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Dreams Mean Anything?


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I think I should maybe clarify what I meant in my post.. :)

I'm all for mothers loving their children :) I didn't mean that those with "loving" personalities are not called to marriage. I meant that they are not necessarily only called to marriage, and that we need religious like this too. There are Saints who were nuns and they were very kind, tender hearted people, and they used that to help others and also to respond to Jesus. :)

I think what I was saying, is that there's a need for such people not only in families, but also in religious life, because their kindness can really dispose them to consoling Jesus.. I'm thinking of people like St Margaret Mary. So.. I'd say we need such people everywhere! :)

Of course we need to show love to spouses, children, parents, etc. That is very important. But I woudln't say that because someone has a very kind nature, that means they can't be called to religious life. They can be called to either vocation. Do we sometimes forget that though God has no need of us, Jesus has a human nature and "needs" our love too? :) My point was that being a very kind person doesn't mean that this could only be shown to a husband, though of course it can be, if that person is called to marriage.

God bless!

Edited by MarysLittleFlower
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