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The Red Cross Ambulance Incident


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I love how you always think you're right. And how you pick out one comment in an entire article and twist it to prove a point. Or how you think because one single bad act was commited, it allows you to assume that more will follow (we all know what assuming makes you look like). You know what, I met a guy like you once, who believed that the world was all a conspiracy against him, and there was no way to change his mind, so until you can admit one little loss instead of justifying your losses with war crimes from YEARS ago, I won't even bother. All I can say is that it's ironic you hate the faith your religion is based upon. lol. :blink:

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It's people like you that bring war to this world.

Hating so much you think other hate you when they don't.
Unwilling to forgive.
Letting hate blind you to truth.

When you live to hate, hate is all you bring to yourself and bring to others.

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[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1051859' date='Aug 27 2006, 11:16 PM']
All I can say is that it's ironic you hate the faith your religion is based upon.

What faith is that? The Talmudic and Kaballistic "faith" of the rabbis which has been eternally condemned by the Catholic Church? The faith that ridicules my Lord and His Blessed Mother and which claims that He got what He deserved when He was executed?

That, michaelismycn, is most certainly [i]not[/i] the "faith" my religion is based upon.

[quote name='Anomaly' post='1051865' date='Aug 27 2006, 11:23 PM']
It's people like you that bring war to this world.[/quote]

No, Anomaly. It's people who steal land, ethnically cleanse indigenous people through terrorism, demolish houses, bomb civilian areas, etc., all in accordance with their racial supremacist beliefs, that bring war to the world.

It's rather absurd to claim that people who protest these injustices, like myself, are the cause of them.

[quote name='Anomaly' post='1051865' date='Aug 27 2006, 11:23 PM']Hating so much you think other hate you when they don't.
Unwilling to forgive.
Letting hate blind you to truth.

When you live to hate, hate is all you bring to yourself and bring to others.

You really may have a future as a propagandist for the ADL. Here's their contact info:


That is, if you don't already have it ; )

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[quote name='stephen' post='1051944' date='Aug 27 2006, 10:55 PM']
No, Anomaly. It's people who steal land, ethnically cleanse indigenous people through terrorism, demolish houses, bomb civilian areas, etc., all in accordance with their racial supremacist beliefs, that bring war to the world.

It's rather absurd to claim that people who protest these injustices, like myself, are the cause of them.
You really may have a future as a propagandist for the ADL. Here's their contact info:


That is, if you don't already have it ; )
[/quote]I doubt they'd take my application. I think their tactic of destroying infrastructure is a wrong move. (Though not a COWARDLY as hiding behind woment and children.)
You aren't 'protesting injustice', you are defending terrorist acts.

I've got a question, where did the Jews live in 40 BC? Who's land is Jerusalem? How did the 'Muslim/Arabs' come to occupy it?

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Hahaha Stephen, I have no idea where you get some of the stuff you come up with. What faith? hahaha. Ummm.... maybe I should remind you that JESUS was a JEW. Ooops. Oh no, did I just let out a huge secret? NO. Didn't He say to obey those in authority, and to follow the rabbi's example in practicing and maintaining faith? I would like some evidence on that damnation that the Jews will receive. Where does the Church say that? Also, does that mean you hate messianic Jews? (which, by the way, are very, very close to Catholicism) Cause if you ask me, they aren't that bad off. Chosen ones who believe in Jesus. If I wasn't Catholic--that's what I would try to be.

p.s. for your info (if you didn't know), almost all of our tradition in the Catholic Church comes from Judaism. If you were to ever walk into a synagogue, you would find the service eerily close to a Catholic mass.

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If you cannot present your views in a respectable fashioin, your views will never be respected.

I agree with hot stuff here, all you do is re-hash some propaganda and insults if anything to the discussion. How old are you anyways?

What has happened in Lebanon and Israel in the last month or so is the story of a thousand tragedies. I pray that the UN will suceed in creating a peace, though fragile as it will be, and stop the killings from both sides.

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[quote name='Anomaly' post='1052039' date='Aug 28 2006, 09:48 AM']
I doubt they'd take my application. I think their tactic of destroying infrastructure is a wrong move. [/quote]

It's good that you recognize the destruction of civilian infrastructure as a crime.

What about the innocents, particularly women and children being killed? Any thoughts about them?

[quote name='Anomaly' post='1052039' date='Aug 28 2006, 09:48 AM'] (Though not a COWARDLY as hiding behind woment and children.)[/quote]

"Hiding behind women and children" that the Israelis don't hesitate to kill, right? If I was hiding from Israeli missiles and bombs, the last place I'd hide is behind an Arab child. It's the worst form of cover one could choose.

[quote name='Anomaly' post='1052039' date='Aug 28 2006, 09:48 AM'] You aren't 'protesting injustice', you are defending terrorist acts.[/quote]

Given that I have, in fact, protested the killing of innocents and not defended any terrorist act, I think it's safe to ignore this nonsense.

[quote name='Anomaly' post='1052039' date='Aug 28 2006, 09:48 AM'] I've got a question, where did the Jews live in 40 BC? [/quote]

You mean 2046 years ago? I wonder who occupied the land your home is built upon back then.

[quote name='Anomaly' post='1052039' date='Aug 28 2006, 09:48 AM'] Who's land is Jerusalem? [/quote]

Until the Jews come to God in obedience and humbly accept their Messiah, Jesus Christ, the land cannot be occupied by them. This is God's Word. I'm just relaying the message.

Deuteronomy 4:25-27. [i]"When you ... do that which is evil ... you shall surely perish quickly from the land ... And the Lord will scatter you among the peoples." [/i]

I will suggest that the world upheaval we see today that has come as a result of the Zionist movement which is in complete opposition to God's will.

[quote name='Anomaly' post='1052039' date='Aug 28 2006, 09:48 AM'] How did the 'Muslim/Arabs' come to occupy it?

God expelled the disobedient Jews from Jerusalem and allowed the Temple to be destroyed as punishment for their apostacy and rejection of the Messiah, Jesus Christ. The Jews were exiled to other lands since that time. This was God's will. God allowed other people to occupy the land in the 2000 years after.

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[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1052124' date='Aug 28 2006, 01:33 PM']
Hahaha Stephen, I have no idea where you get some of the stuff you come up with. What faith? hahaha. [/quote]

I get it from the Talmud and Kabbalah of rabbinic Judaism. I suggest you look into it. It's chock full of blasphemy against Christ and His Blessed Mother and hatred for Christians. That is not the "faith" that my religion is based upon.

Laugh it up if you like. Ignorance is bliss, they say..

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1052124' date='Aug 28 2006, 01:33 PM'] Ummm.... maybe I should remind you that JESUS was a JEW. Ooops. Oh no, did I just let out a huge secret? [/quote]

That's not a secret. And I haven't denied it. My question to you is what does Christ's lineage have to do with the anti-Christ religion of rabbinic Judaism?

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1052124' date='Aug 28 2006, 01:33 PM'] NO. Didn't He say to obey those in authority, and to follow the rabbi's example in practicing and maintaining faith? [/quote]

Yes, and my authority is the Catholic Church, not the rabbis of Pharisaic Judaism.

And Christ also told us to beware of the doctrine of the Pharisees. That is exactly what I am doing.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1052124' date='Aug 28 2006, 01:33 PM'] I would like some evidence on that damnation that the Jews will receive. Where does the Church say that? [/quote]

What does this have to do what anything I've written? I'd prefer to stay somewhat on track here. We've gone from Israeli attacks on ambulances to the destruction of the Temple 2000 years ago. That's covering a lot of ground.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1052124' date='Aug 28 2006, 01:33 PM'] Also, does that mean you hate messianic Jews? (which, by the way, are very, very close to Catholicism) Cause if you ask me, they aren't that bad off. Chosen ones who believe in Jesus. If I wasn't Catholic--that's what I would try to be. [/quote]

I don't hate anyone. I do have problems with some people's beliefs and actions.

As for Messianic Jews, they may believe Christ to be the Messiah, but their racial pride, which is the greatest stumbling block as the Bible records, seems to be intact. I'll leave it to God to judge, however. In any case, they practice a false religion which is not at all close to Catholicism as you suggest.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1052124' date='Aug 28 2006, 01:33 PM'] p.s. for your info (if you didn't know), almost all of our tradition in the Catholic Church comes from Judaism. If you were to ever walk into a synagogue, you would find the service eerily close to a Catholic mass.

This is patently false. The Catholic religion is founded in the Biblical religion of the faithful Israelites.

The religion practiced in the synagogues today is rabbinic Judaism which descends from the condemned "tradition of the elders," the tradition of the Pharisees who conspired against and executed Christ; the Pharisees of whom Christ told us to beware of their false doctrine.

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Thank you for presenting me with the opportunity to dispel some myths.

First of all, the religion of 99% of religious "Jews" living today is not the Old Testament religion of the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. No, the religion practiced in synagogues today called, "Judaism" is [i]rabbinic Judaism[/i]--the religion of the Pharisees; the nullification of the religion of the Old Testament.

[quote]"This is not an uncommon impression and one finds it sometimes among Jews as well as Christians - that Judaism is the religion of the Hebrew Bible. It is, of course, a fallacious impression ... Judaism is not the religion of the Bible" ( Rabbi Ben Zion Bokser, Judaism and the Christian Predicament, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1967, p. 59).[/quote]

[quote]"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without a break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees.

"Their leading ideas and methods found expression in a literature of enormous extent, of which a very great deal is still in existence. The Talmud is the largest and most important single member of that literature, and round it are gathered a number of Midrashim, partly legal (Halachic) and partly works of edification (Haggadic). This literature, in its oldest elements, goes back to a time before the beginning of the Common Era, and comes down into the Middle Ages. Through it all run the lines of thought which were first drawn by the Pharisees, and the study of it is essential for any real understanding of Pharisaism." (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. 3 pg. 474)[/quote]

[quote]“Pharisaism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became Modern Rabbinism. But throughout these changes of name, inevitable adaptation of custom, and adjustment of Law, the spirit of the ancient Pharisee survives unaltered”. ( Rabbi Dr. Finkelstein, The Pharisees: The Sociological Background of Their Faith, pg. xxi)[/quote]

So it is well established that the "Judaism" of today--rabbinic Judaism--is the tradition of the Pharisees perpetuated by the rabbis and not the religion of the Old Testament.

What does our Lord, Jesus Christ tell us about the traditions and doctrines of the Pharisees:

[quote]"Take heed and beware of the leaven of the Pharisees and Sadducees... Then they understood that he said not that they should beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and Sadducees." Mark 16: 6;12)[/quote]

[quote]"Then came to him from Jerusalem scribes and Pharisees, saying: Why do thy disciples transgress the tradition of the ancients? ... But he answering, said to them: Why do you also transgress the commandment of God for your tradition? ... Hypocrites, well hath Isaias prophesied of you, saying: This people honoureth me with their lips: but their heart is far from me. And in vain do they worship me, teaching doctrines and commandments of men." (Matthew 15: 1; 3; 7-9)[/quote]

[quote]"And he said to them: Well do you make void the commandment of God, that you may keep your own tradition... Making void the word of God by your own tradition, which you have given forth. And many other such like things you do." (Mark 7: 9; 13)[/quote]

[quote]"For if you did believe Moses, you would perhaps believe me also; for he wrote of me. But if you do not believe his writings, how will you believe my words?" (John 5: 46-47)[/quote]

So, our Lord Jesus Christ tells us to beware the man-made doctrine of the Pharisees. Jesus tells us that the tradition of the Pharisees makes void God's Word. He tells us that the Pharisees worship in vain. He says that the hearts of the Pharisees are far from Him, and He cuts the Pharisees off from the Old Testament Patriarchs stating that they can't believe Moses without also believing in Him.

This is the tradition of rabbinic Judaism--the Pharisaic tradition wholly condemned by Christ; the tradition of the Pharisees who executed Christ. A tradition which to this day maintains that Christ deserved to be executed because He challenged the hypocrisy of the Pharisees. Rabbinic Judaism most certainly is not the root of the Christian faith.

The faithful Patriarchs of the Old Testament are the root of the Christian faith, they whom Jesus said the Pharisees could not believe because they did not believe on Him.

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[quote name='stephen' post='1051444' date='Aug 27 2006, 01:02 AM']
Sure I have. I've shown that it doesn't matter whether a missile made the hole in the roof or not.

And I'm not obligated to address your propaganda to begin with. What concerns me is Israeli war crimes.
I've demonstrated conclusively that the Israelis attack ambulances filled with innocent women and children. If you believe that to be "anti-semitic," that's your problem.

I've shown the quote where the ambulance driver said he was hit by a rocket, not machine gun fire. The hole in the roof is supposed to be caused by it.

The hole was actually a vent
There is no fire damage consistant with a rocket attack.

its all made up, along with a lot of other propoganda made up by hezbollah.

Deal with it stephen. You got nothing

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[quote name='hot stuff' post='1052330' date='Aug 28 2006, 08:20 PM']
I've shown the quote where the ambulance driver said he was hit by a rocket, not machine gun fire. The hole in the roof is supposed to be caused by it. [/quote]

How would the ambulance driver know what caused the vent to be blown off if he was inside the ambulance driving it at the time? The driver probably assumed it was a rocket or missile based upon the fact that the Israelis have hit ambulances with missiles in the past.

[quote name='hot stuff' post='1052330' date='Aug 28 2006, 08:20 PM']The hole was actually a vent
There is no fire damage consistant with a rocket attack. [/quote]

Who cares whether a rocket or automatic weapons were used? An attack on an ambulance is an attack on an ambulance.

[quote name='hot stuff' post='1052330' date='Aug 28 2006, 08:20 PM']its all made up, along with a lot of other propoganda made up by hezbollah. [/quote]

Now wait a minute there. It's quite a leap to get from the vent not being hit by a missile, which has not been proven as far as I'm concerned, to the whole thing being made up despite the obvious strafing by automatic gunfire. Not that you'd ever make such a leap in the course of your Zionist apologetics.

[quote name='hot stuff' post='1052330' date='Aug 28 2006, 08:20 PM']Deal with it stephen. You got nothing

I've proven conclusively that the Israelis attack ambulances, killing the innocent people inside them.

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[quote name='stephen' post='1052157' date='Aug 28 2006, 03:02 PM']
I get it from the Talmud and Kabbalah of rabbinic Judaism. I suggest you look into it. It's chock full of blasphemy against Christ and His Blessed Mother and hatred for Christians. That is not the "faith" that my religion is based upon.

Laugh it up if you like. Ignorance is bliss, they say..[/quote]

Ok. Whatever. Ignorance by whom? You have your opinion, I have mine.

[quote]That's not a secret. And I haven't denied it. My question to you is what does Christ's lineage have to do with the anti-Christ religion of rabbinic Judaism?[/quote]

Because while you quoted some scripture saying to beware the pharisees, there is other scripture that says to obey what they tell you.

[quote]Yes, and my authority is the Catholic Church, not the rabbis of Pharisaic Judaism.[/quote]

Which takes it's authority and tradition from the apostles, and Jesus himself, all of whom practiced the Jewish faith that you condemn.

[quote]And Christ also told us to beware of the doctrine of the Pharisees. That is exactly what I am doing.
What does this have to do what anything I've written? I'd prefer to stay somewhat on track here. We've gone from Israeli attacks on ambulances to the destruction of the Temple 2000 years ago. That's covering a lot of ground.
I don't hate anyone. I do have problems with some people's beliefs and actions. [/quote]

You were the one that said that Jews are damned to hell.

[quote]As for Messianic Jews, they may believe Christ to be the Messiah, but their racial pride, which is the greatest stumbling block as the Bible records, seems to be intact. I'll leave it to God to judge, however. In any case, they practice a false religion which is not at all close to Catholicism as you suggest.
This is patently false. The Catholic religion is founded in the Biblical religion of the faithful Israelites.[/quote]

Racial pride?? hahaha. We, as Catholics, could be accused of that, because we believe we have the fullness of truth, and alot of us Catholics condemn others just because of that. Leave God to judge, huh? Haven't you already done that for Him?

[quote]The religion practiced in the synagogues today is rabbinic Judaism which descends from the condemned "tradition of the elders," the tradition of the Pharisees who conspired against and executed Christ; the Pharisees of whom Christ told us to beware of their false doctrine.
The same elders that Christ told God, "Forgive them, for they know not what they do." It is our job as Catholics and christians to help others become aware of wrong, and not to accuse and condemn them.

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[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1052549' date='Aug 29 2006, 12:30 AM']

Because while you quoted some scripture saying to beware the pharisees, there is other scripture that says to obey what they tell you. [/quote]


My dear man. I am well aware of the ANACHRONISTIC scripture to which you allude, Matthew 23;2, where Jesus tells [i]His disciples[/i] that the Pharisees sit in Moses seat and to therefore do what they [i]say[/i]. But He also said they were hypocrites, therefore, He said [i]do not[/i] as they do.

[i]Upon the chair of Moses have sitten the Scribes and Pharisees. All things therefore whatsoever they shall say to you, observe ye and do ye: [b]but according to their works do ye not[/b], for they say and do not. [/i] (Matthew 23;2-3)

But any Catholic will tell you that since the time of Christ's death and glorious ressurection, [i]the Pope[/i] sits in Moses' seat. So this begs the question, what is your point? You're not suggesting that Catholics should do what the modern day Pharisees of rabbinic Judaism--who most certainly [i]do not[/i] sit in Moses' seat--say? Are you? I want to be perfectly clear on your meaning here.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1052549' date='Aug 29 2006, 12:30 AM'] Which takes it's authority and tradition from the apostles, and Jesus himself, all of whom practiced the Jewish faith that you condemn. [/quote]

I've demonstrated very, very clearly that the religion which the Apostles and our Lord practiced prior to His death and resurrection is NOT the same religion which is practiced in synagogues and called "Judaism" today, not by any stretch of the imagination.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1052549' date='Aug 29 2006, 12:30 AM'] You were the one that said that Jews are damned to hell. [/quote]

This is the second time that you've attempted to put these words [i]that you've dreamt up[/i] in my mouth.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1052549' date='Aug 29 2006, 12:30 AM']Racial pride?? hahaha. [/quote]

Yes, racial pride. The racial pride condemned by the prophet Isaiah, St. Paul, God the Father and Christ Himself throughout scripture.

[quote name='michaelismycn' post='1052549' date='Aug 29 2006, 12:30 AM'] We, as Catholics, could be accused of that, because we believe we have the fullness of truth, and alot of us Catholics condemn others just because of that. [/quote]

Many Catholics appear to be puffed up with pride, but none of them seem to base their religious pride in their race. This is a Judaic tendency, from what I observe and from what scripture states.

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