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The Occult Influence On Our Government


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Justin (Wiccan)

[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1242924' date='Apr 14 2007, 02:55 PM']Justin why do you think so many people think there is an occult influence in the government?[/quote]

It's not just "occultism," especially when one's definition of "occultism" is as scattered as FullTruth's seems to be. Some people, perhaps many people, have a fear of government in general. After all, the Government is "out there," it's outside of the control of the individual, it's big, it's almost impossible to understand, and [i]it controls us[/i]. That can be pretty scary, because it makes our relationship with the government an "Us vs. Them" proposition, even if that's not really the way things are.

Sometimes that fear is easier to understand if you attach a name or a face to "Them." For some, it's "Masons" or "Occultists" or "Witches" in the Government, for some it's "Communists" or "Liberals" or "Neo-Cons," for others, it's ... something else. And it doesn't have to be "the Government"--in the early Renaissance, during a time of immense social and political upheaval, people were blaming Jews, Lepers, "witches," or Muslims for the upheaval, when the actual cause was the political unrest between the Catholic Church and nascent Protestantism, the entry of various plagues, wars, and the like.

Just as the fear off "Jews, Lepers, Witches, and Muslims" became a scourge in the Rennaisance, and resulted in the judicial murder of thousands, perhaps millions, of people, so does the current fear of "whatever" in our government have the potential to disrupt, or perhaps even end, countless lives.

[quote]Do you believe in demons?[/quote]

I definitely believe that there are entities that would be considered "demons" by Christian--I have dealt with such entities. I do not interact with these entities unless I am forced to by circumstance, and on the few times that has happened, I oppose them with the help of the Creator.

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Justin (Wiccan)

[quote name='FullTruth' post='1242987' date='Apr 14 2007, 03:46 PM']The only reason I asked to do this in a PM, is there are a lot of people who will immediately follow their programming to disrupt any thread.[/quote]

FT, the problem with your "interpretation" is that it is, flatly, a fantasy. To start with, Russo is a liar and an opportunist--and that is only the beginning of the flaws in your argument.

To oppose fantasy is not "obeying programming"--it is allowing truth to destroy the lies of those who would use people like you.

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