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Hundreds Of Condoms Given Out To Teens In Safe Sex Drive


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Scottish church leaders have condemned a local program handing out over 1,000 free condoms per week to children under the age of 16, saying that it makes sex as easy as having a pizza.

A total of 53,638 free condoms were issued to 13 to 15 year olds in Edinburgh as part of a controversial safe sex programme in the Lothians, the Scotsman reports.

The confidential C:card service hands out contraception to children as young as 13 at youth clubs and other venues on condition youngsters talk to an adviser about safe sex.

The service was today praised as a crucial way of protecting youngsters from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections, amid rising rates of teenage pregnancy and chlamydia in the region.

Meanwhile, Zenit reports that the January issue of the World Youth Day 2008 E-pilgrimage newsletter is focusing on giving a positive message about sex.

On the front page of this month's E-pilgrimage, Sydney Auxiliary Bishop Anthony Fisher asks, "Is sex just a recreational activity? Is the body just a product to be bought and sold? Do I have to be sexually active in order to be really happy? What is the meaning of this kind of 'body language'?"

"There are many voices in the modern world that overestimate the importance of sex -- as if no-one could be happy who had not had sex in the last few hours -- or trivialize or underestimate its power -- as if it were no more humanly significant than any other bodily function," Bishop Fisher writes.

"But deep down most people know the body, sexuality and fertility are precious and important things which can be used to express some of the noblest things about human relationships, or which can be used instead to hurt and exploit," he adds.

This month's issue of E-pilgrimage explores various ways that "this very positive message about human bodily life and love have been expressed in the Catholic tradition - right back to the Song of Songs in the Bible through to Pope Benedict XVI's recent encyclical 'God is Love.'"

The eight-page newsletter also includes a prayerful reading of the Song of Songs and a biography of the first married couple to be beatified together.


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[size=1]Sex is as easy as making pizza????????????
I dont think Ill ever eat pizza again...

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i dont see whats so bad, they are going to have sex anyways, whether it is protected or not. if you thin with holding condoms will make people stop, it wont but it will make it more hazardous. and i know the arguments against birth control of any kind, but seriously now how many of you would rather see a pregnant 13 yr old girl with an STD than a healthy one? either way he/she would probably be having sex anyways.

i do believe in telling people to abstain, but i am not naive enough to think that it will work with everyone. and i think it is horrible that people are having sex, protected or not, at that age.

Edited by Jesus_lol
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So you don't see how giving out tons of condoms ENCOURAGES underage sexual behavior? I mean, I would bet that less than half of these people who you dismiss as would be having sex "anyway" would be having sex if it wasn't so darn EASY as the culture and everyone else encourages it to no end.

Condoms are in fact one of the driving forces behind abortion because they do encourage promiscuous behavior and, guess what, they don't always work. They encourage us to treat sex like recreation when its NOT. This also does not help us view the baby in ANY good light and when you have an unintended consequence of sex like a baby the only thing to do then according to the culture is have an abortion and get rid of it. Condoms do not help anyone.

I mean, these are LITTLE KIDS, basically. Under 15. they shouldn't even be having sex in the first place!! The only reason they do is because of this culture that encourages sexual behavior and says that "well, they're going to anyway, so lets make it as easy as possible". That whole mentality is ridiculous.

Edited by Kosh
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Not to mention that I'm sure that they don't even THINK about mentioning the psychological things that go along with having sex in their "safe sex" talks.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1167670' date='Jan 17 2007, 12:11 AM']
how many of you would rather see a pregnant 13 yr old girl with an STD than a healthy one? either way he/she would probably be having sex anyways.

Why eat Taco Bell if someone invites you to dinner at Morton's? She and her husband could give each other the gift of virginity on their marriage night.

The real issue isn't pregnancy and STDs, but the spiritual and psychological damage that will be done. Since most people don't marry until their late 20s, you're looking at over a decade of sexual activity before marriage... that's a lot of emotional baggage. Of course, that kind of baggage and the lack of respect for sex (which is intended to unite a couple in marriage) only causes more divorce and then you've got more kids in single-parent households who grow up feeling unloved. And guess where they go looking for the love they don't receive between their parents? Around 13 or 14, they start having sex.... rinse, repeat.

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[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1167946' date='Jan 16 2007, 11:04 PM']
Why eat Taco Bell if someone invites you to dinner at Morton's?

I'm not going to take offense at that because I work at Taco Bell.. because I honestly don't blame anyone who eats at better places than Taco Bell. :cool:

Anyway, the first condoms I got my hands on were given to me at a concert by this band who was sponsored by Trojan, a major condom company. Needless to say, I learned [in a somewhat hard way] that sex is not just a recreational activity and that it needs to be something valued between two people. It kills me every time I hear about my best friend and her boyfriend having sex all the time.. but hey, at least they're using condoms. *rolls eyes*
Especially from my point of view, sex is abused, in part, because of the availability of condoms and the Pill.
It makes me sad.

[I'm sorry that this was a very unorganized post and what not.]

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Guest Rick777

[quote name='cappie' post='1167247' date='Jan 16 2007, 05:10 PM']
The confidential C:card service hands out contraception to children as young as 13 at youth clubs and other venues on condition youngsters talk to an adviser about safe sex.

Talk about culture of death. Christ have mercy. :sadwalk:

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I live in the Uk and free condoms are just the tip of the iceberg here. Underage children are able to get prescribed the pill or morning-after-pill, along with other forms of contraception, get pregnancy or STI testing and even get abortions without their parents even being told. The only criteria for performing a 'secret' abortion on a child under 16 without the parents' knowledge is that the doctor thinks it would be in the best interests of the child - which may just be that they think they'll get in trouble! I would be heartbroken if my daughter had an abortion even when she is older than 16, but the idea of any child going through something like that without any support from their family is absolutely horrific to me. I do understand that in some rare cases (if the child is a victim of physical or sexual abuse, say) telling the parents would not be the best course of action but they should be just that - rare. It is ridiculous that in this country (England) they cannot even give my child a dose of cough mixture without my permission but they can perform an abortion on her without my knowledge! Sorry to go on but you have touched a raw nerve here, and this is not just something that is a principle on paper - it has actually happened!

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I really think that saying "teens will do it anyway" when it comes to extramarital sex is a slap in the face of teens. When I heard it as a teen, i thought "gee, thanks for the vote of confidence". I think a better guarantee of "safe sex" would be abstinence and chastity education based on Catholic principles.

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[quote name='Staretz' post='1168007' date='Jan 17 2007, 04:46 AM']
I really think that saying "teens will do it anyway" when it comes to extramarital sex is a slap in the face of teens. When I heard it as a teen, i thought "gee, thanks for the vote of confidence". I think a better guarantee of "safe sex" would be abstinence and chastity education based on Catholic principles.

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Since we are going with the principle "they are going to do it anyway" lets hand out guns and fast cars to all our teens when they turn 13.

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whoa. ok i am an eighteen year old, i am a virgin and i dont plan on having sex until im married. (things happen, but i want to wait)
i am ok with other people having extra marital sex but i think that , like drinking it should at the very least wait until you are fully mature, the fact that 13 yr olds are having sex sickens me. heck, no one knows what they want at that age. i wish people would at least wait until they are older or married, but in my opinion there is somethings that you just cant change. drugs are illegal and dangerous, but some people still do them. underage drinking is bad for you and illegal but it still happens.
restricting something may stop some people or at least make them think hard about what they are doing, but you cant make everyone change.

and with the they are going to do it anyways thing, do you think if there was no airbags or seatbelts in cars then no one would drive too fast? nope, some people would slow down but some people wouldnt. at my old school you could get condoms but only if you were eighteen.
if you took away all the birth control, condoms, seatbelts, etc.. then yes some people would stop, but not every one.

Edited by Jesus_lol
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