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Study: 1.4% Of Population Are Gay


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Study: 1.4% of population are gay

March 23, 2007
According to two researchers, the largest random sex survey ever conducted has reported that only 1.4 percent of adults engaged in homosexual behavior. Analyzing a 2003 Canadian Community survey of 121,300 adults, Drs. Paul and Kirk Cameron told attendees of the Eastern Psychological Association Convention that 2 percent of 18-44 year olds, 1 percent of 50 year olds, and only a third of a percent of subjects 60+ considered themselves homosexual. Thus homosexual activity was much more common among younger adults.

What happened to the older homosexuals? "Some may have ceased to be sexually active," said Paul Cameron, "or they may have died. Recent reports from Scandinavia indicate that the life expectancy of homosexuals is 20+ years shorter than that of heterosexuals," Christian Newswire reported Friday.

Among other questions (read to respondent by interviewer), the Canadian study asked:

"Do you consider yourself to be: heterosexual? (sexual relations with people of the opposite sex)/ homosexual, that is lesbian or gay? (sexual relations with people of your own sex)/ bisexual? (sexual relations with people of both sexes)."

"No one can say that this statistic is 'the bedrock truth,'" Paul Cameron said, "but even with attempts to increase the percentage of active homosexuals - which Statistics Canada appears to have done by reporting only the results of those under the age of 60 - the 1.4 percent is a figure that has to be taken very seriously.

"The US government survey of 12,381 adults in 1996, reported that 1.3 percent of men and 1.1 percent of women under the age of 60 said they'd had homosexual sex in the last 12 months. It also found few older homosexuals. The oldest male who engaged in homosexuality was 54 and the oldest female 49. So it appears that homosexuality is a young person's activity - one that may contribute to an early death."
Paul Cameron, Ph.D. & Kirk Cameron, Ph.D., presented "Federal Distortion Of The Homosexual Footprint." Paul Cameron, a reviewer for the British Medical Journal, the Canadian Medical Association Journal, and the Postgraduate Medical Journal, has published over 40 scientific articles on homosexuality. The EPA is the oldest regional Psychological Association in the United States. At its Philadelphia convention members presented the latest advances in scientific work to colleagues.

The full report can be accessed at [url="http://www.earnedmedia.org/frireport.htm"]http://www.earnedmedia.org/frireport.htm[/url]
Interesting that such a tiny segment of the population attempts to change society and rule over us all. [/color]

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Yeah its weird that they carry so much weight but its a difficult situation, because even out of that percentage, not all want marriage rights and all that baggage that goes wit it. George Bush had a group that supported him known as "black gays for bush", that didn't want marriage rights but were for Bush because they were afraid that if our country is conqured by Islamic Facists, they would probably be the first to be executed.


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[quote name='dUSt' post='1218101' date='Mar 24 2007, 01:03 AM']This study is gay.[/quote]


Are these the same people that said more that half of women where not married? Because that study was not true...

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I have seen various reports and scientific studies where the numbers are in fact considerably higher. Some even place the number of men with homosexual tendencies as high as 30%. Statistics, surveys and studies will produce what ever results the originator is looking for. The style of the question, the phrase level, the setting - public or private all contribute to the success of a study. Many with homosexual tendencies would never admit to it even today in fear of persecution and ridicule. Homosexuality is still taboo (for better or worse) and as such we cannot obtain a true reflection of any society.

Homosexuality also varies dependent upon the culture and the country. It is far more complex that the above 'study' would indicate.

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I actually believe the survey. :) Not all statistics lie, and it is consistant with all other major surveys finding the populations of homosexuality to be at just around 2%.

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[quote name='Rod' post='1218168' date='Mar 24 2007, 07:33 AM']I have seen various reports and scientific studies where the numbers are in fact considerably higher. Some even place the number of men with homosexual tendencies as high as 30%. Statistics, surveys and studies will produce what ever results the originator is looking for. The style of the question, the phrase level, the setting - public or private all contribute to the success of a study. Many with homosexual tendencies would never admit to it even today in fear of persecution and ridicule. Homosexuality is still taboo (for better or worse) and as such we cannot obtain a true reflection of any society.

Homosexuality also varies dependent upon the culture and the country. It is far more complex that the above 'study' would indicate.[/quote]

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1218187' date='Mar 24 2007, 07:51 AM']I actually believe the survey. :) Not all statistics lie, and it is consistant with all other major surveys finding the populations of homosexuality to be at just around 2%.[/quote]
She's right. The Kinsey report estimated numbers at as high as 20 percent, but it wasn't a random sampling of the population, and in fact relied heavily on prisoner participation. :mellow:

The survey number here is consistent with other surveys I've seen, including surveys accepted by gay rights advocates.

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[quote]It contributed to AIDS[/quote] It's contribution to AIDS was minimal compared to other major factors, though it was once a popular rumor in the states that those with aids have to have participated in homosexual activities.


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[quote name='RezaLemmyng' post='1218855' date='Mar 24 2007, 06:33 PM']It's contribution to AIDS was minimal compared to other major factors, though it was once a popular rumor in the states that those with aids have to have participated in homosexual activities.

Anal sodomy is indeed an extremely high-risk activity for spreading AIDS, and this was how much of the disease was spread in the U.S., and AIDS rates remain much higher among active homosexuals than others.

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But really, I am more of the opinion that anyone can be a homosexual...or any sort of paraphiliac. The capacity exists to obtain gratification from peanut butter, it's all a mental thing. They should do a poll on what percent of the population is chaste, that would be interesting. My guess is 7.3%.

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[quote name='Socrates' post='1218997' date='Mar 24 2007, 08:09 PM']Anal sodomy is indeed an extremely high-risk activity for spreading AIDS, and this was how much of the disease was spread in the U.S., and AIDS rates remain much higher among active homosexuals than others.[/quote]

It's of no more risk then men and women having casual sex with each other. As a matter of fact, more people have contracted AIDS through hetrosexual intercourse then homosexual. The disease in the US was spread, not through simply homosexuals but through everybody having unprotected sex outside of wedlock, and also through the lack of knowledge about it [sharing needles, etc.].


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[quote name='RezaLemmyng' post='1219306' date='Mar 25 2007, 03:44 PM']It's of no more risk then men and women having casual sex with each other.
Totally wrong. Sodomy is far more dangerous because of ripping and tearing.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1219322' date='Mar 25 2007, 01:04 PM']Totally wrong. Sodomy is far more dangerous because of ripping and tearing.[/quote]

No its not, an individual having unprotected hetrosexual sex is just as in danger of contracting aids [or giving aids] as those that partake in homosexual behavior. You can get aids through the blood [from tearing] and the exchange of fluids [such as those from hetrosexual intercourse], which explains Magic Johnsons situation.


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