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Bush's face on 911: when he was told

Desert Walker

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Desert Walker

My last posts have been about conspiracy theories that implicate the American government in the 911 attacks, and possibly Bush himself.

But I have recently done more reading into these conspiracy theories and have realized I was too gullible.

But that aside:

We all know very well that Bush is not a good actor. By contrast Clinton is extremely good at acting disengenuously on TV.

Anyway, on September 11, 2001, when that guy leaned in and told Bush that the nation had just been attacked by terrorists, the president sat there. Strange characters like Michael Moore have childishly assumed that this means Bush is feckless and moronic. huh... :yawn:

But Bush's [i]facial expression[/i] is what clues me in to what was on his mind at that moment. He slightly nods his head as he mentally enters into this new situation, a situation that will change the course of history.

I kind of like to think that in that moment he knew that he would make decisions for the [i]engineering[/i] of world peace. He decided that his country would be Chief Engineer.

I'm actually rather happy about such a thing. Read his speeches, especially the last State of the Union. It's obvious his vision is for American economic and geo-political supremacy.

And the question I'm now asking is:

What's wrong with that? :D:

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Church Punk

[quote name='Desert Walker' date='Apr 17 2006, 01:35 PM']
And the question I'm now asking is:

What's wrong with that? :D:

Not everyone in the world is American.

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Desert Walker

True. But that's not a good reason to refrain from modifying the planet according to the vision of the American Founders.

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I also like to think the President didn't want to completely freak out the schoolkids he was visiting.

As far as America changing the world, I say let's start by figuring out how to get our abundant food supplies to people. Then, let's get off this rock and colonize Mars.

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America cannot engineer peace, and certainly, it cannot do it as long as it allows murder to be carried out lawfully. In the same way, Rome could not engineer peace, and it did try. No country can, only God.

God bless,

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Desert Walker

[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Apr 17 2006, 02:00 PM']As far as America changing the world, I say let's start by figuring out how to get our abundant food supplies to people.  Then, let's get off this rock and colonize Mars.
:clapping: :clap: YES! YES!

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"Pease cannot de achieved by force, it can only be achieved by undertanding."
Albert Einstein

Colonizing Mars sounds good, but it would take the cooperation of severals nations to accomplish. Lets say; if all the eoffrots put forth towards guns, war and destruction was to be put towards colonizing Mars - we would have succeeded years ago.

Alas, before such a collosal endeavor is to be seriously undetaken, the world must abosolutely be at peace.

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it is ridiculous to somehow associate Bush's calmness with being amidst a conspiracy and complicit in the action of 911. He was being a leader; if Bush had frantically left the school in haste, there would have been speculation as to his leadership capabilities in being unable to keep calm and cool.

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I did see a look of concern on the President's face, I saw his eyes widen when he heard the news.

Yet again, I guess some would like to have a President who would've screamed and start having a panic attack infront of a bunch of school kids.

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[quote name='Desert Walker' date='Apr 17 2006, 01:35 PM']My last posts have been about conspiracy theories that implicate the American government in the 911 attacks, and possibly Bush himself.

But I have recently done more reading into these conspiracy theories and have realized I was too gullible.

But that aside:

We all know very well that Bush is not a good actor.  By contrast Clinton is extremely good at acting disengenuously on TV.

Anyway, on September 11, 2001, when that guy leaned in and told Bush that the nation had just been attacked by terrorists, the president sat there.  Strange characters like Michael Moore have childishly assumed that this means Bush is feckless and moronic.  huh... :yawn:

But Bush's [i]facial expression[/i] is what clues me in to what was on his mind at that moment.  He slightly nods his head as he mentally enters into this new situation, a situation that will change the course of history.

I kind of like to think that in that moment he knew that he would make decisions for the [i]engineering[/i] of world peace.  He decided that his country would be Chief Engineer.

I'm actually rather happy about such a thing.  Read his speeches, especially the last State of the Union.  It's obvious his vision is for American economic and geo-political supremacy.

And the question I'm now asking is:

What's wrong with that? :D:

He handled the news the way he should have, especially in front of a bunch of kids. He was here in my town when this happened.

When news like that happens anyone who has half a brain will think before they react.

Trying to use his reaction when he learned of the towers for analyzing anything shows a lack of thinking ability.


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Desert Walker

[quote name='ironmonk' date='Apr 18 2006, 09:30 AM']Trying to use his reaction when he learned of the towers for analyzing anything shows a lack of thinking ability.


I agree. I'm also aware that I'm not correctly analyzing anything by my statements. I'm speculating. And I'm not trying to say Bush was responsible for the attack (in case ppl wonder)... <_<

(assuming of course your last post was aimed at me... :scratchhead: )

Edited by Desert Walker
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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Apr 18 2006, 12:32 PM']That's another think wrong with the way liberals think (or don't think)... they react before thinking.
Do you read before posting? What did Desert Walker say to inflame thy conservative ire? Cripes.

Muzzle this boy.

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[quote name='toledo_jesus' date='Apr 18 2006, 12:22 PM']Do you read before posting?  What did Desert Walker say to inflame thy conservative ire?  Cripes. 

Muzzle this boy.

Did I direct that at DW?

No... Think before you post.

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[quote name='ironmonk' date='Apr 18 2006, 11:32 AM']That's another think wrong with the way liberals think (or don't think)... they react before thinking.

For those hard of thinking or were under a rock... This is in reference to all the liberals that where seen all over the news attacking Bush because of his reaction or lack thereof... and how they fail to think before they react.

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