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Kneeling after communion


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Hey Kateri, I use to live in L.A. (now I'm 50 miles form it)
I after reciving the Communion my family usually kneels and prays during that time.
Did that help any? :)

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you are allowed to kneel [b]as soon as you return to your seat[/b]. this has been clarified in two separate dubiums. the problem is, most people aren't aware of them. here they are:

[b]Dubium:[/b] In many places, the faithful are accustomed to kneeling or sitting in personal prayer upon returning to their places after having individually received Holy Communion during Mass. Is it the intention of the Missale Romanum, editio typica tertia, to forbid this practice?

[b]Responsum:[/b] [i]Negative, et ad mentem[/i]. The mens is that the prescription of the Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani, no. 43, is intended, on the one hand, to ensure within broad limits a certain uniformity of posture within the congregation for the various parts of the celebration of Holy Mass, and on the other, to not regulate posture rigidly in such a way that those who wish to kneel or sit would no longer be free.

In the implementation of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal, therefore, posture should not be regulated so rigidly as to forbid individual communicants from kneeling or sitting when returning from having received Holy Communion.

1. Is it the case that the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, by No. 43 of the Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani, intends to prohibit the faithful from kneeling during any part of the Mass except during the Consecration, that is, to prohibit the faithful from kneeling after the Agnus Dei and following the reception of Holy Communion?

[b]Resp.:[/b] [i]Negative.[/i]

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[quote name='Christie_M' post='1013630' date='Jun 27 2006, 09:39 PM']
Hey Kateri, I use to live in L.A. (now I'm 50 miles form it)
I after reciving the Communion my family usually kneels and prays during that time.
Did that help any? :)

lol, not really :) i know i'm allowed to, i just needed to see documentation :P:

but thanks :D:

and thanks phat, the usccb is a good one cuz i'm sure ewtn would be too orthodox a website ;) :rolleyes:

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[quote name='kateri05' post='1014188' date='Jun 28 2006, 09:41 PM']
lol, not really :) i know i'm allowed to, i just needed to see documentation :P:

but thanks :D:
and thanks phat, the usccb is a good one cuz i'm sure ewtn would be too orthodox a website ;) :rolleyes:
it [b][i]was written[/i][/b] by the prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments. it shouldn't matter where its hosted.....

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I lived in the archdiocese of L.A. for a couple of years and never noticed any uniformity aboutwhat people did after communion. Of course i was kneeling with my eyes closed :P: so who knows?

I'm sorry you were treated so uncharitably. The MC is a Host? I thought Jesus Christ was.



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oh it was written by the prefect? well nevermind then :blush: i won't mention EWTN, i'll just mention the author

thanks again pham, i really appreciate it :love:

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[quote name='kateri05' post='1014775' date='Jun 29 2006, 08:55 PM']
oh it was written by the prefect? well nevermind then :blush: i won't mention EWTN, i'll just mention the author

thanks again pham, i really appreciate it :love:
a response to a dubium is always written by a representative of one of the various Congregations of the Church. if you click on the link that was provided with each one, you can see a little bit of the context of the exchange.

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[quote name='hugheyforlife' post='1012046' date='Jun 25 2006, 07:45 PM']stand? really? i kneel from the time we kneel when the gifts are at the altar until we stand for the final blessing. :idontknow:

it always amazes me that people sit during the sacred silence. standing or kneeling... i prefer kneeling. ((we don't stand while people receive - of course we also kneel at an altar rail...))[/quote]

FYI, GIRM #43 - [the faithful] may sit or kneel while the period of sacred silence after Communion is observed.

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[quote name='kateri05' post='1012011' date='Jun 25 2006, 05:11 PM']i lectored for the first time today at my new parish and i got reemed out by the lay MC for kneeling after everyone had received communion thru the sacred silence. he said that we HAVE to stand until the priest sits following purification and then we HAVE to sit (ie kneeling is never an option - lol he also said that what the pastor says is the law, it doesn't matter what the pope says :pinch: , nevermind that i never referenced the pope, but i was just like uhhh :mellow: i'm not aruging with you about the GIRM in the sacristry after mass, sorry!)

now, in my archdiocese, our cardinal has said that we must stand after the Agnus Dei but the GIRM also says
its an issue because lectors are stuck sitting on the altar :rolleyes:

the GIRM simply says "sacred silence" so i am trying to determine when that begins? after i have received communion, after all have received communion or after hte priest sits down following his purification of vessels?

for uniformity of posture, i thought i had heard after all had received but i can't find a source for that; does anyone have one?

must i stand (please say no :sadder: ) in submission to... i dont even know. apparently the pastor.... cuz i don't know if this comes from mahoney or not....[/quote]

The GIRM adaptation for the dioceses of the US clarifies that "the faithful should kneel after the [i][/i]Agnus Dei[i][/i] unless the diocesan bishop determines otherwise." My pastor's thoughts on this: "Those who want to stand, stand. Those who want to kneel, kneel."

While a common posture is mean to be a sign of unity and foster intention and spiritual attitudes, it seems in real life to only divide and irritate people who think that their posutre is most suitable.

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[quote name='Mercy' post='1014750' date='Jun 29 2006, 05:01 PM']Hi,

I lived in the archdiocese of L.A. for a couple of years and never noticed any uniformity aboutwhat people did after communion. Of course i was kneeling with my eyes closed :P: so who knows?

I'm sorry you were treated so uncharitably. The MC is a Host? I thought Jesus Christ was.


Jesus Christ is Risen!

This whole thread makes me desire, and see the need for,all the more, the Moto Propriu!!


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[quote name='EJames' post='1253696' date='Apr 22 2007, 09:39 PM']Jesus Christ is Risen!

This whole thread makes me desire, and see the need for,all the more, the Moto Propriu!!


How would a document dealing with the permission to celebrate a separate rite of Mass solve the issue of kneeling vs. standing in the Pauline rite? If your goal is to eliminate the current normative Mass, then I think you'll need a few more documents to do that.

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The Tridentine Rite is not an entirely "separate" rite. The lines are blurry, but technically the Pauline Rite is supposed to be a mere development of the Tridentine Rite, making them both the same Roman Rite; and thus, the presence of the Classical form of this selfsame Rite should influence the current form in some way (but not vice-versa, Ecclesia Dei Afflicta is very clear that the Classical Rite is to be preserved in its form as it was in 1962) it's like a reference-point to which to compare our current liturgies to derive insight about which traditions can be applied to the current form of the right to preserve its sacredness. I do believe a major portion of the liturgist's job when he comes to some crossroads of multiple options, unclear directives, and just most overall decisions should be "what did they do in the Old Rite and how can I preserve the sense of worship that was derived from that?" ie, whereas the Old Rite legislated much more strictly, what was legislated strictly before should be the reference point to what direction any possible option should lead towards. there should never be an innovation which outright directly contradicts the sense intended by the old strict legislation, even if you're not bound to follow the old strict legislation to the t.

That said, I think this person was just indicating that he will join the segment of the Catholic faithful who worship in the Classical Rite and are not forced to deal with these specific problems. And this is their right: for the Vatican has made clear on several occasions that the faithful have the right to the proper celebration of the Liturgy, they have no obligation to go to places and try to correct abuses. Some people should be working on fixing abuses and making the masses more solemn and reverent, but some people (I think especially of those who have families they wish to raise in the Traditional Catholic Faith) are perfectly justified in fleeing to where they find a reverent atmosphere.

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[quote]That said, I think this person was just indicating that he will join the segment of the Catholic faithful who worship in the Classical Rite and are not forced to deal with these specific problems. And this is their right: for the Vatican has made clear on several occasions that the faithful have the right to the proper celebration of the Liturgy, they have no obligation to go to places and try to correct abuses. Some people should be working on fixing abuses and making the masses more solemn and reverent, but some people (I think especially of those who have families they wish to raise in the Traditional Catholic Faith) are perfectly justified in fleeing to where they find a reverent atmosphere.[/quote]

AMEN! Amen !AMen!

Edited by EJames
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