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An Old School Catholic Message Board

How Can A Faithful Catholic Be A Democrat?

Groo the Wanderer

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it seems as though you are seeing only what you want to see. :)

peruse the rest of the boards....we are a fun loving, prayerful, praying for, compassionate people. yes, and hot-tempered too.

the debate table is just a good place to get sucked into arguments. :P

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='spiritual' timestamp='1338858249' post='2440954']
I have never denied it when I have been judgemental, can everyone here admit it as well?
And Thank You for the Welcome
[b]I admit that I'm a sinner and not perfect![/b] But there's a saying about people in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. It seems wise to look at and criticise my own faults rather than those of other people.

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[quote name='spiritual' timestamp='1338858100' post='2440953']
Does anyone that doesn't think & post as all of you, who were ever so quick to judge & criticize me, stay here for long?
Just curious, I happen to love a good debate as long as it isn't demeaning (which so many here are quite eloquent at I must say)

Oh, btw socrates, how did I do? I tried to control my desire to use "all that bold lettering & random capitalization", sorry but I can't fulfill your other judgements of me-you know the evil pictures & such.
And, who said anything about Ins. plans at Catholic Schools? I had to go back & reread my post to make sure it wasn't me, it wasn't, so it just must be you. But I do apologize for the mis-step in wording that lumped Viagra, etc. in with condoms (which have always been considered mostly for contraceptive use). My, you all certainly pick apart every single word someone posts here don't you? Too bad you all don't proofread your own posts or you may, just may, realize how demeaning you can sound in some of them.

"contradictions, misdirections, and half-truths" -- sorry, I call it passion about the topic. I get carried away by it, but I'll stop there b/c I'm sure someone here will have some kind of judgement of that too.
[/quote]I hope you're tough and can take being challenged. If so, this is the place to be. If not, there's always llamas and ponies on the Lame Boards when you think you may need a break. You may be fun, seeing how you introduced yourself into the Debate Table. We'll see how you fare.

I don't think you can get any 2 phatmassers here to agree on 10 things, and all of the poster in the Debate Table will certainly give you a run for your money. And yes, many have been here for years challenging each other as well as the occasional 'temp' debator. This is the Deep End, so I hope you can tread water and handle the rough housing.

Grammar, spelling, and punctuation help. Winnie will gleefully provide links to Oatmeal if you have trouble with Your and You're.

Edited by Anomaly
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[quote name='spiritual' timestamp='1338855254' post='2440923']
Thank You for the Welcome
But I know a lot of Catholics that not only have a "twenty dollar Bible" (which I truly don't understand why spending $20.00 on a Bible is a Bad thing if you really don't have extra money for the, I guess, Really Good Ones?) , but they also don't have the 'capability' of reading the Bible in anything But English (unfortunately there are many of us who don't have the means and/or 'capability' to learn& they also have their own interpretations of the Bible, just like -(Protestants?curious choice)- most any one else. I have not met 1 Catholic, Protestant, Methodist, Baptist, etc. that has NEVER interpretated parts of the Bible on their own, there are also some that don't even Read the Bible, but just do as the Church says & think that's all they need to be a 'Good Faithful Catholic' and go to Heaven. You sound very pleasant, but also a little demeaning to others--"Bible Alone Christians"-what is that anyway? So if someone reads the Bible & doesn't go to Catholic Church any longer they are not True Christians? More than a little condensending I think. But Thank You for your Opinions, I respect that.
I forgot you were there. You may go now.

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Sorry if you were offended or felt "judged" by some of the replies to your first post, but your first post seemed like a judgmental, disorganized, tirade that many people probably found offensive at some point or another. People probably would have reacted more pleasantly if you had not introduced yourself with an attack...

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Groo the Wanderer

prolly outghta split this off into a new thread anyhoo....has nothing to do with the original question or llamas

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Jesus_lol' timestamp='1338862450' post='2441033']
Many people have made worse first posts and stayed for years though... :)
Why do you bring me into this?

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='Groo the Wanderer' timestamp='1338862862' post='2441038']
prolly outghta split this off into a new thread anyhoo....has nothing to do with the original question or llamas
That's what I like about this forum, you can go off topic, be really silly, write nonsense, like just be my usual self.

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I think the only thing we can all agree on is that we can't agree on much. Modesty, flirtation, drinking, politics, we have all debated about it at one point or another, and sometimes we get our noses bloodied pretty badly (Mine more-so). We all get pretty into our debates and sometimes we all take a break from it for a while because it can get a bit much if you go on for too long, but one thing you can always rest assured on is that we never judge each other. I have been beaten to the ground for things I said, but never once did I feel judged, because not once was I ever judged. We're a bit of an odd family (Can't think of one that debates so much as we do) but we're a loving family that prays a lot, and we're always there for each other. I hope you stick around long enough to see it.

Edited by FuturePriest387
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I've never seen any disagreements about drinking on pm. The consensus is pretty much in favor of alcohol afaik.

and you should feel judged. I'm judging you. Right now.

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[quote name='Ice_nine' timestamp='1339095060' post='2442235']
I've never seen any disagreements about drinking on pm. The consensus is pretty much in favor of alcohol afaik.

and you should feel judged. I'm judging you. Right now.

I had a disagreement with Kujo one time. He says getting drunk on purpose is not a mortal sin while I said it was. I've also disagreed with people when I said it was okay for a minor to have a few sips his parents gives him, while other people said it wasn't.

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Mark of the Cross

[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1339098421' post='2442252']
I had a disagreement with Kujo one time. He says getting drunk on purpose is not a mortal sin while I said it was. I've also disagreed with people when I said it was okay for a minor to have a few sips his parents gives him, while other people said it wasn't.
Sometimes you have to accept being wrong!

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1339098421' post='2442252']
I had a disagreement with Kujo one time. He says getting drunk on purpose is not a mortal sin while I said it was. I've also disagreed with people when I said it was okay for a minor to have a few sips his parents gives him, while other people said it wasn't.
Deliberately getting drunk (as opposed to moderate alcohol consumption) is always sinful. It's mortally sinful if it leads to endangerment of one's own life or the life of others (as by drunk driving) or leads to the complete loss of reason.

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