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Ann Coulter


Ann Coulter  

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[quote name='elizabeth09' post='1922139' date='Jul 16 2009, 11:31 PM']Who is Ann Coulter?[/quote]

A far right racist and demagogue.

I'd give a more accurate description but it wouldn't get through the fiddler.

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Nihil Obstat

I think she's funny and thought provoking, and I also think she's a very smart woman. I don't agree with everything she says and stands for, but I respect a fair bit of it. Wouldn't want to get into a debate with her.

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Nihil Obstat

I mostly respect her opinions and often enjoy reading what she has to say. :)
Wouldn't want to debate against her either!

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As a conservative, I find Ms. Coulter's posturing embarrassing. It's not that she doesn't have any interesting ideas. But her presentation is a naked attempt to provoke a reaction. Pot-stirring for the sake of pot-stirring. It's tiresome, shallow and very unoriginal. Her chosen "media persona" and delivery bear an uncanny resemblance to say, Michelle Malkin.

The conservative message can be powerful and persuasive while being genuinely thoughtful and clever. See: William F. Buckley. He has no heir, that I can see.

The "pop" communicators we see running around today don't have any apparent serious intellectual interest in the movement. They are entertainers. They publish glossy, rush-to-press books with giant pictures of themselves on the cover.

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Nihil Obstat

In my opinion, which is limited, not having much exposure to American politics, she does soom to do a lot just to provoke a reaction, however my impression is that underneath that over the top attitude, she's quite intelligent and getting at some pretty good points.

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Hm, I don't think it's fair to dismiss her as simply a pop-icon. She didn't go to Cornell and practice law for years simply to sell books. She does a lot of work in the movement that isn't commercialized as much as her views are. Beneath the exterior of fame, I believe she really has a heart for what she does and says. Her humor just tends to be a bit dry. :idontknow:

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[quote name='iheartjp2' post='1922285' date='Jul 17 2009, 02:22 AM']Hm, I don't think it's fair to dismiss her as simply a pop-icon. She didn't go to Cornell and practice law for years simply to sell books. She does a lot of work in the movement that isn't commercialized as much as her views are. Beneath the exterior of fame, I believe she really has a heart for what she does and says. Her humor just tends to be a bit dry. :idontknow:[/quote]

Ms. Coulter may very well have this well-reasoned, interior conviction. Who can tell? She chooses to adopt a sensationalist persona in public. Many of the "pop" conservatives making the rounds today went to very good schools and had successful careers. They put themselves on the covers of their "rush" books, because what they are selling is not the content of the book, but the fact that they have written it. They are selling a media packaged persona.

I don't know if Ms. Coulter's humor is dry or not. One thing it is not, is clever. Bad satire, lots of rage, very static.

For truly witty, funny conservative stuff, see: once again, William F. Buckley, RIP.
Or Rush Limbaugh ... a lot of his humor has remarkable nuance to it, and he has that talent for mocking something from an unexpected angle.

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[quote name='Lilllabettt' post='1922321' date='Jul 17 2009, 12:44 AM']Ms. Coulter may very well have this well-reasoned, interior conviction. Who can tell? She chooses to adopt a sensationalist persona in public. Many of the "pop" conservatives making the rounds today went to very good schools and had successful careers. They put themselves on the covers of their "rush" books, because what they are selling is not the content of the book, but the fact that they have written it. They are selling a media packaged persona.

I don't know if Ms. Coulter's humor is dry or not. One thing it is not, is clever. Bad satire, lots of rage, very static.

For truly witty, funny conservative stuff, see: once again, William F. Buckley, RIP.
Or Rush Limbaugh ... a lot of his humor has remarkable nuance to it, and he has that talent for mocking something from an unexpected angle.[/quote]

I'm surprised that you would prefer Rush to Ann, seeing as many call her "Rush Limbaugh in a mini-skirt".

Other than that, have you ever [i]seen[/i] her on T.V.? She's not an angry person at all. Having spoken with people who have actually met her, she's one of the nicest, tender-hearted people you can meet. Furthermore, if you've read ANY of her books, you would know that she does NOT sell a persona, but actually sells good analytical content. I sometimes just get bored reading all of the facts that she jam-packs into her chapters, I just can't wait for her to rag on somebody. So far, her most dry tome to date is "Treason", seeing as it's political and historical analysis spanning 50 years and is filled with important facts and sound analysis. Being a six-time NYT best-seller doesn't make you a "pop" anything. She's just really good at what she does.

I would like to add, though, that the only book by her that can plainly be seen as an attempt to sell herself is "If Democrats Had Any Brains, They'd Be Republicans" which is nothing but a saucy intro to each chapter and then just a bunch of her quotes taken out of their original context (since the left does to do it, she decided to do it herself for a change). I'd recommend it for a good laugh. It kept me howling all the way through.

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