't made a decision either way, and so I understand that people are skeptical. But I have no doubt. We can judge by the fruits...

God Bless!

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Satan can also manipulate nature... that's why we don't judge apparitions by the phenomena alone...

I have also been to Medjugorje... nothing spectacular. And it also seems rather unlike other approved apparitions... thus, I error more towards cautious, than open. But I wait for the official declaration of the Church.

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i wish i could go. I think part of it that holds interest for me is that i would not go to see a shrine or anything, but to be part of the movement.

I think that if it encourages people to be more devoted and really start working on the whole prayer/sacrifice area of life then it is a very good thing whether it is real or not.

I would find it hard for it to change so many lives and yet still be true though.

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My brother-in-law's wife went, and though she was zealous afterwards, it backfired and she left the Church for a while. Now she's kind of wishy-washy (cafeteria Catholic).

My godmother was very into Medjugorje. Her and her friends constantly looked for miracles.

I dunno.

Edited by philothea
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i've not seen many good fruits from medjugorje... a lot of people who believe in it really get angry, mean, and defensive if i mention not believing in it. the entire vibe surrounding it really doesn't have a submission to the magisterial authority of the Church or anything close to it. I don't know who or what is appearing there, but it has never seemed to be the humble Mary Mother of God that I know. idle repitition of the same messages over and over again... not to mention that thing where some of them denied it ever happened and then most of them said it did again and they said Mary predicted they would publically deny it at one point... what is the point of Mary doing that? I really don't like the whole deal.

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I throw my hat in with Nicole.

Been there
Believe it.

Sure Satan can manipulate physical elements to provide "miracles". But it serves him no benefit when the result is more rosaries, prayer, fasting and confession. These are at the core of all the Marian messages and that is all that folks do there. (Ok I would take a prayer break and look for the perfect cappucino sometimes BUT THEN I WENT BACK TO PRAYER)

Also, being there during the war, its tough to explain how the town never got touched.

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Medjugorje is a private revelation. It's really not so credible me thinks. Now something like Fatima which was public revelation, that's solid proof even before the official statement. It's a prophecy that 70,000 got to be the witnesses of. I don't see why our Lady couldn't do the same at Medjugorje, or why nothing goes on there but the ancient call to prayer and penance.

Albiet, I haven't given up on Medj yet, I just think there is hype in it.

God bless,

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i find great mystery in the messages. They don't seem to be the same old thing again and again.

My perspective might be different than a lot of other peoples. I think living in a place like ND has a lot to do with it. I am beginning to realize just how different we are than everyone else. it is sort of scary.

You see here there is not much reaction to anything. Church is just a reality of life, much like it was 50 years ago. Though things aren't as strict now and many people are falling away, there is not a whole lot of difference.

Medjugorje became important to some of the older people in the parish and from there it sort of spread.

I do believe it is Mary. That is my own opinion and yours might be different, but that is ok. Just reading about it was enough to change my life at least a little bit and so it has a place in my heart. :D

is there a widespread negative reaction to it in the outside world?

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I have a tendency to believe it. My grandma went there a couple times, and a friend of mine went last year. I base my opinion on testimony from people who actually have been there. It the end it doesn't really matter to me that much, because the messages comming from Medjugorje are good and being close to Our Lady is more important than figuring out whether certain apparitions are authentic. :)

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I believe they are a load of poo. A scam fostered by dissident Franciscans and a few easily manipulated children.

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I am very sceptical. If they are true, then why does so much dissension come from it? Why are many of the truest believers dissidents to other parts of the church? I'm not saying it isn't true, but I am sceptical.


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