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6th commandment

Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

Did I deliberately look at impure TV, videos, plays, pictures or movies? Or deliberately read impure materials?

what exactly does this mean? it seems to be very cloudy?

is it a sin if one doesn't know the ten commandments, and precepts of the church?

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One can sin without knowing the Ten Commandments and/or precepts of the Church because of Natural Law, which is inscribed on each man's heart.

However, he's less culpable when he doesn't know it. The Commandments and Church's Doctrine go with Divine Law, which has a second purpose (than the one I gave before), and that is to complement the Natural Law...it helps man stay on the right path.

I don't think this is very vague, personally, but maybe. The hard part is discerning if something was intentional or not. Did I sit there and stare at the woman on the TV? That's probably gotta be confessed. Did I run across something and got stuck because of the remote? That's not a sin. It's more difficult when you have to try and convince yourself to change the channel, but I would argue this isn't normally a sin anyways.

But this is how it is with all sins, intention must be there. Sadly in this case it's more difficult.

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

according to my sspx missal not being able to recite the ten commandments, and precepts of the church is a mortal sin.

is ignorance of catehcism a mortal sin?

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Your missal is also directed at Catholics.

I think that might be a little extreme for most people to say that's a mortal sin...but it is directed at SSPX Mass-goers, not your average person.

Ignorance of the Catechism isn't a sin at all I wouldn't think, unless you're ignorant of it all...and then you probably have other concerns.

Very few people could know every that the Church teaches, much less a shortened version of the important things. :)

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You seem to have a lot of questions about the morallity of acts. I will try to e-mail some of my notes from different moral theology books concerning sin and culpability.

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

yeah i do have a lot of questions about it. proably because in society today it is very hard to live a moral life.

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Dec 19 2005, 03:47 PM']yeah i do have a lot of questions about it. proably because in society today it is very hard to live a moral life.

From experience, I'd say be very careful about the puritanical streak in SSPX material. :ohno: I'm not saying watching impure TV etc. isn't a sin -- it is, and one must be very careful about sins of the flesh because the generative faculties were affected worst by Original Sin. :(

But scrupulosity is a very dangerous thing to fall into. I personally stopped using anything from SSPX -- there's plenty of good material from other, reliable, orthodox sources.

Catholics have a duty to know their faith, but it's rediculous to say not being able to recite the 10 Commandments and precepts of the Church is a mortal sin. :annoyed: That's a legalistic (i.e. letter of the law, not spirirt: you must be able to do X or it's a mortal sin) view of Catholicism. What's important is that Catholics should read and study their faith regularly. The point is Catholics should read and study the Catechism and other religious/theological/spiritual books regularly.

One's knowledge and love of the Faith should be continually growing, but that doesn't mean you have to rote memorize everything ... true love and knowledge is more than memorization ... it's living the teachings of the Faith ... most importantly charity .... :)

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Extra ecclesiam nulla salus

thanks a lot. yes the sspx seems to pharasitical. (but there missal is very good, and im going to buy their Brevarium Romanum)

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It's never a sin to not know something. However, you might sin by being lazy or indifferent to Church teaching...if you really should know better.

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Dec 19 2005, 06:21 PM']thanks a lot. yes the sspx seems to pharasitical. (but there missal is very good, and im going to buy their Brevarium Romanum)

TheoGrad would know more than most I think. ;)

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Dec 19 2005, 03:28 PM']according to my sspx missal not being able to recite the ten commandments, and precepts of the church is a mortal sin.

is ignorance of catehcism a mortal sin?
If that were the case, little babies and small children would be in mortal sin. . . .

[quote name='TheoGrad07' date='Dec 19 2005, 06:19 PM']From experience, I'd say be very careful about the puritanical streak in SSPX material.  :ohno:  I'm not saying watching impure TV etc. isn't a sin -- it is, and one must be very careful about sins of the flesh because the generative faculties were affected worst by Original Sin. :(

But scrupulosity is a very dangerous thing to fall into.  I personally stopped using anything from SSPX -- there's plenty of good material from other, reliable, orthodox sources.

Catholics have a duty to know their faith, but it's rediculous to say not being able to recite the 10 Commandments and precepts of the Church is a mortal sin.  :annoyed:  That's a legalistic (i.e. letter of the law, not spirirt: you must be able to do X or it's a mortal sin) view of Catholicism.  What's important is that Catholics should read and study their faith regularly.  The point is Catholics should read and study the Catechism and other religious/theological/spiritual books regularly.

One's knowledge and love of the Faith should be continually growing, but that doesn't mean you have to rote memorize everything ... true love and knowledge is more than memorization ... it's living the teachings of the Faith ... most importantly charity .... :)
This is good advice.

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[quote]but that doesn't mean you have to rote memorize everything[/quote]

Rote memorization doesn't work well for me, I don't think.

I think it's highly overrated! It's not real learning!

:P: I hope someone gets that!

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[quote name='Extra ecclesiam nulla salus' date='Dec 19 2005, 02:00 PM']Did I deliberately look at impure TV, videos, plays, pictures or movies? Or deliberately read impure materials?

what exactly does this mean? it seems to be very cloudy?

is it a sin if one doesn't know the ten commandments, and precepts of the church?
Not to sound too crude here, but the main point is: did you watch or read anything for the purpose of masturbation or causing sexual arousal, or anything that you knew would be likely to lead you in that direction?
(Basically porn, or things used that way, even if not considered "porn" by society)

(You don't have to answer, but that's the gist of what you should be asking yourself.)

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