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Long-distance Relationships


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Oh my gosh I read the whole thing and I'll have to stick with my original post. It never works out. Kate was lucky I was so... devoted. Hmmm? Ok you can be devoted too.

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well as far as dating is concerned i dont think ill try that haha but for friendships, especially the good ones, im willing to stick with it.

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That's right. Don't give up easily. And if they try to avoid you I suggest sending numorus letters or camping outside their house.

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Yeah...it's probably easier to keep the friendship going than a dating kind of relationship would be.

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Ash Wednesday

I'm the queen of long distance relationships and friendships. I've been dating my boyfriend long distance for 3 years. I mean, we're talking really really long distance. (thank God that is ending soon...it was becoming unbearable, as some of you know. It's impossible to think straight being so far apart all the time.) With romantic relationships you eventually have to resolve the issue of distance and be closer together if you want the relationship to move forward. I wouldn't recommend LDRs if you can avoid them, unless it's somehow part of God's plan in your life, then he'll carry you through it. But with friends I've never had problems with distance.

There are some friends I had in high school that live only miles away and yet I communicate more with my really *good* friends that are much further away. If it's a real solid friendship distance won't matter.

One of my closest friends is in California, and I'm in Washington state. We've been friends despite being states away for years and years.

Another good friend of mine, we've been friends since we were 3 years old. We are in the same area now but for years she was living in other places (and she did that sorority stuff, too) Even now she's married (she just had her baby today, and of course she called me... I'll be seeing her new boy tomorrow) :wub: I also write letters with a friend a state away in Oregon.

If you're really good friends or really care about each other, distance doesn't matter. Sometimes it means "making the effort" like calling or sending an email. But we need to do that with ALL of our friends and loved ones and we often make the mistake of getting "too busy"... (I can be horrible with this)

I'm so happy for my friend who just had her baby. I was glad she had a boy because they were hoping for one. She called and I said "You sound REALLY tired!" and she said "Well.....I am... I just gave birth" :rotfl:

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Two of my good friends went off to college this year.....I'd known them for about 4 years through youth group at church. (They both are four years younger then me). We were good friends when they both left last summer. Throughout this year we all became even CLOSER friends. (We all were like "how'd that happen???") But we talked everyday through instant message....at all hours of the day....about everything. If one of us was having a hard day, we'd leave messages; if one of us was up at midnight fretting about something....the odds that the one of the other was up too and we'd be able to talk.

So we were able to talk more often BECAUSE they were far away. We didn't get to see each other, but we got to talk. And now that they both are back for this summer.....we see each other often and have grown much closer. I guess it all depends on the friendship and how you "cultivate" it.


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I've done my share of "distance dating" via Avemaria singles, but nothing seems to last. A lot of girls claim to have trouble with distance relationships. I think it's something that definitely takes a certain amount of effort and commitment on both sides. It's not easy. (I've hear a few ladies claim they had no idea how difficult distance would be.) But this seems to work for some. There's added difficulty with getting to know someone via internet and phone (and, if lucky, the occasional date), vs being seperated from someone you've previously been together with.

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so MISTER iceprincess really DOES exist and just isn't a figment of Icy's imagination!

wait did i say that outloud? :whistle: :ninja:

:P nah, welcome to PM! you have a wonderful wife and adorable kiddies! ^_^

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Ash Wednesday

Speaking of long distance friends...Hehe... I just got off the phone with a friend of mine living in another state. I drank about two beers before calling her because she definitely tends towards more of the liberal viewpoint on things and I find a drink mellows me out a bit and makes things more tolerable given that I knew recent events and a discussion of them would come up. :sweat:

Well, we actually both try to be even handed and collegial but... the beers still make things a bit easier. :rolling:

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*shakes head at ash wednesday [with a slight grin]*

congratulations to your friend on her new baby!!

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