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How To Choose A Handgun?

Groo the Wanderer

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Groo the Wanderer

Do to the rising rate of crime in our fair city where the mayor and council would rather spend money on football stadiums, I am seriously considering buying a gun for home protection. While I know a shotgun is quick and easy, I would rather not blow holes in my walls as well. I am a fairly good shot on Rainbow Six and Ghosr Recon, so I would rather get a handgun to start with. Plus it's hard to conceal a shotgun.

Seriously, though. I need something small enough to conceal, with a magazine large enough to take down 3 intruders, and a caliber that will stop 'em w/o killing the neighbor across the street if I miss my shot. Yes I will go to the range regularly....

suggestions? please include rationale for your choice.

Anti-gun nuts just go somewhere else please - I have no patience for a lecture on this right now. A guy walked into my neighbor's garage this week and tried to steal his Harley...while the wife was home.

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Saint Therese

If your idea is home defense, a shotgun is the ideal weapon, preferably 12 gauge. Shotguns have a wide pellet dispersal, which makes hitting a target (especially in a stressful situation) somewhat easier. Also, they are much more effective than handguns. If you choose handguns you really must seriously consider, as you said, blowing holes in the wall. If you were concerned about this you should choose a smaller caliber weapon. A .357 or 45 would penetrate most walls. I myeslf have both a shotgun and a handgun.
Hope that helped.

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.45 :cool:

Don't even bother with a 9mm, they are fun to play with, but that's it. They will not stop anybody dead in their tracks, whereas a .45 will.

If really want it to be a 1 shot/1 kill ration then you can always get a Deagle! haha. :lol_roll: They aren't getting up if you shoot them with that one

btw if you are having a gunfight in your house then it won't matter what kind of firearm you have; there's going to be holes in your walls :)

Don't be a cheapskate when you purchase your firearm


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I love to talk about guns and their importance differences between using a baseball bat.

When I was taking a hunter saftey course they were saying on that all you need to do to scare the hell out of the robbers is to make the loudest and biggest sound of a shotgun loading.

Oh and if you do get a shotgun don't nail your water heater when your firing it in your house.

If you get a handgun you will need a magazine that can hold about 10 rounds.

Edited by dauntingknight
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There are a few things to consider. While a shotgun is excellent home defense, you have to consider the situation you might conceivably need to use it in. In order for a shotgun to be your primary defense, it should (ideally) be kept loaded and have an action that did not require much strength or quickness to manipulate. In a case where you might have to shoot another human being, adrenaline becomes a big factor. A shotgun can also have some recoil to consider, which, if you have a wife or children that you might be educating on gun use, might be too much to handle.

On the other hand, a handgun offers a (usually) quick action of operation but is much less accurate. Shotguns are point and shoot, pretty much, while a handgun, under the effects of stress and given the distance between you and the target, might prove to be less so. Handguns with longer barrels are more accurate with less rotation out of the barrel, but tend to be heavier and more unwieldy, while short barrels (snub nose) have a lot more spin, are much less accurate, but are lighter and easier to manipulate. A Glock .9 mm is a great gun if you are looking for a clip/semi-auto action, are moderate weight with a medium length barrel and are pretty accurate. On the other hand, a snub nose .38 Smith and Wesson revolver is a very light gun, will kill with no problem, but can be unreliable in terms of accuracy.

An important thing is to go and shop around. Don't buy on brand name or caliber size. A well-placed .22 will kill in a single shot, you don't particularly need a .45 hand cannon unless that is what you're really comfortable with. Hand feel and weight is very important. Don't buy it unless it feels very comfortable and natural in your hand.

One of the most crucial things to keep in mind is what you're using it for. If you're looking strictly for home defense, a shotgun is a good option. Just think about what situations you are likely to need it in, and if you will be able to get to the gun, arm yourself, and then shoot in time. If you are not very comfortable with that, a handgun might be a better option in terms of portability.

Also, this is SO important...consider that you would be using this weapon under duress. Even if you are proficient with weapons and are a good shot, with your nerves on edge and the heart pumping, even a crack shot can miss an intruder. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, then choose a weapon accordingly. Every firearm can kill if used properly.

Btw, just as an aside...people will tell you all kind of stuff in terms of home defense. When choosing a weapon, make your choice based on shooting to kill. If you try to wound an attacker by shooting for the knee, you will probably make a horrendous mistake. Chances are, in home defense, you must be prepared to kill the intruder. Arm yourself in a way that makes defending yourself as easy as possible.

Hope this helps!

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[quote name='notardillacid' date='20 August 2009 - 12:01 PM' timestamp='1250791263' post='1953257']
Here's what I'm looking to get

Very impressive!

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[quote name='Marie-Therese' date='20 August 2009 - 02:36 PM' timestamp='1250793415' post='1953283']

A well-placed .22 will kill in a single shot, you don't particularly need a .45 hand cannon unless that is what you're really comfortable with.


Even if you are proficient with weapons and are a good shot, with your nerves on edge and the heart pumping, even a crack shot can miss an intruder.

A .22 is going to have to be a perfect shot to kill. I think this would be a very poor choice in terms of self-defense. A .45 isn't an uncontrollable cannon, especially for a man of Groo's strength! :topsy:

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[quote name='notardillacid' date='20 August 2009 - 02:45 PM' timestamp='1250793952' post='1953288']
A .22 is going to have to be a perfect shot to kill. I think this would be a very poor choice in terms of self-defense. A .45 isn't an uncontrollable cannon, especially for a man of Groo's strength! :topsy:


I wasn't advocating the .22, just trying to make a point...a small caliber bullet to the brain is pretty dang effective. An awful lot of people die every year from small caliber bullet wounds to the abdominal/thoracic area. But yes, I wouldn't choose a .22. My personal choice is a .38. I also have a .22, a .45 and a .357 S&W...I prefer the action and recoil of the .38.

A .45 is great, but it is big...I just wanted to make sure that he was thinking more "quick action" and less "ooh big macho gun" when choosing. ;)

Btw, I am a female that is 5'4 and 125, so I suppose I do think a lot about weight and recoil in weapons.

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I remember there being a story in the news not too long ago about a woman who was shot in the head multiple times but survived since the .22 was unable to pierce the skull. :detective:

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I also like shotguns, but kept #9 bird shot in it. It will intimidate, up close it will put someone down, but less likely to kill. That can be important if discharged accidentally. I put two birdshot shells in on top, and the rest 00 buckshot. That way if they keep coming after the first two, they will be put down. As to handguns, I used to carry a .25 cal automatic with hollow points.

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If it's good enough for Harry, it's good enough for you.

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[quote name='Resurrexi' date='20 August 2009 - 06:04 PM' timestamp='1250805859' post='1953380']
I've never shot a gun.


I am much more urban than rustic.

I was taught to shoot by a former Marine Corps sniper :unsure:

I've never really understood the hype. :idontknow:

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