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Women Priests?


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[quote name='HollyDolly' post='1008142' date='Jun 19 2006, 10:22 AM']
Now the Church did have women deacons at one time,and at www.newadvent.com there should be info on this. i think St.Peter or St.Paul mentions St.Phoebe,who aparently was a deaconess.
they instructed women and children in the faith,assisted at the baptism of women and in other areas dealing with women in the church.
later on i guess abuses crept in ,so the office was done away with.
They still were never [i]ordained[/i] deacons, despite the title.

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Guest JeffCR07

[quote name='thedude' post='1008205' date='Jun 19 2006, 10:38 AM']
They still were never [i]ordained[/i] deacons, despite the title.

Correct, the distinction lies in the fact that the deaconesses were never given (because it is impossible) the Sacrament of Holy Orders. Rather, they fulfilled a specific office in the Church that was necessary at the time and did not require one to be Sacramentally configured to the person of Christ.

Your Brother In Christ,


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[quote name='homeschoolmom' post='1008143' date='Jun 19 2006, 09:23 AM']
Reformed Jews have women rabbis.

And Reconstructionist Jews, IIRC.

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No she wasn't. Those who ordained her had no power to do so. And she was not qualified to recieve the power. God did not confer any ordination. Some will be fooled in to thinking there was. Let us not encourage such thoughs in any way but cut them off at the pass.

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[quote]A bumper sticker on her office door reads “In Goddess We Trust”[/quote]

[quote]“My spiritual journey has been to find the feminine face of God,” she says. “It’s a very important part of my call that God is both male and female and that the female body is sacred, too. I want to represent God at the altar.”[/quote]

She doesn't even sound Christian. She seems like a pagan to me.

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[quote]I value the CDF and it's actions. However, I don't want the Bishop always turning to the CDF everytime a Catholic or group of Catholics in thier diocese does something immoral, illict, invaild or that warrants excommunication. Bishops can handle things like this. When it get out of hand or when dissidents want to go over the head of the Bishop, then go to the CDF.

Of course, the CDF does much more than this. Clarifications and etc.[/quote]

Keep in mind Pittsburgh doesn't have an official bishop, just a temporary bishop, so that may be a reson for the CDF to step in.

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[quote name='KatS' post='1008410' date='Jun 19 2006, 04:15 PM']
She doesn't even sound Christian. She seems like a pagan to me.


Neopaganism is not all Wiccans and Druids. The reason that the "DaVinci Code" garbage sells so well is that it supports what many already would prefer to believe. The attempt to co-opt the Church's mechanisms in order to spread Pagan beliefs is not a new strategy.

To quote St. Padre Pio: "It's from the Devil".

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The Vatican has released statements and where quite frank, it is just that the evil media does not report the full story.

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[quote]Keep in mind Pittsburgh doesn't have an official bishop, just a temporary bishop, so that may be a reson for the CDF to step in.[/quote]


Oh yeah, I forgot about that. :lol: Bishop Wuerl is now in DC. :lol:

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More eloquently stated than my post:

Just as a priest cannot consecrate the Eucharist if he uses something other than unleavened wheat bread and wine from grapes, so too a bishop cannot confer Holy Orders on anyone other than a baptized man. Because the sacrament of Holy Orders can only be received by a baptized man, no sacramental ordination took place for the women now claiming to be ordained bishops. Nor have the women who are alleged to be ordained at the upcoming event been accepted by the Church as they do not meet essential criteria for the ordained priesthood as found in the Deposit of Faith.

Amen brother.

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