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Props are now up and down +/-


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As a Cordial Non-Catholic, are we allowed to down vote? Appears I can  up vote but not down vote.

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As a Cordial Non-Catholic, are we allowed to down vote? Appears I can  up vote but not down vote.

​I just made the prop limit for n00bs and non-Catholics +10 and -5.

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​I just made the prop limit for n00bs and non-Catholics +10 and -5.

​Thank you!

I dont know what they were before, but its good to know now!

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Ash Wednesday

Eh....I'm not a fan of propping down, especially if it's public. As if the boards didn't have enough hostility and drama already, I think that will just contribute to it.

Come at me and prop me down if you must.

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It may also motivate me to create a "Negative Nancy" group--where I move all members who overly abuse the negative props. The Negative Nancys will only be allowed to + prop. lol

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Maybe you should take away the ability to prop down in the prayer room, if possible. Don't think anyone would be that much of a jerk but hey. 

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The prop (reputation) system is now positive and negative. Now you can use props to "not like" a post. This will also decrease a member's reputation score.

I made the negative prop limit much smaller than the positive prop limit.

I think this will more accurately reflect a user's "reputation".

Also, unlike in the past, the negative props are not anonymous--so people will be able to see who liked or disliked posts.

I will use negative props for posts that are rude and uncharitable, and not for things I simply disagree with.

I hope this will motivate people to not only think about what they post, but how they are posting it.

Let the complaining (or negative props) begin...

​amesome idea !

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​I just made the prop limit for n00bs and non-Catholics +10 and -5.

​What about phishy, can he get rep, and can rep cancel out phishy? I used to be a traditional catholic last year (Ecclesia Dei, not SSPX or Sede) , so was made into phishy.

(I am an orthodox NO catholic now, but not a trad anymore after the trad parish kicked me out for pursuing a modern(ist) vocation)

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The reason why I like the up an down vote, is  at least for me I will no longer have to go on a useless rant, an I can simply click a down vote in disagreement instead of going into verbal diarrhea to which may or may not have valid points.

It is kind of funny how people thrive on the imaginary importance of " reputation status " as if some how society is going to be carrying a measuring stick around on the net an come along here and go uh oh so n so has way way to many negative votes.

Now if the reputation status had some kind of importance here, like you get some kind of care package of a coffee mug, a free movie ticket,  and a signed copy of your favorite book by your fav author , then I can understand.  But to gripe an moan about so n so doesn't like me so I am afraid I am going to get bad reviews, what ever. Take that nonsense back to high school.

For me I just like the option to signal that I disagree with out getting into a passive aggressive contest of who can aggravate who the best with out crossing a line. Or having to repeat over and over and over why I disagree because someone doesn't understand and wants more an more clarification to their specific standards of what that person considers as an acceptable answer.  Now if there was a way to get this system of like an dislike on major news networks an talk radio.

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