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Kids Say The Darndest Things...

Brother Adam

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Me: How was dancing?
4 year old: Good.
Me: Who pick you up?
4 year old: Mommy

Edited by elizabeth09
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[quote name='Lil Red' timestamp='1303956389' post='2234102']
:lol4: :lol4: :lol4: :lol4: this makes me laugh so hard :lol4: :lol4: :lol4: :lol4: :lol4: :lol4:

Me, too! I felt bad because I had no sympathy for them, it was just too funny!

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Brother Adam

I put my kids to bed for the night and shut off their light. As I am walking down stairs I hear the shuffle of feet:

Joseph (4): Bwwaaaiiinns
Joseph: Bwwaiiins
Bethany: Bwaaiiins
Joseph: Must eat daddy's bwwwaaains
Bethany: bwwaiiinns

Daddy: Daddy doesn't have any bwwains, that's why I married mommy now go to bed!

(they got that from Plants Vs Zombies that we play on the computer sometimes, not a scary movie)

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One time, my littlest brother, Luke (he was probably 3 at the time), was feeling left out because my other brother, Drew (9 at the time), forgot to tell him something, so he stood at the top of the stairs and yelled "HEY! DREW! REMEMBER ME!?!?! LUKE!!!"

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One time I was outside and the window where my brother (then 3, now 14... :( ) was playing. I crouched under the window and said in a really deep voice "DAVID!" and he ran to the window and said "Yes!? God!?! Where are you!?!"

I felt soooo bad, but it was soooo hilarious.

Another time my mother was talking to my other brother (who was 4ish) about being a priest.
- What if God does ask you to be a priest?
~ I don't know. I guess I'll run away.
- Like Jonah?
~ Yeah. Just like Jonah
- What if you get eaten by a whale?
~ Then I guess I won't be a priest then, will I, cuz I'll be dead!

The same brother, when he was about three was at Mass. And he had a very intense interest in the "Body of Christ". One time we went to a different church where the host that was elevated was twice the size of the ones he was used to. As the priest elevated the host, Dominic yells
~Wow! That's a BIG Body of Christ!
and mom was like yes, but you need to be a little quieter.
So then Dom was not paying attention and looks up and goes
"What happened to the Body of Christ?"
~Father ate it, hon


And of course, we're near the front row and this happens when the church is COMPLETELY SILENT so my family is trying to not laugh hysterically (and failing miserably). Which just made things worse. The people around us were chuckling, but we were losing it! My sister and I were doing that whole "hold-in-your-laughter-until-you-make-this-weird-snorting-noise-that-then-devolves-into-hysterical-giggles-that-only-get-worse-if-you-try-to-stop" thing.

We were so grateful when Mass was over. We barely made it out the door before someone goes "The whole thing?! Was he hungry!?" and we all just laughed hysterically.
:lol4: :lol4: :lol4: :lol4: :lol4: :lol4:

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I noticed the wax in my little brother's ears years ago, but he didn't want me to clean them saying that they were his ear wax buddies.

When he was in first grade mom searched around the house looking for him because he had school and she had to go to work. Once she finally got the little demon and got him to school he was late. She asked him why he hid and he said that that way, the school day would be shorter.

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ok im going to confess some things that i said when i was a little child:

first i will start with when i was 2 or 3 yrs old, so i was at my grandparents' home and while my grandma was cleaning the dishes i went up to her and kept on saying "excuse me" for a few times then my grandma stopped doing the dishes and looked down at me and i said "Excuse Me, I passed gas" then my grandma burst out into laughter! hahaha i dont remember this though but u see i have good manners.

then when i was about the same age like 2 or 3, my family and i were in a big fan driving on a normal day and i was doing the normal things as usual lke talking to my siblings or playing or singing a song then when when i seen McDonalds i would act like i was dying from being hungry or being straved! i would say "Imm hungryyyyyy" and "Imm thirstyyyyy"! hahaha it was funny though cuz i was a smart doobie! lol

Also when i was the same age, my dad would drive us to places and stuff and i said "no this way, daddy, this way daddy this way" and i pointed to different directions than my dad would be going! lol also i guess i was wearing my one piece pajamas when i did that! lol

Then when i was four years old, and there was a pet bear at some place and i fed it marshmallows and it was named Amy and one day i said "Amy the Bear" to my bro and he thought i said "Hand Me A Beer"! it was priceless lol


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Last night I asked my kids what they are going to do for me for Mother's Day.

My 7 year old said, "I don't know, maybe something like mop the kitchen floor for you! I think that would be a good idea."

My 6 year old said, "How about I play Little Big Planet with you!"

I think [i]someone [/i]has her own agenda for Mother's Day.

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This little girl I babysit is 3 years old and has two older siblings (5 and 7) who love to play hide go seek. One day I was carrying her as we look for her brother. All of a sudden she jerks at my tee shirt, pats me twice over my heart, and then says to me with the most serious voice...

"Yours have no milk like Mommy's did."

rotfl rotfl rotfl

(This is probably the smartest little kid I know. Her favorite channels alternate between Discovery Health and Animal Planet. Also, she prefers to go by Princess Leia most of the time. :jedi: )

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[quote name='MargaretTeresa' timestamp='1304960128' post='2239140']
This little girl I babysit is 3 years old and has two older siblings (5 and 7) who love to play hide go seek. One day I was carrying her as we look for her brother. All of a sudden she jerks at my tee shirt, pats me twice over my heart, and then says to me with the most serious voice...

"Yours have no milk like Mommy's did."

rotfl rotfl rotfl

(This is probably the smartest little kid I know. Her favorite channels alternate between Discovery Health and Animal Planet. Also, she prefers to go by Princess Leia most of the time. :jedi: )

rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl rotfl whoa whoa whoa thats um weird lol

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(On Saturday morning, while my sister Paula is watching golf with our nephew Henry.)

Paula: Henry, do you think this guy is going to make this putt?
Henry: Yep.
(it's like a 60 foot putt, which they guy makes, applauded by many 4 year old smiles because he called it right. Next shot is a player looking over a dinky little putt.)
Paula: Is he going to make his?
Henry: Nope.
(he misses badly)
Henry: See? (smiles at Paula brightly) Sucker!

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Guest muskeigirl2010

One of my kids at the daycare told me I was going to get married and wear a wedding dress. I'm leaving for the convent on August 28th.

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