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[quote name='Light and Truth' timestamp='1351563908' post='2500127'][list]
[*]Religion:Armenian Apostolic
In communion with Syriac and Indian Malankara, Coptic, Ethiopian, and Eritrean.

I don't even know what that means.

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[quote name='Light and Truth' timestamp='1351651316' post='2500856']
Zombie Romney for President: We fight to protect all life, from the youngest living to the living dead...
Yeah, the warmonger will protect the Hell out of people like this:
[mod]inappropriate photo[/mod]


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[quote name='Winchester' timestamp='1351651493' post='2500860']
Yeah, the warmonger will protect the Hell out of people like this:
[mod]inappropriate photo[/mod\

It's odd that you'd post a picture of [b]Obama's[/b] drone attack victim's to make a point about Romney's assumed policies.

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Here's a yard sign, too:

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351651903' post='2500866']
It's odd that you'd post a picture of [b]Obama's[/b] drone attack victim's to make a point about Romney's assumed policies.
Yeah, a war Romney supports. Drone attacks he hasn't condemned. Robama has already stated he would return to Iraq.

Robama also supports NDAA, TARP, both QE's, all our interventionist wars, continued acts of war against Iran...

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[quote name='BigJon16' timestamp='1351651471' post='2500859']
I don't even know what that means.
We are the other ones in the 451 split at the Council of Chalcedon (4th ecumenical council). This makes us miaphysites. The Copts will explain that this is a matter of translation. I'm not good at explaining the theology yet, but we believe that Christ was fully human and was fully divine, but instead of two separate natures, his natures exist together in one hypostatic union. Because this schism occurred at this point, the first total 7 ecumenical councils may be considered Orthodox, however, we non-Chalcedonians are not obligated to hold to the 5th-7th, and of course there is still that division over the 4th.

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[quote name='dUSt' timestamp='1351652271' post='2500873']
I only support wars against Libya because they tried to kill Doc Brown.
So Dust, will you at least consider my proposal?

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Okay so I read the first post and vaguely skimmed as I scrolled down, and I think I noticed somehow the political war going on in this thread lol. I have always admired that OligaRchy sign though

ANYHOO, L&T, I suggest that you couple one or the other of those offers with also a monthly donation pledge to phatmass. 30 tacos per month should get it done.

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To Jesus Through Mary

[quote name='Light and Truth' timestamp='1351652353' post='2500874']
So Dust, will you at least consider my proposal?

:secret: tell him you think anyone note voting for Romney is more dumber...

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[quote name='To Jesus Through Mary' timestamp='1351652526' post='2500877']
:secret: tell him you think anyone note voting for Romney is more dumber...
Honey, I am a political volunteer already. (Republicans taught me to drink.) And I take it you are not voting for Romney? Such grammar!

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[quote name='Aloysius' timestamp='1351652384' post='2500875']ANYHOO, L&T, I suggest that you couple one or the other of those offers with also a monthly donation pledge to phatmass. 30 tacos per month should get it done.
How about a giant Mexican Pizza Taco?

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To Jesus Through Mary

Eh- I am actually one of the few undecideds on here. For sure not Obama. I am having some moral issues with voting for Romney, but in reality it is either going to be Romney or Obama. So I am back and forth on the issue. Still praying/discerning who I am going to vote for.

Sorry I highjacked your thread to poke at dUSt. If you got some time and a few beers read the Debate Table and you'll get it.

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