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Protestantism started hundreds of years BEFORE Luther.

Of course Wycliffe isn't on your rolodex, but he should be.

Good man, and Huss too, don't forget him.

They were the precoursers to Luther, and we owe a tremedous debt to them.

AND those corrupt Popes too, without the massive corruption none of this would be happening.

So, in an odd way, your lousy leadership made this all a reality.

THANK YOU bad Popes, thank you.

See, I just gave praise to the Papacy.

Happy New Year, and pray for me on this Holy Day of Obligation.

Just don't do a Hail Mary, I would prefer an Our Father if you would.


Sorry dearie, you get a whole rosary just for you. :D

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I am yet to see that...

it's like driving a car. I choose Ford, but a friend has a Holden...they both do the same job, but the shell is different. There may be differences in the quality of the transmission, motor, paint etc...but they're still cars, and I have NO PROBLEM SWAPPING to the Holden if the Ford stops working, or is in the workshop.

Would somebody say a car is not a "true car" if it was an auto, and the first transmission was manual?

Just some thoughts...

That example can be used to endorse Homosexual marriage, believe it or not. :o

You can use this example...

You have two societies (Bobian and Johnia), who claim to know the answer to a certain question. The question is... "What comes first? Water or Ice?"

Bobian says it's water, which has been proven and believed for so many years. Then the society, named Johnia says others wise... claiming it's snow that comes first. Of course, we all know that (well on this planet anyway), that water comes first. Because ice is made out of FROZEN WATER, and snow is a mix of the two. But believe it or not... there are some people who believe Johnia is right.

Their excuse is, that Bobian's original answer (water) was interpretated wrongly. They claim that it was snow. And further more, the Johnia's claim that the current Bobian society has over the years... fallen away from the "true answer". Saying that the Bobian now say it's ice, not snow.

So you have two societies, who both deal with the same issue and related beliefs... but are obviously different. One is right, one is wrong.

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AND those corrupt Popes too, without the massive corruption none of this would be happening.

So, in an odd way, your lousy leadership made this all a reality.

THANK YOU bad Popes, thank you.

See, I just gave praise to the Papacy.

So by that logic... I should praise the gay Bishop in the Episcopal church for... representing all of Protestantism?

(sarcasm)Thank you, you support gay ordaintion, thank you!(sarcasm)

Have a nice New Year.

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Protestantism started hundreds of years BEFORE Luther.

Of course Wycliffe isn't on your rolodex, but he should be.

Good man, and Huss too, don't forget him.

They were the precoursers to Luther, and we owe a tremedous debt to them.

AND those corrupt Popes too, without the massive corruption none of this would be happening.

So, in an odd way, your lousy leadership made this all a reality.

THANK YOU bad Popes, thank you.

See, I just gave praise to the Papacy.

Happy New Year, and pray for me on this Holy Day of Obligation.

Just don't do a Hail Mary, I would prefer an Our Father if you would.


Of course with your line of thinking we should say thank you to Judas as well.

And I do say thank you to all the Popes good and bad, who in spite of their personal moral failings (which we all have) keep the boat headed in the right direction under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, for the last 2000 years.

And if you want to think about it in a perverse way, if Luther stayed in the Church and had been elected Pope, the Holy Spirit would have stopped all this at the beginning. But Luther did not trust God, and that was his downfall.

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