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Kindled As A Furnace


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Autumn Dusk

I read it and think that this DOES sound more like a confession of "sin" mixed with excuses. Despite my postcount and sign-up date I've been on this board and seen everything becuase I've been on this and other message board for years. The mature recognize the "I'm leaving forever" and "I'm sorry" posts are often more about attention.

I'm not so much concerned with what psyke reports said. This is a public forum, not a private confessional. People should be aware of that and are often not. You seem to recognize your wrong, yet you aren't acting on it.

If you know who you offended and are truly sorry than make reparation for them. If you've acted against c-mom or brenda or anyone, they should be the receiver of this message, not the entire forum.

I just want to make the point that making a speech than apologizing for it is really self important and doesn't make your point well.

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That I have responded to you thus far with honesty and have been polite at least confirms me that I have acted on it. In this case, your experience is wrong, and you are insinuating that I am:

[1] Unstable and in need of psychiatric treatment.
[2] Self-centred, seeking attention, and insincere.

These accusations are not only hurtful and insulting, but undermine all credibility that you may have had, considering that they are based not on what I said, but on what you de-constructively imagine my motives to be. They also do not help to establish respect for your person, by way of example. First impressions are problematic.

In the above, I quoted a great Saint and Doctor of the Church, Saint John of the Cross as having said to know how to be silent and to look at neither the remarks, nor the deeds, nor the lives of others. I think I will follow that advice and ignore any further comments unless they are discernibly valuable. Saint Augustine also says, 'Believe that others are better than you in the depths of their soul, although outwardly you may appear better than they.' So, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, but my first impression is that the tone in which your are responding is the same tone that I am apologising for. This is indeed ironic.

I am a sorry, that I have come across as an insincere bearer of false witness and a self-centred, egotistic wretch who desires nothing more than attention. You are the first person, and believe it or not I have an active social life, to have believed this of me.

It is my own bitterness that made me confess in this way and perhaps you should consider your bitterness.

I will say no more, unless someone else wishes to comment.

P.S. I made no excuses, except that I am sinful and who can say: My heart is clean, I am pure from sin?

Edited by petrus_scholasticus
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Dust, if you as the administrator of Phatmass deem this inauthentic and self-serving I ask that you please remove the thread.

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Na, you're good. I saw some other PMers do the same in the past. Good on ya, but you do write quite a bit :)

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[quote]Dust, if you as the administrator of Phatmass deem this inauthentic and self-serving I ask that you please remove the thread.[/quote]
No way. Keep writing. It's like I'm in an 1800's time warp and it's trippy cool.

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Thank you, everyone. And as I said, I know that I write too much. If you went and sought it out you would find that I can't even spam in less than 10 lines of text in the lame boards. I try. I really do, but I touch-type quickly and well so it is very easy for me to write a lot very quickly and of course I learned from the best, the verbose writers of late nineteenth century literary classics. By the way, I am at this very moment listening to Nat King Cole's [i]Almost Like Being In Love[/i]. It's very good. Anyone heard it? Oh, the song ended and now it's playing [i]Swinging On A Star[/i] by Bing Crosby, and this is so hilarious I have to reprint the lyrics:

Would you like to swing on a star?
Carry moonbeams home in a jar?
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a mule?

A mule is an animal with long funny ears,
Kicks up at anything he hears.
His back is brawny but his brain is weak,
He's just plain stupid with a stubborn streak.
And by the way, if you hate to go to school
You may grow up to be a mule.

Would you like to swing on a star?
Carry moonbeams home in a jar?
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a pig?

A pig is an animal with dirt on his face;
His shoes are a terrible disgrace.
He has no manners when he eats his food,
He's fat and lazy and extremely rude;
But if you don't care a feather or a fig,
You may grow up to be a pig.

Or would you like to swing on a star?
Carry moonbeams home in a jar?
And be better off than you are
Or would you rather be a fish?

A fish won't do anything, but swim in a brook;
He can't write his name or read a book.
To fool the people is his only thought,
And though he's slippery, he still gets caught;
But then if that sort of life is what you wish,
You may grow up to be a fish.

And all the monkeys aren't in the zoo;
Every day you meet quite a few.
So you see it's all up to you --
You can be better than you are,
You could be swingin' on a star.

I like it, but you've got to hear it. The likes of Bing Crosby, Guy Lombardo, Ol' Blue Eyes, Dean Martin, and Danny Kaye can make the silliest lyrics into an amazing piece of music. Michael Buble is an excellent contemporary example. N.B. I inherited an extensive record collection from my grandfather, 78s, 45s, and 33 1/3s. I listen to them when I need something light-hearted and which isn't an active pursuit like listening to classical music, which can exhaust you in some cases, especially live performances.

Edited by petrus_scholasticus
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[quote name='dUSt' post='1473923' date='Mar 8 2008, 02:18 PM']No way. Keep writing. It's like I'm in an 1800's time warp and it's trippy cool.[/quote]
1800s? That was when it wa still sexy for women to show her ankle right? Hmmm, must be an intersting trip.

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Actually you might get a petticoat, a glimpse of garter, but with bloomers and stockings I doubt you would get much flesh. From what I understand though, there was a fairly notorious pornography industry that most people aren't aware developed right along with the camera, so the less cultured and immoral gentleman could always have a couple of these photos in the top drawer of his desk. That doesn't help does it. Well, I'm sure that the same trippy experience could possibly be obtained by inducing the hallucination with some chemical compound. Or you could just read Dickens or Trollope, two of my favourites.

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Do you know I have been awake twenty-two hours. Good Night or rather Good Morning. I'll check up a little bit later.

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I think it was a tad self serving. You did use "I" a lot and you sounded like you were giving a sermon, in the 1500's.
You could have just said, Hey, I am sorry. I may have come across a little strong on that last post. Forgive me. 5,000 words more was just overkill.

One more thing: If you are spending three hours working on something to post on Phatmass, you are not getting out enough.

Edited by Deb
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[quote name='dUSt' post='1473923' date='Mar 7 2008, 11:18 PM']No way. Keep writing. It's like I'm in an 1800's time warp and it's trippy cool.[/quote]
Same. :smokey:

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