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Kindergarten Socialism


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That's insane! Especially for not telling the parents! My elementary school was the exact opposite, they had us put our names on everything we brought even glue and pencils!

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Groo the Wanderer

worked for me. after the first year, we put kiddo's name on EVERYTHING (even every single pencil) Funny how she always got her stuff back in the redistribution.....

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' post='1346973' date='Aug 1 2007, 11:57 PM']worked for me. after the first year, we put kiddo's name on EVERYTHING (even every single pencil) Funny how she always got her stuff back in the redistribution.....[/quote]
That's one way to get around the system! It's just crazy that they feel the need to do stuff like this. I'll have to remember this in a few years when my son starts school.

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If they want to make sure everyone is at the same level as far as "stuff"" they should just establish a "stuff" charge creating a fund out of which teachers purchase all the necessary "stuff."

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If my kids were in school, I would buy them each a gross of pencils that said, "Please return to ___ " with their names on it... They'd have a lifetime supply.
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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='Terra Firma' post='1346981' date='Aug 2 2007, 12:02 AM']If they want to make sure everyone is at the same level as far as "stuff"" they should just establish a "stuff" charge creating a fund out of which teachers purchase all the necessary "stuff."[/quote]
My stuff is better than Abbie's stuff. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are way cooler than Strawberry Shortcake.

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[quote name='Raphael' post='1346988' date='Aug 2 2007, 12:06 AM']My stuff is better than Abbie's stuff. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are way cooler than Strawberry Shortcake.[/quote]
um, Strawberry Shortcake has mad skillz you don't even KNOW about

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either let kids have whatever (susie has hello kitty cool stuff, but you have plain red whatever? its called life folks, get over it) or have them bring in $x to pay for generic stuff for everyone.

our 1/2 teacher does that, not for "unfair" issues, but so that she can be sure that the kids have the right supplies, and i think, for that age, it makes a whole lot more sense.

more big brother government :rolleyes:

ps. its called stealing. i'd be with cmom and hsmom in the principal's office :madrant:

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[quote name='kateri05' post='1346995' date='Aug 2 2007, 12:09 AM']ps. its called stealing. i'd be with cmom and hsmom in the principal's office :madrant:[/quote]

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Another idea: the schools could be properly funded (or those that are could properly budget) and the supplies could be provided by the school. *gasp*

It really stinks when your school is too poor to give you a sheet of lined paper.

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Archaeology cat

[quote name='tomasio127' post='1347028' date='Aug 2 2007, 06:48 AM']Another idea: the schools could be properly funded (or those that are could properly budget) and the supplies could be provided by the school. *gasp*

It really stinks when your school is too poor to give you a sheet of lined paper.[/quote]

What?! Actually giving proper funding to the schools? That's crazy talk. :)

I would have loved to have had supplies in my classroom.

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:blink: School districts waste more money than you can shake a stick at.The school district i work for hired three new people for the curriculum department.I have been running the print shop since 1985 or86.The only person who has ever worked in it is Me. Only equipement i have is a copier,risograph(electronic version of a mimeograph machine) a a few other things. Sad,really sad since people ask for color sometimes and other things.I can print in one color at a time on the riso,but can't do like on a color printer.
School districts are eaten up with top heavy administration and other things.When I went to school back in the 1960s
in grade school,you didn't share your school supplies with others ,unless someone asked to borrow a pencil.
In our warehouse where the printshop is also located,We have all kinds of construction paper andcrayons,pencils,rulers and other things.
In fact years ago,we had so much construction paperthat it was was crumbling,and we wound up selling much of it to some other school not in the district.
Sometimes we have even put things in the surplus sale which we hold once or twice a year.
Don't know if we are going to get any glue in,it had been around so long that it dried up.
Angie,who works in our warehouse had the kindergarten list for her granddaughter.They have to bring babywipes
for cleanup.Well i can understand that since the kids paint and do other things that are sometimes messy.
But if you have 20 or 25 kids to a class,and each brings one in,what are they going to do with all those?
Are they going to go through them throughout the school year?

Also,we do bids for supplies for the schools,like file folders,paper,etc. There are certain vendors like Lakeshore,
and others who teachers are supposed to buy from because they are on our bid list.Yet despite this,they will still try to buy items from other companies not on the bid list or Texas Buy Board.these items are paid for by purchase orders or activity funds depending on what it is and the circumstances.
Our purchasing department tries to save the district money by using certain vendors.The district gets a discount from Office Depot and does not charge us tax as we are tax exempt.Many companies do the same for school districts.

Could the districts supply students with pencils,etc.yes. But the teachers have to order the supplies from the district warehouse or however they do it in your area.That's why paper and other supplies go bad. We have all kinds of yarn and glitter.I wonder how much the campuses will order this year.
They wanted bright colored cardstock too.But it just sits there.I am the main one who orders it when I print
handbooks for some of the campuses.I don't think we have bought any new cardstock in a year or two.Another waste of money for the tax payer and that includes myself.As I said I do use it though.
these teachers and principals get some whim or fancy,and demand the warehouse carry it,then later on,never order that item again.
The only thing they seem to order in any great quanity is copier paper. At least the custodial supplies move from here.
The excuse they give when trying to justify not buying something from the warehouse or a bid vendor is,well,only so and so carries the item I need,etc.etc. We make them get quotes from three vendors,and whoever's price is the lowest,we will then do the purchase order for.
Teachers talk about buying stuff out of their own pocket,and sometimes due to circumstances that might be true.
However,most of them never bother to make the effort to visit the warehouse or check with an approved vendor.
Now I'm not talking about anyone here,but in general.
Also,we get purchase orders for work shops and confrences,sometimes out of town.But some of the hotel rooms they stay in are $100.00 or more.What's wrong with Motel Six or something? Can't they check Price Line or Hotels.com or something? I know they want to stay close to the place which is fine,but surely there are cheaper and just as nice places in the same area as the workshop.

Another thing.When the printshop was located temporarily until my new room was built,they had at Clemens HS a Model 2475 Oce copier. One of the teachers told me it wasn't working.I tried to fix it but wound up having to call for service. I put a sign on it,that it was Out of Order and left the teachers lounge.
When I went back to see if the technican was there,there was some new teacher trying to use it.
I told him it was out of order,and he said he was testing it to see if the sign was true.Only the hand of Our Blessed Mother held me back from strangling him.I have seen them do a lot of dumb things with the copiers.
It seems like many at least here could care less,as long as it doesn't come out of their pocket.
I don't recall what they did one time,but the Oce tech,John,had a talk with the principal.He told her what was wrong
and said if it continued,it would void the maintance agreement and therefore cost the district a great deal of money
for repairs.Well,after that,they seemed to be more careful with the machine.

Even if schools got proper funding,they still would waste money .School lunch programs actually lose money.If they make money then there's something wrong.Ours years ago was making some money>Well I think it was the USDA or who ever handles the program did an audit. Don't recall what the outcome was anymore.

Clemens HS built a green house for the ag dept.just a small one,but i still haven't seen anything growing in it.
They have an ag barn too.But on the occasions that I ran the pony mall for Dee when she had her chemo treatments
i can hardly ever recall seeing any animals around.Another waste of money for the tax payer.
Lots of stuff goes on in school districts that the tax payer doesn't know unless it makes the news.
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Am I missing something or would replacing one person's belonging's with another person's really be illegal in most circumstances? I believe the term for that is "stealing". Just a theory though...

Edited by Tindomiel
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