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Protestants and Contraception


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But for that one has to be really careful. Then it can get into I can't afford a child because I would rather.. something else. I know a family who voted. (two boys and the parents) whether to get a satelite dish and new television or have another baby. The mother was the only one who wanted the baby.

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Yep. That's why I kinda belive that the Amish were right. All these new gadgets makes us belive and think that acquiring material items are more important than children. That children become a burden instead of a blessing because we are more focused on buying things for that child, instead of raising a God fearing individual for God's glory.

So sitiuations like the one you stated will occur. People will rather pick things instead of children, humanites greatest resource. There is a movie coming out that talks about humans not being able to reproduce any more, and because of this chaos insues.


Sometimes I believe that we should go back to an agrarian society where families are more nuclear. We know what in the world we are eating and putting in our bodies, more of us will be in shape, and it would be a healthier place. Modern society has made us lazy, and when I listen to the song In the Year 2525, I can imagine us becoming that way.

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[quote name='desertwoman' post='1049997' date='Aug 24 2006, 09:52 PM']
Well, I can only give my opinion as to why many Protestants use contraceptives. I guess its cause we are Americanized and modernized to the highest degree. What I mean by this is the aspect of being able to afford to have a child. The couple more than likely wants a child, but can't afford to have the child at the time, so they will use contraceptives. This is just my theory as to why we use contraceptives and dont see it as evil.
[/quote]This is very close to the reasoning that the Church of England used when it became the first religious body to approve use of contraception in "hardship cases" back in (I believe this is the correct year) 1930. And at that time, all Protestant denominations in the United States actually denounced this decision quite vigorously. I'll post more on the history of contraception and the sexual revolution tomorrow evening after my exam.

It's interesting to note how this line of reasoning, as seemingly innocent and considerate as some thought it was at its inception, is what opened the door to the large-scale demeaning of life that surrounds us today. That's how the culture of death always shrouds their intentions, behind a mask of concern, as they try to drag human beings down to the level of mere animals.

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Also, if you ask kids from bigger families, most of them pity kids from smaller families. Most don't feel like they missed out on alot because they didn't have as much stuff.

I'll admit, sometimes, it is hard not to envy a friend who can shop and not worry about having to save their money to buy... toilet paper at college. :lol:

But I'd rather have my siblings.

Edited by missionseeker
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