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Prom Question


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Hokey smokes... Is that the new version of passing paper notes:


"Do you like Miles (check one):





Just via facebook???

I would never be party to something like that. <_< I am planning on sending her the link to this utter insanity. :proud:

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Right, but we're not talking about love here.  We're talking about infatuation, possibly affection, and a school dance.  


Ask her if she's got her dress picked out for prom.  Or what her plans are, in a friendly-interest sort of way.   Just asking her if she has a date is PLENTY to communicate your interest, and put the idea in her head of you as a possibility.   Don't ask her to her own prom, and don't say "Well I'd sure like to go with you!" because that'll put pressure on her to ask you, make things SUPER awkward if she doesn't want to.  Asking what her plans are and listening in a super-interested way is enough to let her know that you're interested. 



I agree what Basilisa said and please consider my post retracted.  I didn't know that Prom was that far in the future.  Probably because I spent my own prom night playing Dungeons and Dragons by myself (lol).  That said, I am at a point in life where I am comfortable inviting a woman to treat me to dinner.  Would it work?  Not usually, unless she shares my sense of humor, and if she does not, dinner would be uncomfortable anyway.  There's no magic bullet in dating.  Just be yourself and don't apologize for who you are.  You will be rejected in life many many times, but when God closes a door to you, thank him, because it means that he has something better in mind.  If you know your worth and you walk away without regrets, your intended might wonder if she was mistaken.  If not, you'll be okay because you'll know who you are and what your options are.  That is a general rule not designed for this particular scenario.

Edited by theculturewarrior
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