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Hundreds Of Condoms Given Out To Teens In Safe Sex Drive


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[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1168282' date='Jan 17 2007, 03:33 PM']
whoa. ok i am an eighteen year old, i am a virgin and i dont plan on having sex until im married. (things happen, but i want to wait)
i am ok with other people having extra marital sex but i think that , like drinking it should at the very least wait until you are fully mature, the fact that 13 yr olds are having sex sickens me. heck, no one knows what they want at that age. i wish people would at least wait until they are older or married, but in my opinion there is somethings that you just cant change. drugs are illegal and dangerous, but some people still do them. underage drinking is bad for you and illegal but it still happens.
restricting something may stop some people or at least make them think hard about what they are doing, but you cant make everyone change.

and with the they are going to do it anyways thing, do you think if there was no airbags or seatbelts in cars then no one would drive too fast? nope, some people would slow down but some people wouldnt. at my old school you could get condoms but only if you were eighteen.
if you took away all the birth control, condoms, seatbelts, etc.. then yes some people would stop, but not every one.
I was being sarcastic....

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One wonders why programs to give out free needles/syringes for drugs aren't as popular as handing out free condoms... Hey, they're going to do them anyway, might as well cut down the risk of disease transmission and make needles free.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1168282' date='Jan 17 2007, 02:33 PM']
i wish people would at least wait until they are older or married, but in my opinion there is somethings that you just cant change. drugs are illegal and dangerous, but some people still do them. underage drinking is bad for you and illegal but it still happens. restricting something may stop some people or at least make them think hard about what they are doing, but you cant make everyone change.


if you took away all the birth control, condoms, seatbelts, etc.. then yes some people would stop, but not every one.
So because not everyone would stop you won't even try? I agree that you can't keep everyone from sinning but what the culture is doing is totally the opposite, actually PROMOTING vice and sin. No one is helped by that. And just because not everyone would stop is no reason not to try anyway.

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[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1167670' date='Jan 16 2007, 11:11 PM']
i dont see whats so bad, they are going to have sex anyways, whether it is protected or not. if you thin with holding condoms will make people stop, it wont but it will make it more hazardous. and i know the arguments against birth control of any kind, but seriously now how many of you would rather see a pregnant 13 yr old girl with an STD than a healthy one? either way he/she would probably be having sex anyways.

i do believe in telling people to abstain, but i am not naive enough to think that it will work with everyone. and i think it is horrible that people are having sex, protected or not, at that age.

Lets do a little math here.

In the 1950’s early sixties there was a 2 % std rate among whites. Pregnancy rates as I recall were about 5%. Let’s just say that double the pregnancy rate are having sex. So 10%. So per 100 teenagers we have 2 with an std and 5 pregant. No condoms in school or promotion of birth control.

Now today the pregnancy rate is 30% and ½ of those having sex have an std. Also 1/3-1/2 are having abortions. Some of those of course are having abortions who are also giving birth. So I don’t think it is far fetched to say 60% are sexually active. That means that per 100 30 are pregnant and 30 have std’s. Condoms in schools and birth control.

I’m with you. I would rather have healthy teens that are not pregnant. Condoms and bc aren’t the way. Condoms and pills have made sexual promiscuity explode. Giving license to sin. Result is the opposite of what you say. More std's and unwed mothers and abortions. Condoms fail 85% of the time so having more sex because of passing out condoms will cause more std's. Not less. If one abstains for fear of a disease and has sex perhaps once in a month as opposed to ten times thining they are safe with a condom, I hate to tell you but there is a 50% greater chance of them gettting an std with a condomn than if they were not passed out. So much for being safe.

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[quote name='thessalonian' post='1168401' date='Jan 17 2007, 06:59 PM']
Lets do a little math here.

In the 1950’s early sixties there was a 2 % std rate among whites. Pregnancy rates as I recall were about 5%. Let’s just say that double the pregnancy rate are having sex. So 10%. So per 100 teenagers we have 2 with an std and 5 pregant. No condoms in school or promotion of birth control.[/quote]

I caught an article within the past month or two that compared rates of sexual activity between the 50s and today. Back then, it actually wasn't much different than today. Only difference was, people married much earlier back then, so if they got pregnant, they tended to opt for marriage. Also, I imagine people had far fewer sexual partners back then (mostly due to earlier marriage). But it wasn't like everybody was goody-two-shoes... high school students in the 50s were college-age or young parents in the 60s.

It's kinda like how some Catholics wish vocations were as "good" today as they were back in the 50s, yet they don't connect the high number of vocations in the 50s to the mass exodus from religious life during the following two decades.

[quote name='thessalonian' post='1168401' date='Jan 17 2007, 06:59 PM']Now today the pregnancy rate is 30% and ½ of those having sex have an std. Also 1/3-1/2 are having abortions. Some of those of course are having abortions who are also giving birth. So I don’t think it is far fetched to say 60% are sexually active. [/quote]

Where are these figures coming from? Thanks to condoms and birth control, teen pregnancy rates are actually lower than any other decade. And I find 60% to be somewhat far fetched... I expect the rate of sexually active high school students is more like 70-90%, especially by senior year.

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[quote name='Staretz' post='1168007' date='Jan 17 2007, 10:46 AM']
I really think that saying "teens will do it anyway" when it comes to extramarital sex is a slap in the face of teens. When I heard it as a teen, i thought "gee, thanks for the vote of confidence". I think a better guarantee of "safe sex" would be abstinence and chastity education based on Catholic principles.

Tell me about it. My brother, [i]my brother[/i], told me to go ahead and have sex before I got married, that it was okay. He also doesn't believe I was a virgin when I got married, because he seems to think that would impossible. It hurt because it seemed like he didn't think I was capable of abstaining. It actually made me more determined to abstain, ironically, but it was still an insult to me, not to mention to my husband.

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I know the feeling. My mom knows I am abstaining before marriage but she has told me on repeated occasion that if I ever decide to start having sex, that my fiancee and I should use a condom and that I should go on the pill.

I have also learned in my education classes that some school systems are trying to go to a more abstenence based sex ed. cirriculum. (Praise God) They are doing this because studies have shown that teaching children about BC is a sure fire way to start them having sex. They want to teach students the pro's of using abstenence, but "if they already have their mind made up" to have sex, show students the safe way to do so.

It burns me to even think that. What has this society come to?

God bless-

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God the Father

[quote name='LouisvilleFan' post='1169907' date='Jan 19 2007, 01:45 AM']
I expect the rate of sexually active high school students is more like 70-90%, especially by senior year.

I wish I went to your high school. Er, I mean, sex is bad.

Seriously though, those numbers are more inflated than Barry Bonds' head.

And by the way, giving out free condoms is a gateway behavior to communism, which is a sad fate indeed.

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[quote name='God the Father' post='1170165' date='Jan 19 2007, 01:16 PM']
Seriously though, those numbers are more inflated than Barry Bonds' head.

Well, I see if I can find any kind of legitimate research on it. That's just going by some stats I've heard hear and there and my own observation.

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