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the Cam42 -- michaelfilo thread

Don John of Austria

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Cam - while you're waiting for Michael, do you and hot stuff want to take on the why - why not debate?

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[quote name='phatcatholic' date='May 27 2005, 03:42 PM'] someone should send mikey a pm and let him know about that other thread [/quote]
I did pm him....but I will send an email his way.....

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Let me make a formal note of sorrow for my current abhoration to return to Phatmass. I regret it had to be thus, but since I was called back my Cam, I put my reading aside, and decided to clear somethings up. Surely, Don John would be a much more capable voice in explaining what I am only beggening to indulge in. In such an understanding of something so ancient, and beautiful that I think I have overlooked, but not totally been blind to. However, I must understand what I see, lest I be a fool looking at something and missing it completely, so I decided to post. Sorry for the wait.

And to explain why I have been inactive, I generally try to back off of things when confrontation is quite clear, since I know myself, and will not put aside my cause unless totally cornered, and that usually takes too long to be of use, so I went off to contemplate the things that should be thought about, for it is absolutly important to think about things that bother you in quite (and in prayer). I've also spent some time praying the rosary, asking the Blessed Virgin, Our Loving and Clement Advocate, to keep me away from heresy (the Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary (and by that I mean the 15 mysteries) is a weapon against heresy, and whoever shall pray it will not fall into the snares of heresy, and if they already have, will repent prior to their death, and so I have spent time doing that as well as reading.

Now I have posted, I am sorry for the long wait.

God bless,

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One question; 1 point. The question is answerable, I'm sure, but is quite complicated. However, I could not find an answer no matter how hard I looked. The second is merely a point, posed as a question.

God bless,

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