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Racial profiling


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[quote]Should teenagers be profiled becasue they are the main sources of vandalism in the cities? Random searches of potential vandals would be a deterrant, wouldn't it? I would think twice about carying a can of spray paint if i knew I might be searched on the subway.
[/quote]Yes, you are correct. Teenagers ARE profiled. Here in Florida, ID is checked for everyone under 21 that buys spray paint. That's profiling, isn't it? Why? Because the demographic of the purpatrator's of graffiti are teenagers.

Also, curfews are enforced in certain night-life areas, (in Tampa, it's Ybor) for teenager's. If you are under 21, you are not allowed in certain areas after a certain time even though there are no laws that you can't be out that late in another area? Why? Because the demographic of the purpatrator's of vandalism and battery are teenagers in this area after certain times.

Graffiti crimes and vandalism/battery crimes in Ybor have been greatly reduced by focusing attention on a certain age group. That's legal profiling, isn't it?

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Well, in my own defense I simply implied that I disagree, not that it was wrong.

*sigh* Sad isn't it, the young are always the victims. Will anyone stand up to this injustice in the name of the weak?

PS: Legal age in Canada is 19! We rock! (Quebec's age of majoprity is rumoured to be 18, but I find that one hard to believe and it has never been proven to me).

God bless...

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Why do you disagree? Examine your reasons. I've had to change my mind on things before.

What do you mean the young are always the victim? In what way is their injustice? Ybor is sort-of like Key West or New Orleans. Lot's of dance clubs and bars and bands. Streets were closed off to cars, so people could hang out, party, visit different theme bars, listen to different bands, cool restaraunts and cafe's, art galleries, you can take the trolly to Channelside for more upscale stuff. It was the 21 to 30 year old crowd. That's not old. Then a bunch of 16 to 20 year old punks felt they should be making the scene. They don't behave the same, and the general immaturity of many of this group caused problems for everyone. The one's old enough to drink, and the better behaved minors, the bar owners, the club owners, even the bands. People stopped coming. They kicked out the minors, and the problems disappeared, things are back the way they were.

I'm old enough to remember when the drinking age was 18 in the US. It was put to vote, but hardly any teens bothered to vote, so the law was passed.

A minority can cause problems for the majority. That's why terrorists do what they do. They can't ever overthrow the US or any large government. It's not their intent. They want the large countries that can fight them to leave them alone so they can inflict their tyranny on the majority of the people in their country. The heartless and cold thing would be to ignore them and let them destablize small country after small country untill they are large enough to control a number of countries and threaten the large countries. How do you think Russia became a Super Power?

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How many groups in this country killed thousands of citizens in one swift blow?

How many groups are organized to do so again, and in fact have been stopped from doing so on one occasion that I know of?

You are comparing an organized guerilla military force to individual attacks. Explain this. Justify this.

Yeah, teenagers are profiled. They can't in many places, buy spray paint. If they act and dress a certain way and a cop sees them, they get questioned. Of course now you've compared hijacking planes and ramming them into buildings to tagging.

"Maybe the Cahtolic church should start profiling woman as potential 'mortal sinners' and forced the sacraments on them?
And abortions casue more deaths in the US on a monthly basis than all terrorists actions in the past 10 years combined!"

Red Herring.

Racial profiling is a subset of profiling, which works, which is used all the time, which has saved my life more than once. You are going off the deep end and exagerrating things. That works with the people who know from the news. I know from real life, so your rantings hold no truck with me. Take a breath and deal with reality, quit exagerrating, and explain the parameters of profiling and why racial profiling should be singled out as unacceptable in all circumstances.
Plus, address my KKK scenario. Should we use racial profiling in cases like that, or not?

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