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I Think I Figured It Out


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I think budge is on to something with her threads.
I think she's right about all the 1 world religion stuff.
She is just wrong about the catholic church and the pope pushing it.
I believe in the near future there is going to be a type of new mega church.
This will expand globaly and teach a false doctrine of christianity.
It's going to promote all faiths and is going to unite people of all religions.
Eventually this will path the way for antichirst and false prophets to take center stage.
People will be raptured away (not by God) and mircales will be performed by decievers within.
Freemasonry will be center stage and behind this.
At the very end the antichrist (satan himself) will apear and force everyone to recieve the mark of the beast to be able to buy or sell.
By this time true churches of God that have Jesus Christ will be so perscuted they will hardly have no voice.
There may also be an anti-pope that could decieve even catholics.
Although the true pope would stand against him.
Note how revelaion says even the ellect will be decieved if that were possible.
So budge is right the one world religious system is cominig except the Catholic Church will not be behind it but will rather stand against it.
As will the saints.
So budge stop bearing false witness and join the church.
We need youl.

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I agree with pretty much all of this. Too bad most of those who hold these positions are crazy in the way they present it (like budgie) and discredit the idea to everyone else.

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[quote name='goldenchild17' post='1838315' date='Apr 17 2009, 03:50 AM']I agree with pretty much all of this. Too bad most of those who hold these positions are crazy in the way they present it (like budgie) and discredit the idea to everyone else.[/quote]

What up phamily.
I think budge is so "convinced" that pride is getting in the way causing her to bear false witness.
But she's got the right idea I think.
Erase the pride and she's ready to ride on the new world order and satan.
What up masons ?
I'm not scared.

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Honestly, I don't know what is going to happen.

I know though that focusing on these things a great deal can make us lose focus on Christ and living out the Gospel though... at least that is how it is with me. It is interesting to think about these things and talk about them, but don't let it sidetrack you. ;)

Interesting theories...

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Ushering in the One-World Religion

By Wendy Griffith
CBN News Reporter

The summit was endorsed by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan who said "the future of the world depends on women."

CBN.com ? GENEVA, Switzerland ? A one world government and a one world religion ? it may just sound like fiction from the popular "Left Behind" novel series. But some Christians say this scenario may be closer than most people think.
Earlier this fall in Geneva, hundreds of spiritual and religious leaders met at the United Nations for a peace summit. And although all the major faiths were there, including some who claim to represent Christianity, it was clear that Jesus was not invited.

The event was actually the first ever UN summit of women religious leaders. Mournful cries could be heard emanating from one of the meetings as more than 500 women from more than 70 countries came to talk about ways to achieve world peace. Most were from "Eastern religions" ? Buddhists, Taoists and Hindus.

And a woman named "Amma," who is known as the "hugging saint," came with her own band of followers. She claims to be able to impart "divine love and wisdom" in her hug. She said, "It's not only hugging but it is also imparting that spiritual principal into people, so to have them know who they are, so once you know that, peace will spontaneously happen."

Honorary Chair Shirley MacLaine, known for her adventures into New Age, did not show, but several celebrities did, including Linda Evans, Lindsay Wagner and Linda Gray of "Dallas" fame.

Gray said, "I was raised Catholic, I bless that base, I think if you have a strong religious base where, whatever it is, then you branch out from there, or expand on it."

The summit was endorsed by UN Secretary General Kofi Annan who said "the future of the world depends on women."

As the women gathered near the banks of beautiful Lake Geneva, Bawa Jain, one of the organizers and one of the few men present, said, "And behold the power of women, look at that, the rain stopped, (laughs) this is the power of women, a true demonstration here."

Bawa Jain then led the women in a chant for peace. "Say it with me three times, ?No more violence, No more violence, No more violence,?" he said.

Rev. Joan Brown Campbell, co-chair of the Global Peace Initiative, said, "The thunderclouds of war gather around us, the sky grows dark but it never does envelope us. In a few moments we will light a single candle, and from that candle many will receive the light and that light will shine in the darkness."

A participant named Hanna Strong said, "The only way we're ever going to have peace is by people being peaceful inside, no aggression, no hatred, we have to transform these negative emotions that are creating situations for war."

Although there was much talk about peace and how women can harness their "feminine energies" to bring peace to a hurting planet, there was no mention of the Prince of Peace, Jesus Christ. Nor could we find any evangelical Christians either speaking at or attending this world religions summit.

Rev. Brown Campbell said, "That's not a purposeful intent. This is a meeting, of course, of people of all religions. And I think what we've all tried to do is to call on the common deity that everyone will say? I mean everyone here would say there is a God, this is not a group of Atheists, this is a group of people of faith, and for everyone there is a god-person by whatever name."

When asked whether evangelical Christians were not invited on purpose, Rev. Brown Campbell said, "No, no, no, not at all?the attempt to be broad scale means there are not too many of any, and this is a first effort, identifying people was not simple."

The Geneva summit was a direct outcome of the Millennium World Peace Summit of religious and spiritual leaders held at the United Nations in New York two years ago. At that gathering, honorary chair and CNN founder Ted Turner endeared himself to the crowd by promoting the New Age concept that there are many ways to heaven.

"The thing that disturbed me was that my religion, the Christian sect, was very intolerant, not of religious freedom, but we thought we were the only ones going to heaven," Turner said.

The belief that there are many ways to heaven was also part of the New Age gospel at the Geneva summit. Strong said, "I'm very close to the Buddhists, the Taoists, the native Americans and uh, peace to me is being one with the source." When asked if she was referring to God "the Creator," she said, "Well, I don't necessary call it Creator, but, it's one name."

Robert Maginnis, a former director of the Family Research Council, said of the summit, "Well, I can see the possibility that it's the globalization of world religion."

Maginnis says it appears the hidden agenda is to unite people under one religious umbrella so they will peacefully accept the UN's radical political goals. "I would submit that the United Nations is very anti-life, they are anti-faith, anti-family, they're anti-national sovereignty, but they are pro one-world government," he said.

Christian scholars say the Bible warns of a time when all the world will unite under a false global religious and political system. Maginnis says, it appears the UN could be taking the first steps in that direction.

"You're taking the Muslim community, the Christian community, the Hindus, the Confucians and all the many hundreds of religious groups, trying to identify key leaders, and you are basically trying to co-opt them into cooperating with you," he said.

Christians believe there is one way to heaven, because Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life and no man comes to the Father except by me."

But Rev. Brown Campbell said, "For me, that is true, I mean for me the way to God the way to peace is through Jesus Christ, that's what I teach my children, that's what I teach my grandchildren, and I believe that very, very strongly. But I also believe that for others, there is a way that for them is true and precious, and I don't deny them that reality and I respect that."

Maginnis said, "The name of Jesus has power and that's why Satan doesn't like it, he doesn't want to hear it in the halls of the UN, whether it be in New York City or in Geneva. So when Ms. Campbell presents herself as a representative for Christians, where does the name Christian come from, it comes from Jesus Christ, the Lord and Savior; and if you don't invoke His name in the context of world religion, then I think you've fallen far short and clearly you've done a disservice to Christianity because He is the center of our salvation."

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They are nuts, but they are dangerous nuts.
As christians this is our bottom line:
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the LOVE OF GOD that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

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Groo the Wanderer

[quote name='Delivery Boy' post='1838311' date='Apr 17 2009, 04:22 AM']I think budge is on to something with her threads.
I think she's right about all the 1 world religion stuff.
She is just wrong about the catholic church and the pope pushing it.
I believe in the near future there is going to be a type of new mega church.
This will expand globaly and teach a false doctrine of christianity.
It's going to promote all faiths and is going to unite people of all religions.
Eventually this will path the way for antichirst and false prophets to take center stage.
People will be raptured away (not by God) and mircales will be performed by decievers within.
Freemasonry will be center stage and behind this.
At the very end the antichrist (satan himself) will apear and force everyone to recieve the mark of the beast to be able to buy or sell.
By this time true churches of God that have Jesus Christ will be so perscuted they will hardly have no voice.
There may also be an anti-pope that could decieve even catholics.
Although the true pope would stand against him.
Note how revelaion says even the ellect will be decieved if that were possible.
So budge is right the one world religious system is cominig except the Catholic Church will not be behind it but will rather stand against it.
As will the saints.
So budge stop bearing false witness and join the church.
We need youl.[/quote]

Commentary on selections from your post:

I think budge is on to something with her threads. - drugs maybe? Seriously, it is all frustration about knowing the truth but being to afraid/stubborn to admit it.

I believe in the near future there is going to be a type of new mega church. - already forming. It is the Church of Relativism. It is helped along by those who preach Christianity-lite.

It's going to promote all faiths and is going to unite people of all religions. - actually it will push away all faiths. it will be a non-religion. "whatever you believe is true"

People will be raptured away - there is no rapture. this is a fairly recent construction by Fundamentalist christians who have misinterpreted certain passages of the Bible.

Eventually this will path the way for antichirst and false prophets to take center stage. - already here. An antichrist is anything that takes the place of primacy in one's heart, besides God. Materialism, consumerism, communism, socialism, liberalism, relativism, athiesm...all are antichrists. False prophets? look around - Oprah, Obama, Olsteen, et al

Freemasonry will be center stage and behind this. - tis but one branch of satan's forces. he also has the media, the democratic party, much of the judiciary, the UN, and CDC

Note how revelaion says even the ellect will be decieved if that were possible - already happening. just look to the number of clergy we have who refuse to obey the magesterium. add in the number of bishops who sadly will not take a stand against these things.

Come Lord Jesus!

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Nihil Obstat

I have a 'personal philosophy' regarding just how the end of the world will come about.

I don't care.

I'm not qualified to interpret Revelation, so I don't let it get to me. I'm not interested in the millions of radically different theories, because either all of them except one are wrong, or they're all wrong.
Either way, it doesn't matter.

I believe that when we enter our own 'endtimes' we're going to know it. I also think that it's going to be something none of us expected, but it will make perfect sense in hindsight. The Jews misinterpreted what their Messiah would be like.

Still, it's all beside the point. Doing everything I can for my own salvation and the salvation of those around me is what matters. Even if it was assured that the world was ending a week from today that wouldn't change a thing. I refuse to get hung up on the apocalypse.

(btw, where's Kafka been lately?)

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[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' post='1838502' date='Apr 17 2009, 11:19 AM']Commentary on selections from your post:

I think budge is on to something with her threads. - drugs maybe? Seriously, it is all frustration about knowing the truth but being to afraid/stubborn to admit it.

[font="Arial Black"]No I disagree as she realises that a antichrist is coming that will perform miracles and also head a one world system where one will have to take a mark to buy or sell. She just has the catholic churches role wrong although that is a big wrong. Prayers for her.[/font]

I believe in the near future there is going to be a type of new mega church. - already forming. It is the Church of Relativism. It is helped along by those who preach Christianity-lite.

[font="Arial Black"]I'll have to read about that. Interesting.[/font]

It's going to promote all faiths and is going to unite people of all religions. - actually it will push away all faiths. it will be a non-religion. "whatever you believe is true"

[font="Arial Black"]Ok sounds acceptable.[/font]

People will be raptured away - there is no rapture. this is a fairly recent construction by Fundamentalist christians who have misinterpreted certain passages of the Bible.

[font="Arial Black"]Note I said they wont be raptured away by GOD.[/font]

Eventually this will path the way for antichirst and false prophets to take center stage. - already here. An antichrist is anything that takes the place of primacy in one's heart, besides God. Materialism, consumerism, communism, socialism, liberalism, relativism, athiesm...all are antichrists. False prophets? look around - Oprah, Obama, Olsteen, et al

[font="Arial Black"]Also agree with this but the "ANTICHRIST" will come before Jesus returns performing miracles and even making fire come down from the heavens.[/font]

Freemasonry will be center stage and behind this. - tis but one branch of satan's forces. he also has the media, the democratic party, much of the judiciary, the UN, and CDC

[font="Arial Black"]Agreed.[/font]

Note how revelaion says even the ellect will be decieved if that were possible - already happening. just look to the number of clergy we have who refuse to obey the magesterium. add in the number of bishops who sadly will not take a stand against these things.

[font="Arial Black"]Agreed.[/font]

Come Lord Jesus!

[font="Arial Black"]Agreed come Lord Jesus at the 7th trump after the antichrist comes at the 6th.[/font][/quote]

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1838505' date='Apr 17 2009, 12:20 PM']+J.M.J.+
uh, budge won't be responding, btw.[/quote]

no responce needed from budge :D

i see her type to often and its old :yawn:

although she is correct about the nwo and antichrist forcing all to take a mark to buy or sell. :shock:


the bearing false witness has to stop :ohno:

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[quote name='Delivery Boy' post='1838691' date='Apr 17 2009, 01:16 PM']no responce needed from budge :D[/quote]
:) okay, just letting you know :)

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[quote name='Lil Red' post='1838697' date='Apr 17 2009, 02:21 PM']+J.M.J.+
:) okay, just letting you know :)[/quote]

just curious what was the final straw that got budge banned ??

I ask because ive been here for 6 years yet only have 2 or 3 warnings.

So that proves you guys are pretty fair because lord knows the b.s. i've been on at times.

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[quote name='cmotherofpirl' post='1838380' date='Apr 17 2009, 08:19 AM']They are nuts, but they are dangerous nuts.
As christians this is our bottom line:
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the LOVE OF GOD that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."[/quote]

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