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Baby Born While Woman Waiting For Abortionist...


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rose wrought of iron

[quote name='Jesus_lol' post='1773352' date='Feb 5 2009, 08:44 PM']the mum is actually part of a lawsuit against the abortion clinic. once the baby was actually born apparently it changed her mind, and she wanted it to live.[/quote]
So few people realize what they are actually doing until it is to late... our sad, [i]selfish[/i] nation... God help us.

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In the words of the angel Monica from Touched By An Angel..."You know, there are days, like today, when I don't like humans very much."

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[quote name='Servus_Mariae' post='1773250' date='Feb 5 2009, 06:39 PM'][url="http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,488644,00.html"]http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,488644,00.html[/url]

Gee...I don't know why everyone is so upset. Is this "free "choice" not actualized thousands of times a day in varying manners?[/quote]

That is unbelievably disturbing. How tragic. -Katie

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[quote name='Seven77' post='1773393' date='Feb 5 2009, 10:25 PM']hopefully people will wake up from their stupor now...

[quote]I know that there are clinics out there like this. And I hope that we can keep (women) from going to these types of clinics."[/quote]

hello?? why can't we keep women from going to any type of abortion clinic period?


This excerpt really struck me as well...I mean what do they mean by "these types of clinics"? What is the alternative? Abortion clinics where infants aren't killed and discarded like trash???

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[quote name='Seven77' post='1773393' date='Feb 5 2009, 10:25 PM']hopefully people will wake up from their stupor now...

hello?? why can't we keep women from going to any type of abortion clinic period?[/quote]

Because the other type of clinic doesn't make a mistake. Alerting people about what abortion REALLY is.

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Even if someone there had wanted to do something, abortion clinics aren't required to have any type of resuscitation equipment. The outpatient clinic where you have a suspicious mole removed does, but not abortion clinics. They are usually exempt from meeting even basic hospital hygiene, let alone outpatient clinic standards or equipment, training, or oversight.

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In your local community there is a baby slaughtering facility that murders live babies every day - and gets paid handsomely for it. Let this be a reminder to us all of our culture of death, how it takes place in front of our eyes, down our streets, under our noses.

I'm terrified of God's impending judgment.

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They got this by an annonymous tip. Do you suppose that it happens other times as well. I highly suspect it does.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' post='1773288' date='Feb 5 2009, 07:32 PM']Just one step closer to legalized infanticide in the US - and yes, I believe it will happen because we are as a whole a cowardly generation. Notice how these people will not be arraigned for murder.[/quote]

May God have mercy - I surely wouldn't!

I think you hit a good point there - we have become (we as in US and specially Canada) far too cowardly to affirm the truth and hold the murderers accountable for their actions. We have become far too comfortable in our lives and luxuries that we refuse to risk losing those comforts for the benefit of 'unwanted' children.

I wish I could have been there to pick up the child from the floor, wrap him/her in a warm blanket and carry him/her home.

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[quote name='sweens8403' post='1773378' date='Feb 5 2009, 10:11 PM'].... there aren't words[/quote]

oh there are words that I could say, I shouldn't but I could! Dust would censor them understandably. :bomb: :censored: :maddest: :madrant: :bash:

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[url="http://althouse.blogspot.com/2009/02/suing-your-own-abortionist-for-making.html"]Ann Althouse has some great thoughts on this:[/url]
[quote]Shouldn't anyone having an abortion need to visualize what is being done to the life/potential life she is destroying? To claim damages from seeing the death is to admit that you didn't understand what you were doing when you sought the abortion. If women are to have a right to choose to have an abortion — if the decision to have an abortion properly rests with the woman, as the law says it does — then it is crucial that she understand what she is doing. This lawsuit is a claim that she did not comprehend what she was doing. If that is true, it undermines the whole basis for the right to choose to have an abortion. Choices imply competent understanding. Either women know what they are doing or they do not. Take a side.[/quote]

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