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Protestant = Modern Day Pharisees

MC Just

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Good Friday

[quote][b]MC Just writes:[/b]
That's not what Brother Bob, (A Jewish Convert to the Catholic Church) said today on EWTN. He explained them all, and specifically said the Pharisees, were "Torah Only"[/quote]
Well, I'm willing to admit that Brother Bob may know something I don't, but I've always read, heard and been taught that the Pharisees did not rely on the Torah alone. But being that he has a better education than I do, and being that he's known he's a Jew for longer than I have, I'm willing to concede that he may be right on that point and I may be wrong. I simply don't have the education to argue with him.

[quote]I say it because I can. I was bothered by a few protestants posts. S I decided to just throw something out there.[/quote]
Actually, I don't think you "can," and I think that will be demonstrated shortly. But in addition to the fact that I don't think you can, because dUSt is calling Catholics to a higher level of charity and maturity than he's expecting from non-Catholics (and rightly so), I also think it's deplorable that you would try, just because you "can." I've been bothered by a few Protestants' posts, too, and by quite a few more Catholics' posts. Some of my responses have landed in the Back Alley, because I've behaved in a juvenile and uncharitable manner. But I think it's necessary for all of us to try to respect dUSt and Phatmass enough not to break his rules, respect the Church enough to follow her teachings on charitability, respect Christ enough not to hammer our harsh remarks into the nail wounds in His hands, and respect our [i]separated brothers and sisters[/i] enough not to insult them and drag them further away from union with us. I'm not saying we'll always succeed, because it's in our fallen human nature to fail, but we should pray that Christ will give us the strength to persevere in charity.

The bottom line is this: we either believe the phorum is a powerful tool for evangelization, or we believe it's just another Catholic message board. If we believe it's a powerful tool for evangelization, then it's necessary for us to use it to evangelize rather than to drive others further away with our nasty remarks. If we believe it's just another Catholic message board, then by all means we should continue to bite each other's heads off, and to slap the non-Catholics who come here right in the face, until there's nothing left (as has happened with many other Catholic message boards).

To the Protestants here: this uncharitable attitude that prevails among some on this phorum is not the attitude of all Catholics, and it is certainly not the attitude of the Church. I encourage you to read the documents written by the Pope, and by many of the Bishops. Nowhere in those documents do you find the kind of scathing remarks you will sometimes find here, because the Bishops and the Pope have a level of maturity and holiness that none of us here possess. Please don't feel that all Catholics are ready to call you modern-day Pharisees. For every remark like that, there are at least ten of us -- Azriel, BLAZEr, myself, and others -- shaking our heads and thinking how counterproductive such remarks really are. But we don't say anything, sometimes, because we don't want to stir things up even more. But please be assured that there are people here who aren't willing to brand you the Greatest Heretic of All Time.

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I originally moved this to the Back Alley because it was rather uncharitable--but then, after reading Good Friday's last post again, I think it's worth it to keep in the Debate Table.

I encourage everyone to read Good Friday's post, and actually listen to what you're reading.

God bless.

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[quote]To the Protestants here: this uncharitable attitude that prevails among some on this phorum is not the attitude of all Catholics, and it is certainly not the attitude of the Church. [/quote]

Historically, sadly, it has been. It is only in the past few years that Catholics engaged at all with Protestants without tossing some Anathema curse at us.

This site is actually pretty good at letting things play out, and I have to give dUSt and his moderator team credit for that one.

Shame there are not more Protestants, or even a Mormon or JW around to have some fun with, too many "Me Too" agreement posts for my taste, so I try to keep you guys honest...grin.

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oh please. I'm done.Lets all gang up on MC Just! Thanks alot. Ok so I guess I have to go practice my "Charity" I'll stay away from here for a while because I can't stand what the protestants blast's at our church, or the attitude i get from my own pham.

Edited by MC Just
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[quote]When I think of pharisees the image I get is of heartless nitpickers.

Or Canon Law nitpickers, grin.

Of course, Canon Law, Vatican style, makes the IRS codes seem like child's play by comparison.

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[quote name='Bruce S' date='Apr 6 2004, 09:46 AM']
Shame there are not more Protestants, or even a Mormon or JW around to have some fun with, too many "Me Too" agreement posts for my taste, so I try to keep you guys honest...grin. [/quote]
Hi ;)

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[quote name='MC Just' date='Apr 6 2004, 11:46 AM'] oh please. I'm done.Lets all gang up on MC Just! Thanks alot. Ok so I guess I have to go practice my "Charity" I'll stay away from here for a while because I can't stand what the protestants blast's at our church, or the attitude i get from my own pham. [/quote]
can't finish what you started eh?


sorry, that was mean, but it's interesting when the victimizer tries to become the victim.

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Ya'll know how I feel.

Play nice or get outta the pool.

Thanks GF for the post. Good stuff right there.

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[quote name='mulls' date='Apr 6 2004, 01:03 PM'] can't finish what you started eh?


sorry, that was mean, but it's interesting when the victimizer tries to become the victim. [/quote]
Actual I would if everyone wouldnt have started telling me how I should act.

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Brother Adam

[quote name='Bruce S' date='Apr 6 2004, 12:10 PM']
Or Canon Law nitpickers, grin.

Of course, Canon Law, Vatican style, makes the IRS codes seem like child's play by comparison. [/quote]
Having worked in a law firm who had an entire library room dedicated to IRS codes and regulations. Not to mention the weekly updates. It got annoying. Really.

Oh, and we aren't talking about the books helping the tax laywers interpret the code. This is just the IRS publications themselves. Frankly, having looked through the code of canon law, it seems tame.

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Brother Adam

[quote name='Bruce S' date='Apr 6 2004, 09:46 AM']
Historically, sadly, it has been. It is only in the past few years that Catholics engaged at all with Protestants without tossing some Anathema curse at us. [/quote]
I have to agree to a certian extent. Historically Catholics haven't always been so openly welcome to discuss and debate doctrine.

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Apr 6 2004, 04:36 PM'] I have to agree to a certian extent. Historically Catholics haven't always been so openly welcome to discuss and debate doctrine. [/quote]
Bro Adam,
I disagree why? You cannot debate doctrine, you can only discuss it!

God Bless

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