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Yea. You can join the Army and put your life in the governments hands at 18 but you can't drink till 21. it makes no sense...

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1908693' date='Jul 2 2009, 10:31 PM']What kind of gun is that?[/quote]

Mine looked kind of like this.


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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='princessgianna' post='1908758' date='Jul 2 2009, 11:07 PM']\

Yea. You can join the Army and put your life in the governments hands at 18 but you can't drink till 21. it makes no sense...[/quote]
Silly Americans. ;)
[quote name='CatherineM' post='1908770' date='Jul 2 2009, 11:13 PM']Mine looked kind of like this.

Ooh, that does look nice. The one I fired was... older looking. Sorta looked similar to an AK-47, which is pretty much all I know to compare it to. Longer though.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1908786' date='Jul 2 2009, 11:18 PM']Silly Americans. ;)[/quote]
I know -we rather fight by you than Hitler :rolleyes: What were we thinking. :P

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='princessgianna' post='1908788' date='Jul 2 2009, 11:20 PM']I know -we rather fight by you than Hitler :rolleyes: What were we thinking. :P[/quote]
You joined late. ;)

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1908793' date='Jul 2 2009, 11:23 PM']You joined late. ;)[/quote]
Yea but we so ruled at Normandy.

*gets serious*

My Grandpa was the flight after D-Day. He only talked about twice sadly I was too young so these stories were passed on from my mom. He got very serious (which was very unsual) and say things like "we had to swim so all our ammunition was ruined. and take the bullets from the dead guys.-you couldn't think about what you were doing-you couldn't think about thier wives, children and family that they left. You just did your job and not think".

*stays serious*

My Grandma's older brother was engaged to be marry, He was in a fighter plane over france. Some german shot the plane-he jump out but his parachute didn't have time to deploy. he left a fiance. My Grandma to this day still hasn't gotten over his tragic death.

*seriousness continues*

That's tragic. You leave a fiance. I mean seriosuly I sometimes wonder who this lady was-did she have a wedding dress picked out. What did she look like. Whatever happened to her.

*Aplogizes for such a glum post*

Edited by princessgianna
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Nihil Obstat

War is such a tragic thing on all sides. :(
Especially so because in almost all cases it's the leaders, not the soldiers, who want war. My cousin married a Swiss German man. In WWII our grandparents would have been trying to kill his grandparents. He's a great person, and I wouldn't be surprised if his grandparents were too.... and yet, if we wanted to win that war, we had to try to kill them.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1908806' date='Jul 2 2009, 11:35 PM']War is such a tragic thing on all sides. :(
Especially so because in almost all cases it's the leaders, not the soldiers, who want war. My cousin married a Swiss German man. In WWII our grandparents would have been trying to kill his grandparents. He's a great person, and I wouldn't be surprised if his grandparents were too.... and yet, if we wanted to win that war, we had to try to kill them.[/quote]
Yea. Sadly it is sometimes needed (like the WW2 instance).
I sometimes wonder whatever happened to those brainwashed germans who after the allies came in realized what a huge mistake they did.

I have a book can't think of the title but it's about this German young boy who was totally awed but the Nazi's. He made some great leader in the Hitler Youth and after he realized what a scam he fell for he was like "oh whoops". In the 1980's I think he went to various Jew's Groups asking for forgivness and even after all that time. Many despied him.

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Nihil Obstat

I would venture that it's easier to be brainwashed than we'd like to believe.
(Just look at the pro-abortion movement.)

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1908822' date='Jul 2 2009, 11:42 PM']I would venture that it's easier to be brainwashed than we'd like to believe.
(Just look at the pro-abortion movement.)[/quote]
I never said it wasn't happening in the States. :detective:

But yea...I agree.

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Naturally. And use lots of propaganda. make it the "thing". Look at the gay "rights" movement.

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Nihil Obstat

Although you have to 'make it your own', just a little. Make them think you're original, a new genius.

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[quote name='Nihil Obstat' post='1908868' date='Jul 3 2009, 12:00 AM']Exactly.
Although you have to 'make it your own', just a little. Make them think you're original, a new genius.[/quote]
Yea. Then you get even more followers. I mean the Hollywood stars today are such cookie cutter types. Lizzi McCwire then Hannah Montaina same basic outline.

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Nihil Obstat

Hehe, good point. Hitler to Hannah Montana.... :P
I'm thinking specifically about Obama with a lot of this. I'm not speculating one way or another, but he shows some hallmarks of dictators of history.

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