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Do You Dream In Color?


Do you dream in color?  

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[quote name='Hasan' timestamp='1353642774' post='2515090']

Yeah I was just trying to give some practical advice.

Thanks, [i]s[/i]assy [i]g[/i]ay friend!

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[quote name='FuturePriest387' timestamp='1353642861' post='2515091']

Thanks, [i]s[/i]assy [i]g[/i]ay friend!

You're welcome :)

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[quote name='Mark of the Cross' timestamp='1353621959' post='2514883']
Are dreams sinful? I hope not! However I've never had a dream about the confessional, so maybe I'm safe.

No, they're not sinful because dreams are something you can't control. It feels like I'm sinning when I'm clearly doing something I know is wrong but at the same time feels good (in my dream) yet I feel guilty so I stop myself. Sometimes my conscience just really gets in the way and for crying out loud, dreams aren't even real!

I've never had a dream where I went to confession, I think we're both safe, Mark.

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[quote name='MaterMisericordiae' timestamp='1353632121' post='2514969']
You wouldn't believe the amount of people who believe that "wet dreams" are sinful. You cannot control what you dream about unless you manipulate so there is no fault there. :)

I don't believe it's a sin cuz it's just a dream and as you said, you can't control what you're dreaming about. If you can manipulate your dreams, then you got some mad skill!

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[quote name='FutureCarmeliteClaire' timestamp='1353685422' post='2515244']
I had no idea someone could dream in black and white.
Recently studies indicate that people dream in colour less frequently than they might assume.

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[quote name='FutureCarmeliteClaire' timestamp='1353685422' post='2515244']
I had no idea someone could dream in black and white.

Usually people who grew up watching black and white television dream in black and white. So if someone says they dream in black and white, they've prolly experienced, roughly about half a century years of existence ;)

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Ash Wednesday

Some dreams are so vague you dream about the idea but don't actually visualize it. I've had dreams where I was struggling with a work assignment, but it's not like it actually had form or color.

So..yeah... there's that.


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