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Good Friday

[quote name='bx_racer']i forgot where but i saw somewhere that its good to joke about sex or else you'll take it too seriously and start wanting some or something like that. i'm pretty sure it was a Catholic book, so i'll tell you if i find it.[/quote]
Hmm, I think that's some flawed reasoning. If I joke about cake, does that make me want the cake less? No; on the contrary, the more I talk about it and think about it, the more I want it.

I think any talk about sex at all should be reserved to husband and wife, or to those who are involved in sex education (i.e., natural family planning). Why there would be a need to discuss it at all outside of those areas is beyond me, and it strikes me as an "occasion of sin." It's a particularly bad idea for teenagers to talk about sex among one another, and in mixed company. It can quickly turn toward peer pressure, immodesty, etc.

Sex should be taken seriously. That doesn't mean that husbands and wives can't enjoy it, but it does mean that it is an inherently sacred act that should always be taken seriously, never made light of, never profaned, etc. Crude sexual jokes and foul sexual language profane what God has created to be a sacred act between a man and a woman who have become one flesh.

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