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Off-Topic from "Those who receive in the Hand"


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Nihil Obstat

Glad you understand. :) I hate making posts like that towards people that I like, because it's always a fine line before you appear angry or condescending, etc. As we all know, online forums are bad for catching subtleties of communication. :P

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[quote name='zunshynn' post='1926244' date='Jul 21 2009, 01:13 AM']BUT THAT WASN'T BEING TALKED ABOUT. No one is saying that he's right about the Church's moral teaching. And look now there are a lot of good posts that people spent a considerable amount of time on and were on topic, that are going to be lost and ignored because the thread was hijacked and is now all about attacking a certain individual. We get it, KofC, but it wasn't necessary to be brought up here.[/quote]

I disagree. He knowingly or unknowingly portrays himself as a "Catholic" in good standing with the Church, he did so in this thread. [b]The topic itself assumes that he would have been receiving communion.[/b] I am sorry people can not rap there heads around that. I would have the same reaction to a pro-choicer that would make a similar topic.

Sorry guys it is important it is related.

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[quote name='OraProMe' post='1926248' date='Jul 21 2009, 01:15 AM']Find me one authoritative source that says it's okay for one lay man to publicize another lay mans sins. The comparison with sedevacantists doesn't work either, because sedevacantists state that their position is consistent with the teachings of the Church and the hierarchy have all lost their see's due to heresy. I state that my position is inconsistent with the Churches and don't take communion out of respect for the hierarchy.

Hardly a valid comparison.[/quote]

You publicly reject the Church's moral teachings, knowing full well you are rejecting the Church's moral teachings. Knowing full well does not make it better it makes it worse.

Edited by KnightofChrist
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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1926257' date='Jul 21 2009, 02:22 AM']I disagree. He knowingly or unknowingly portrays himself as a "Catholic" in good standing with the Church, he did so in this thread. [b]The topic itself assumes that he would have been receiving communion.[/b] I am sorry people can not rap there heads around that. I would have the same reaction to a pro-choicer that would make a similar topic.

Sorry guys it is important it is related.[/quote]

is it so much better to continue to attack him even when we are all talking about something else? how is that being a good caholic?

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[quote name='Brigid' post='1926270' date='Jul 21 2009, 01:35 AM']not necessary. even with the emoticon.[/quote]

Was it necessary for her to claim that I was trying to show everyone how pious I am?

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[quote name='Resurrexi' post='1926278' date='Jul 21 2009, 02:40 AM']Was it necessary for her to claim that I was trying to show everyone how pious I am?[/quote]
no. but someone else had already made the point, there was absolutely no reason for you to say anything about it. the whole "turn the other cheek" thing.

[quote name='MissyP89' post='1926280' date='Jul 21 2009, 02:43 AM']Is it the weekend yet?[/quote]
sundays are the best. :love:

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Nihil Obstat

[quote name='Resurrexi' post='1926278' date='Jul 21 2009, 01:40 AM']Was it necessary for her to claim that I was trying to show everyone how pious I am?[/quote]
I think she was just trying to point out that your posts have a tendency towards legalism that precludes love. I'm not saying that you think that way, and nor was she, but you have tended at times to accidentaly give that impression. EDIT: Please emphasize "accidentaly". Thanks.
You know that I respect you a great deal, so I'm only saying this because we can all learn, and there are always ways to be a better person.

Edited by Nihil Obstat
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[quote name='KnightofChrist' post='1926224' date='Jul 21 2009, 01:59 AM']I already pointed out my purpose. Catholic visitors deserve to know that you are not in good standing with the Church.

Because it would be scandalous to Catholics in good standing with the Church. Again it is not so much your being a sodomite that I have a problem with it is your public statements that sodomy is not a sin and is not immoral when it is immoral. Even if you also point out you know that is not what the Church teaches. The point is and the problem is you publicly state that sodomy is not sinful, is not immoral.

A hypocrite is one that does not see his own sins. A man that does not see the log in his own eye. I do see that log. [color="#FF0000"][b]I have said it before and I will say it again like St Paul I am a chief of sinners. The sins of my past are far worse than the sins you have now.[/b][/color]

This thread was about the Holy Eucharist, if I did not know about you, I would have assumed you were in good standing with the Church. Because of the topic and the way you presented it. The difference between my sins and yours my brother are I see them as sins and repent of them. You have given yourself over to yours.

I will defend the Faith until my dieing breath. This is all I have to say about this for now. Good night.[/quote]

So do we all have the right to know when you are not in good standing with the catholic church? you comit mortal sins I wager, since we all do. So when you comit these mortal sins and are not in communion and good standing with the church, do you come on here and tell everyone your mortal sins? If you don't do that, what gives you the right to consistantly speak on another man's mortal sin?

Everyone you meet or speak to who does not agree with every church teaching or does not follow it, you also let everyone around know that they are not in good standing with the catholic church? SO your consistantly tell people what is wrong with other people? YOur consistantly talking about other people to everyone you come into contact with?

Except you don't see the sin you are comiting right now. You don't see how your verbally attacking and spreading judgement's about people to other's. YOu think that as long as your defending the faith, anything you say goes. Love your enemies does not just mean to not hate them and pray for them. It also means to treat them with respect, compassion, love, charity and treat them like you would want to be treated. Coming in this thread and making consistant posts about how this person is sinning and not in good standing is not loving your enemies, which is something our savior comanded us to do. Does the Pope go on tv/radio/printed form and consistantly talk about how certain catholic politicians are not in good standing with the church? Does he publiclly comment on certain people, bringing their names and sin into the public light? If the pope does not do such a thing, why do you? Are you above the pope? I have yet to hear the pope come out publiclly attack Joe Biden for being catholic but having disenting views. Yet that is what you are doing here.

Just look at it like this, if the Pope had a phatmass account would he be saying what you are saying about another poster? That would be a no? Until the pope attacks everyone publically for them not being in good standing with the church, you should not either.

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I believe this thread has taken an inappropriate downward spiral (Ora has stated several times in several threads that he does not receive Communion, and in light of that [i]public knowledge[/i] I believe the multi-page hijack was unnecessary). You've all said your piece so I'm closing this. If you want to say something more take it to a PM. Next time lets try and stay on topic.

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