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Kathleen Sebelius To Speak At Georgetown


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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1336544769' post='2429012']
If George Bush, a man who not only invaded a country on false pretenses, sparking a mass campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing but also presided over an administration that actively and systematically perused a campaign of torture in said country, were invited to speak there would be hardly be a peep here. The same could be said of a member of the Reagan administration which actively backed and supported savage dictators in Latin America. All this culture of life talk within the religious right is "[font=arial, sans-serif]only a resounding [/font][i]gong[/i][font=arial, sans-serif] or a clanging cymbal"[/font]. It's earnest but unreflective.

What "mass campaign of genocide and ethnic cleansing" did President Bush support? Of course I assume you will ignore that President Clinton allowed Darfur to erupt and remained silent on that issue far too long allowing it embed itself as a massive destabilizing event for Sudan and the entire Horn of Africa...The truth unfortunately is that just about every President I can think of has done things or allowed things to happen which should have been opposed...

...However that does not mean that since bad things were allowed to happen in the past, or that people remained silent in the past that they should be silent now...two wrongs don't make a right...a wrong NEVER makes a right. The question I pose is what has the Secretary ever done in the political arena that actually makes her an even remotely respectable or good choice to be a commencement speaker at a Graduation. She has flat out rejected the church, has turned from it's teaching and would rather promote death of innocents than be faithful to the church. I pray for her everyday, but that does not mean she should be speaking at this institution.

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[quote name='Slappo' timestamp='1336509888' post='2428822']
How about Dolan? :)
[/quote][quote name='Slappo' timestamp='1336509888' post='2428822']
How about Dolan? :)
[/quote]He's got a commencement address in DC the week before. :)

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1336610773' post='2429290']
I didn't vote for Bush. I prefer presidents with IQ's above room temperature.


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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1336610773' post='2429290']
I didn't vote for Bush. I prefer presidents with IQ's above room temperature.

I'm not a Bush fan either, but the I.Q. thing was a hoax.
See: [url="http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/hoaxes/presiq.asp"]http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/hoaxes/presiq.asp[/url]


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I also am no Bush fan, but a high IQ not necessarily make one a good president. e.g. Jimmy Carter

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1336647981' post='2429385']
I also am no Bush fan, but a high IQ not necessarily make one a good president. e.g. Jimmy Carter

Carter made it through Annapolis and was an officer on a nuclear sub. A southern drawl doesn't mean dumb.

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1336664933' post='2429448']
Carter made it through Annapolis and was an officer on a nuclear sub. A southern drawl doesn't mean dumb.

Whaaaa? I said Jimmy Carter had a high IQ, yet not a good president. I thought that was clear. Sorry.

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[quote name='Papist' timestamp='1336671223' post='2429466']
Whaaaa? I said Jimmy Carter had a high IQ, yet not a good president. I thought that was clear. Sorry.
I got that backwards big time.

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[quote name='CatherineM' timestamp='1336675878' post='2429501']
I got that backwards big time.

Or maybe my IQ is not as high as I thought. :cry: Could my mom be wrong?

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[quote name='Slappo' timestamp='1336577930' post='2429118']
Wait... people here like Bush? :|
When I have to decide between defending Obama and defending Bush I would defend Bush in a heartbeat, Yes. he has some bad moves but he tries to live his christian faith. Obama on the other hand can't decide what he believes and will change his opinion to please the public in addition to being pro-abortion and now pro same sex marraige. Oh! and the current administration can't own up for anything! They blame Bush for everything! It's been 31/2 years for goodness sake!!!!! :hehe2:

Edit: I didn't realize so many people had such negative feeling for bush. is that because you're not Republican or because you didn't like the Man? Just wondering because I was just a kid when he was in office.

Edited by Annie12
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I'm a pro-life democrat who usually ends up voting republican or independent. I don't like Bush because he was a bad president.

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[quote name='Annie12' timestamp='1336699963' post='2429615']
When I have to decide between defending Obama and defending Bush I would defend Bush in a heartbeat, Yes. he has some bad moves but he tries to live his christian faith. Obama on the other hand can't decide what he believes and will change his opinion to please the public in addition to being pro-abortion and now pro same sex marraige. Oh! and the current administration can't own up for anything! They blame Bush for everything! It's been 31/2 years for goodness sake!!!!! :hehe2:

Edit: I didn't realize so many people had such negative feeling for bush. is that because you're not Republican or because you didn't like the Man? Just wondering because I was just a kid when he was in office.

Personally, I have a really big problem with unjust wars and torture. I'm anti-abortion because I believe every life is precious and deserves to be protected. Even if the people are poor/Muslim/Arabic/ or unborn. I'm also generally against interventionism. I think its arrogant of us to try to police the world (under the pretensions that we're "fighting evil" and not protecting our own interests).

Basically I find it unacceptable to spill innocent blood, both born and unborn. Both are abhorrent in their own ways, and I refuse to under-emphasize civilian casualties in a reaction to counterbalance for the slaughter of unborn life. Neither are acceptable. Do people get that? I think a lot of people here do, which is nice. I've chatted with fundies before and their unconcern about civilian deaths can be staggering.

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Tab'le De'Bah-Rye

i don't trust none of you emough yet to be able to sign on your word, so i ain't signing no petition, you could be aliens and the petition could be to demolish earth.

Edited by Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye
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[quote name='Tab'le Du'Bah-Rye' timestamp='1336728224' post='2429709']
i don't trust none of you emough yet to be able to sign on your word, so i ain't signing no petition, you could be aliens and the petition could be to demolish earth.

Just read the petition first Tab, it's OK. I'm not an alien but my Mom was but that's only because she was from Canada. :)


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