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Alrighty pham...I am thinking (just thinking) about purchasing a car with better mpg of gas.

I am not trying to be vain and I know that I should be happy with what I have but I don't know how much longer I can afford 40-50 $$ a week for gas.

I am right now looking into a Ford Focus. They seem to be the cheapest out of the group that I saw. I would like to stay away from Dodges because my family has had no luck with the quality of the cars.

Any advice?

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The Ford Focus is a good car for gas mileage, but depending on what you are capable of spending what about a hybrid car from like Toyota?

God bless-

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Toyota ECHO!!! :woot:

Economic price, cute and really good on mileage! Most expensive fill for my friend was 39$ Can. at 101.9 per litre. (Work it out yourself I can't be bothered)

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Toyota is out of my price range.

I cannot afford those enviromental friendly cars. :(

Now I have to do more research :)
thanks all!

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I love Fords, my uncle works for Ford. But Matt is a Chevy kind of guy. <_<

We recently traded in our Chevy Silvarado (boo-hoo, we loved it except for the 40+ bucks to fill the tank every time we hit up the gas station) for a Chevy Aveo. I LOVE it. $20 when you're on E (and I mean when the needle is in the orange area!) gives you almost a full tank, and you get about 26 mpg city miles or 36 mpg highway miles. :) I'll double check on the price for ya.

Edited by IcePrincessKRS
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[quote]like to stay away from Dodges because my family has had no luck with the quality of the cars[/quote]

you are absolutely right. all the dodges we have had sucked. I have been told that fords, and toyotas are the most reliable cars. Nevertheless, I wouldn't buy a gas using car, wait till they come out with something else. With prices this high, I don't think it will be very long.

Edited by zwergel88
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Chevy Aveo pricing info, just in case you're interested: ;)


4 door sedan-type---starting at 10k.
5 door wagon/hatchback-type---starting at 10k.

The 10k means its just your basic car, no power locks or windows (which is what we wound up with, but I don't mind it so much since Matt broke the driver side window when we had the truck and it wouldn't go down anymore. I don't have that worry with manual windows! lol), but you still get a CD player, AC/heater, and all that stuff. It looks really small, but as the commercial says "the suprisingly large Chevy Aveo." lol If you lived here I'd send you to the guy we bought our car from--he was so helpful! He even got the guys in the garage to put our plates on when the temp tags expired and I got the new ones from the BMV. :)

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toyata prius
civic hybrid
honda insight

if gas milage is what you're worried about

i know they're pricey but with all the money you save on gas it pays for itself

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I bought a 2004 Honda Civic a year ago for around $17,000. It gets really good gas mileage, and the financing was good. Fords don't hold value and they turn into money pits. We had a 1995 Taurus that we bought new, and that car was pretty worthless by the time it hit 150k miles (it needed its second transmission). Hondas and Toyotas last forever and they keep more value if you resell (not to mention they are made better so they don't turn into money pits).

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