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Imputation Of Righteousness


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Nihil Obstat

Oooooh, I see how this game works now. You pretend I said something else, and then respond to that instead of what I actually said.
Ok, let me try. In fact I'll take it just a bit further, like I mentioned above. Watch this now, it'll be cool.

[quote name='Stormstopper' date='07 October 2009 - 11:30 AM' timestamp='1254933056' post='1979897']
Mr. Nihl Ob,

You said that,

I am an ignorant Catholic with a variety of truly ludicrous theological beliefs.

Well I say to this that you are entirely correct. In fact most, if not all of your beliefs are entirely false. Allow me to demonstrate why with an epic docu-dump full of RANDOM INSERTIONS of CAPS to add emphasis to my position which is UNQUESTIONABLY RIGHT and only a true ignoramus would DISAGREE with it.

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docu-dumps usually show that the poster doesn't really understand what they are arguing. they can't sum up their stances in a few words or at least in their words... so they docu-dump.
not that storm isn't smart. he's engaging in a long, conventional academic debate. but they're getting hung up on the minutiae that i dont think they or at least storm is really synthesizing and taking it all in as should be done. it's just pencil pushing mostly. the docu-dump phenomenon does exist still despite that admittedly impressive in many senses debate.

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' date='07 October 2009 - 01:16 PM' timestamp='1254935767' post='1979965']
...not that storm isn't smart. he's engaging in a long, conventional academic debate. but they're getting hung up on the minutiae that i dont think they or at least storm is really synthesizing and taking it all in as should be done. it's just pencil pushing mostly. the docu-dump phenomenon does exist still despite that admittedly impressive in many senses debate.
Really? Interesting. I'd bought into all the anti-storm gab and so don't even read his posts. Thanks for the heads up.

Sorry mate. I'll ready ur posts more.

I have known dairygirl for years and trust her opinion therefore you storm bashers are false! he's smart and makes good points sometimes!

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[quote]I have known dairygirl for years and trust her opinion therefore you storm bashers are false! he's smart and makes good points sometimes! [/quote]

Right he does! For example, he thinks Selah is a cool music group and I do too! In addition....um....What? :huh:

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[quote name='Paddington' date='07 October 2009 - 01:21 PM' timestamp='1254936107' post='1979971']
dairyboy :yes:
haha, yeah, well, too bad. she will always be dairygirl to me. :love:

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[quote name='Stormstopper' date='07 October 2009 - 01:56 AM' timestamp='1254895012' post='1979729']
Oh thank you dairy-person for that unsolicited opinion. It doesn't surprise me though, because the "other jesus" you believe in per 2 Cor 11:4 is definitely the type to welcome stagnant, lukewarm religious persons into his embrace, so you will fit right in when he calls. The true Christ of Scripture however, was zealous----oh wait, let me capitalize that for you----ZEALOUS in His activities (Ps 69:9, Ps 119:139,Jn 2:7). You are the perfect example of someone who has nothing to say, provides no proof that anything I've said is inaccurate, and knowing you are empty-handed, decide then to go for character assasination so you can go to bed thinking you have accomplished something. Definitely the hallmark of someone any logical thinking person......does not take seriously.

storm, you're being an a-hole. that's the only reason people are putting you down. you're not being christ like. to equate your a-hole behavior with the tough side of Jesus is classic apologetical 'excuses 101'.

Edited by dairygirl4u2c
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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' date='07 October 2009 - 01:24 PM' timestamp='1254936260' post='1979979']
storm, you're being an a-hole. that's the only reason people are putting you down. you're not being christ like. to equate your a-hole behavior with the tough side of Jesus is classic apologetical 'excuses 101'.

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[quote name='HisChildForever' date='07 October 2009 - 10:59 AM' timestamp='1254931147' post='1979865']
You have no right, because an individual's salvation is between them and God. And you know what, any "evidence" you come up with is not full "evidence" because you have no clue what that individual thinks or feels in their heart.

Wow, you got THAT out of "You are not making appraisals, you are blatantly judging people - sometimes having the audacity to question someone's salvation." That statement assumes nothing. It is stating fact - your irrational judgment of the Catholics on this forum.

The Roman Catholic Church has made her theology open to everyone and therefore are open to inspection. If you want to believe that good works can cleanse your soul, dear child, you go right ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you when you are denied access.

Are you Jesus Christ? No. So stop making judgments about Catholics.

Your father is dying and this is the compassion you show him?

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[quote name='dairygirl4u2c' date='07 October 2009 - 12:24 PM' timestamp='1254936260' post='1979979']
storm, you're being an a-hole. that's the only reason people are putting you down. you're not being christ like. to equate your a-hole behavior with the tough side of Jesus is classic apologetical 'excuses 101'.

What a pathetic comment. I'm telling you what the Scripture says and you curse me out. Reminds me of when they gnashed their teeth at Stephen before stoning him, and of course this is exactly the type of abuse Christ said we should expect so thank you, I consider it a badge of honor, the apostles "rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name." (Acts 5:41). It certainly is understandable coming from a biblical illiterate catholic such as yourself who refuses to interact with the word of God which Jesus commanded to do, but instead, wistfully leaves his brain at the Vatican doorstep and expects them to do all the work because it would hurt your noodle too much if you even tried.

Edited by Stormstopper
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[quote]The Roman Catholic Church has made her theology open to everyone and therefore are open to inspection. If you want to believe that good works can cleanse your soul, dear child, you go right ahead. Don't say I didn't warn you when you are denied access.[/quote]

Is it lonely up there on your pedastal, Stormy? Because you are pretty much committing the sin of presumption now.

Didn't I already tell you why we see works as important?

Read the book of James lately?


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[quote name='Stormstopper' date='07 October 2009 - 01:33 PM' timestamp='1254936792' post='1979991']
What a pathetic comment.
Wrong. It was awesome.

How bout you let some of us punch up your posts? We promise not to change the meaning, we'll just make it look like it's not written by a stony faced commie.

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[quote]What a pathetic comment. I'm telling you what the Scripture says and you curse me out. Reminds me of when they gnashed their teeth at Stephen before stoning him, and of course this is exactly the type of abuse Christ said we should expect so thank you, I consider it a badge of honor, the apostles "rejoicing that they were counted worthy to suffer shame for his name." (Acts 5:41). It certainly is understandable coming from a biblical illiterate catholic such as yourself who refuses to interact with the word of God which Jesus commanded to do, but instead, wistfully leaves his brain at the Vatican doorstep and expects them to do all the work because it would hurt your noodle too much if you even tried. [/quote]

My Lord, what is it with Fundies and the victim complex? You have the gaul to compare yourself to St. Stephen...you aren't suffering. You're posting on a MESSAGE BOARD.


And Winnie is right. It was awesome.

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[quote name='Stormstopper' date='07 October 2009 - 02:33 PM' timestamp='1254936792' post='1979991']
Reminds me of when they gnashed their teeth at Stephen before stoning him, [/quote]

If you really use your imagination.

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