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[quote name='photosynthesis' date='Jul 22 2005, 07:22 PM']I do think that the Democratic approach to education, taxation/welfare, the environment and to some extent gun control, is better.

and in regards to the music, obviously it's not a moral argument.  just something I noticed about the two conventions.  Also, the Republicans gave out really awesome goodie bags to journalists at their convention, vs. the democrats' lame gifts.  I still carry around my RNC messenger bag, even though wearing it around my campus would get me shot....if people here were pro-gun control :)  The DNC obviously has better connections with celebrities and rock stars, since that's how it gets its funding, but at the RNC I got to meet a decent amount of celebrities, and I got to go party with the Bush twins, who were a lot more fun to hang out with than the Kerry kids would have been.

Hey, everything's cool. I don't believe that those who hold more liberal Democrat positions on issues other than the non-negotiables are "bad Catholics," I simply think they're mistaken. These are issues where Catholics are allowed to disagree.

There are many sincere Catholics, like myself, who take a more conservative/libertarian position on economics and the role of government. I believe government should be smaller, and have less power and involvement in the lives of its citizens, not more. I think many federal laws and programs are more of a problem than a solution. This actually fits quite well with the Catholic idea of the principle of subsidiarity.

While I don't think anyone was actually doing this on this thread, I object to those who claim that to be really Catholic, one must not only be against abortion, and euthanasia, but also support more socialistic economic policies, oppose the death penalty, and be pro-gun control, etc. (Especially when they try to muddle these issues to justify voting for a pro-abortion candidate by saying he's more "Catholic" on the other issues.)

I believe there are problems in both parties, but for me, the ideal position would not be something between the Democratic and Republican Parties, but be to the right of Republicans.

Catholic, conservative, and beaver dam proud of it!

Edited by Socrates
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[quote name='StColette' date='Jul 23 2005, 07:46 PM']lol how about no parties ;)

Just say "I'm American and I'm running for Office" lol

Parties are necessary Jennie. And it is perfectly acceptable to join whichever party most typifies your views, as long as the non-negotiable issues are taken into account.

It is acceptable for a Catholic to be a Democrat, and it is also perfectly acceptable for a Catholic to be a Republican, as long as the non-negotiable issues are held to. Hence the need for Democrats for Life, et al.

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[quote]Hey, everything's cool. I don't believe that those who hold more liberal Democrat positions on issues other than the non-negotiables are "bad Catholics," I simply think they're mistaken. These are issues where Catholics are allowed to disagree.

Now that you've stated that Socrates, it makes reading through your posts on the topic much easier. When it comes to politics, I love to debate and I have no problems admitting when I was wrong. I thought Reagan was insane on his approach to ending the Cold War, but I had to admit that he was integral in the ending of it.

Anyway, I wanted to give you props for saying that!

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Don John of Austria

[quote name='Cam42' date='Jul 23 2005, 07:40 PM']Parties are necessary Jennie.  And it is perfectly acceptable to join whichever party most typifies your views, as long as the non-negotiable issues are taken into account.

It is acceptable for a Catholic to be a Democrat, and it is also perfectly acceptable for a Catholic to be a Republican, as long as the non-negotiable issues are held to.  Hence the need for Democrats for Life, et al.

I find it the idea that one can be a Democrat and a faithful Catholic just ridiculous. I don't mean that as an attack on anyone in particular, simply a statement of the Democratic party's obsession with providing abortion and the acceptance of euthenasia by that leadership of that party, if one is a regestered Democrat whatever the personal belief on the subject one is infact supporting both of those things, particularly abortion. In Federal elections this directly translates into federal funds being given to those running for an office. Simularly in many States this guarantees a position on the Ballot for men who push the deplorable Crimes. Therefore even being regestered as a Democrat ( and certianly donating time or money to them) in effect helps continue abortion and infact supports it both morally and practicaly. This in turn renders one guilty of aiding in the procurment of abortion and therefore excommunicate.

This doesn't mean that all of the all of that parties positions are objectionable, in fact I think some of them are quite Just ( at least what they say they believe even if many of the elected officals are just as deep in the Corparate pockets as are the Republicans) I think that those Democrats for Life should make their own party but I do not see how anyone can be a catholic and support the current Democratic Party in any way shape or form.

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I deleted two piddly cracks about democrats made early on in this thread. If you're going to debate keep it charitable, everyone is entitled to their opinions, but lets keep this "democrats/republicans smell of elderberries" garbage out of this thread (even if its a joke, its in poor taste and not in keeping with phorum rules against personal attacks).

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