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Anne Line's Kitchen Table - Serving Up Randomness


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Glad you liked my 'change' poster.... That is a REALLY funny website, by the way, a bunch of tongue-in-cheek re-writes of those super-irritating 'motivational' posters.  I used to have to give workshops in a room filled with those danged things!!!!




Here's another one:






BUT that is NOT going to happen to you!!!!!


Maggie's Place sounds fantastic!   Let us know when the interview is and we will PRAY for you!!!!



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BOY Phatmass access has been a pain! Maybe we are back?   :pray:  Hopefully Phatmass will start to feel healthier soon!!!   I miss you all!!!!!




I'd decided last week that to give this thread (and my own self!) a bit of a bump, I'd do a 30 day Flylady challenge for myself during September. 


A lot of you may remember that I did that last Lent - and it was AMAZING.   Here's the link to the thread I used to document it: 





I've gotten a little out-of-practice over the summer, and I want to get myself a bit revved up.  


Just a mini-version this time, with a little more focus on the big picture.... one lick at a time.





Originally I was going to do it over the 30 days of September, but I guess it really makes more sense to follow the schedule of the Lenten challenge.... that way the days of the week will match up, too!   And not a bad way to start the school year, either!


So.... watch for it to 'start' this Wednesday!!!!  (if Phatmass will behave itself!)



This time, in addition to a link to the Lenten Challenge for the next step, I plan to focus on FlyLady's Zones.    And.... I've bounced off of that to create my own 'Areas' of focus in my own world.  More about both of those tomorrow.


So... for today, you will just have to wonder what in heaven's name I have planned!!!!   (SEE, AnneLine is STILL :evil: )    Yup, I'm leaving us in a holding pattern.   To that end.... this seemed apropos and was posted by Flylady yesterday!






But for today....


I'm going to go finish the Summer Reading Challenge stuff....


Get a few things done that need to get done....


And go have some fun!!!!!




for tonight...

I'm going to just make sure my sink is empty tonight, and that I finish up the day with spending a little time with our Lord.  

And I will pray for all of you!!!! 


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Preparing to Start the September 2013 FLYLady Challenge!!!!


If you remember from last time, each day you will find a simple task to do.  


Each day you will add another small task to the list.


FLYLady calls these her "Baby steps to "FLY-ing" -- Finally Loving Yourself.





As you may remember... the challenge starts slow… but gets a little more intense each day.



But if you stick with it, in just a few weeks it will help you to build a daily structure that will help you get things done easily and quickly.






THIS TIME... we'll be FLYing with ZONES!!!!!


During Lent, I did not do any focus on what FLYlady calls “Zones”.  


This time, we'll be including those.  They are FLYLady's way of focusing on one area each week for special attention. 


The house is divided into five zones, and one does a few tasks each week IN the zone…. First one declutters there... and then one does simple cleaning tasks there.   It was a surprise to me to find that this REALLY works if you are faithful to it. 


So.....  during this revamped challenge, in addition to going over the 30 baby steps to start FLYing, I’ll be incorporating Zones into my plan.



I have found Zone work to be really helpful around the house AND in getting other things done.  I use them in my own life AND in helping the people I training in my Secular Order community to get things done without a lot of drama.  I think you will find them helpful, too!!!!



I really liked how this blogger (the “Cassadiva”) explained the zones:


"So, Flylady breaks the house into five 'Zones'.  She then breaks each month into weeks, so that approximately 1 week is spent in each zone (some zones are smaller than others and hence have less time allocated to them).  By focusing on one zone for a week, the idea is that you will do detailed cleaning, organizing and decluttering in one area of your house, and not feel overwhelmed by the enormity of the entire house - it is just one or two rooms at a time. This makes sense to me!  If we break things down into manageable chunks, we are much more likely to succeed :) " 


You can read Cassadiva's full blog post here:





These are the 5 ZONES FLYLady uses   (You will notice they are color coded!!!!):


Zone 1 - Entrance, Front Porch, Dining Room

Zone 2 - Kitchen

Zone 3 - Main Bath and One Other Room

Zone 4 - Master Bedroom / Master Bath

Zone 5 - Living Room



Your task for today is to spend a few minutes deciding what you want your 5 Zones to be.  


Of course, you CAN use FLYLady’s (and if you have a house or big apartment, that will work for you!).  If you do this, she will LITERALLY tell you what to do each day! 


But if you live in a smaller space, or really need to focus on different things, you may want to get creative and adapt them to your world.  


Your zones would reflect what is happening in YOUR space!


You might choose ‘My Car’ or ‘The Garden’ or ‘My Backpack/Briefcase’ if you don’t have a dining room, kitchen or living room.  

If you really like to read, and know you throw books all over the house, make “Library” one of your zones!  

If there is a hobby you would like to really have as a big focus of your world, you might choose that as a zone. 

Maybe... it is a Closet -- maybe one with monsters inside of it.   What lives in YOUR house??????


(I'm willing to bet most of us do have a sleeping area, but you never know!)


Have some fun with this! 


I actually use FlyLady’s Zones and also have five of my own… and find spending some time each month in both sets VERY helpful in keeping my world from exploding.


There are also people who use FLYLady's zones at home... and have 5 others for work.  Whatever works for you!!!


So.... by Thursday, please have your list of Zones ready… we’ll be doing something interesting with them.  


If you want to paste your list into this thread, you’re welcome… but keep a copy in case Phatmass is down!!!!



AND... tonight... watch for the first of the Baby Steps to walk your way!!!!


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September 4, 2013


FLY LADY DAY ONE:   Before you go to bed, Shine your Sink


If you have a sink, leave it empty and shiny!  If you don’t have a sink, you will need to get creative!  


Maybe… Turn off your computer and straighten your desk to signal to yourself that you day is now over….


Or come up with a task that will signal the end of the day for you.



SPIRITUAL Component:  Review of the Day and Night Prayer


As you shine and straighten, make a short Review of your day:


  • Where have you noticed God in your world today? 
  • In what ways have you cooperated with God to make the world a better place?
  • If you are aware you have offended or ignored Him, beg pardon and make a plan to not do it again
  • Is there anything you have noticed that you want to talk to God about?
  • Be grateful for God’s presence and love.


Spend a few moments in God’s presence, pray for the needs of the Church, and ask our Lady to bless you and watch over you… and then go to sleep.



If you want more specifics about today's Baby Step, here’s a link to that day of the Lent 2013 Challenge:



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More About The Zones….  (sorry this is getting out so late  :paperbag:  it's been a long day....)



On Wednesday, I asked you to prepare a list of your 5 zones... either to plan to use FLYLady’s or to come up with your own.  



I have found I like having 5 ‘FLYLady Zones, and 5 AL Areas.  


(A double list has worked really well for me - I do one in the morning and one in the evening – but you have to see what works for you!)


Notice that while I basically follow FLYLady’s list, I've adapted it a bit. ( I like doing all the bathrooms during Week 3.  And I do the halls and stairs along with our Bedroom in Week 4.  And the Living room is next to my Office Area… so those are all part of Week 5.   These adjustments just make sense to me.


My 2nd room this month during Week 3 is – THE MONSTER CLOSET. ( It is FILLED with junk, and it is unusable.  I want to start changing that, one baby step at a time.) Shudder.  yes, there WILL be pictures.  :paperbag:



My Adapted FLY Lady Zones:


Zone 1 ….. Front Door, Entryway, Dining Room

Zone 2 ….. Kitchen

Zone 3 ….. Baths and One Extra room:  The Monster Closet

Zone 4 ….. Master Bedroom, Halls & Stairs

Zone 5 ….. Living Room and My Office Area


And this is my second, personal list:




Area A   My Home Office, Computer & Internet

Area B   Financial and Bills to be paid 15th of Month

Area C   Secular Order (Paperwork, lesson plans, etc.)

Area D   Clients / Business

Area E   Special Projects and Bills to be paid 1st of Month



Today’s Zone task is to take 5 pieces of paper, and write the number and name of your zones across the top:


For example 


Zone 1 ….. Front Door, Entryway, Dining Room




AL’s Area A   Home Office, Computer & Internet




Now list 1 or 2 small tasks you can do to make that Zone or Area a cleaner, neater or more livable space. 

(Normally you would choose 5 for the week, but this is a short week!)


Choose SIMPLE things that you can do in about 15 minutes.  You can’t do the WHOLE thing in one week!   


For example, in Zone 1 you might do 15 minutes of one or two of these:

  • Spend 15 minutes de-cluttering (put away, give away, throw away) items
  • Spend 15 minutes sweeping or vacuuming
  • Clip one side of a hedge or do some weeding for 15 minutes
  • Change the table cloth and put something pretty in the middle of the table.  

You get the idea.  Nothing fancy, just a few 15 minute tasks. 


(FLYLady lists some on her website each week that match her zones -- use those or use them to give you ideas!)


These are the ones I have selected for this week:


Zone 1 – Front Door, Entryway, Dining Room


_____   Sweep front porch and water plants

_____   Clear Dining Room Table and put on new place mats



AL’s Area A   Home Office, Computer & Internet


_____   Spend 15 minutes organizing papers on the top of the desk (ONLY 15 minutes!!!)

_____   Pay Bills

_____   Clear Dining Room Table of junk and put on new place mats



It may not look like much, but if I get these things done this week, a LOT will have been set in motion…. And the next time you see something that needs doing in any of those areas, I also will have a place to write it down so I won't forget!!!!





If you already have a 3 ring binder set up from last time for your FLYLady materials, put the Zone lists inside; otherwise, put them on the top of your desk or somewhere you can find them easily.




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September 6, 2013   (sorry, running a little late!)





You need to plan this one for TOMORROW:


First thing in the morning, get up and get dressed right away.  



Now you have two things to each day:   


Get up and dress to lace up shoes; fix hair & face


Shine your sink (or similar activity) before you go to bed






SPIRITUAL Component: 


As you get out of bed, say Good morning to God and offer your day to God. 



Now you have two SPIRITUAL things to do each day:   



As you get up, say good morning to God and offer God your day.


Review your day, and say good night to God before you sleep.




If you want more specifics about today's Baby Step, here’s a link to that day of the Lent 2013 Challenge:



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Zone 1 – Front Door, Entryway, Dining Room


______   Sweep front porch and water plants

DONE!   Clear Dining Room Table and put on new place mats


(and I am going out to do my front porch RIGHT NOW!!!!)


AL’s Area A   Home Office, Computer & Internet


DONE!   Spend 15 minutes organizing papers on the top of the desk (ONLY 15 minutes!!!)

DONE!   Pay Bills







Friday of the 1st Week of September


Today you won't add an extra step....  SURPRISE!!!


but keep up your daily routine:


Get up and dress to lace up shoes; fix hair & face 

Shine your sink before you go to bed




As you get up, say good morning to God and offer God your day.

Review your day, and say good night to God before you sleep.


~~~~~ + ~~~~~


You will need this stuff next week... so pick it up today or over the weekend....


Assembling Stuff for the 2nd week of September 

  • Some small stick-on notes (or small papers and a little bit of tape)
  • A timer
  • Paper towels or rags
  • Bleach or cleanser powder






Saturdays - do something fun with your family or friends.


Sundays - do something to renew your Spirit.




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Sorry this is so late... PHATmass wouldn't let me in.... :(




So... how did the first week go for you?????  


I got all my Zone 1 AND Area A Tasks done last week!!!!!!  YES!!!


And... I've been doing moderately well with my morning and evening FLYtasks. and Spiritual FLYTasks. 


I hope you have been finding them helpful as well.



I hope everyone had a good weekend!!!!   I took Flylady's advice, and I TOOK THE WEEKEND OFF!!!!  

I made time for God and Myself and time for me and my family and friends.  Celebrated my birthday, got in a bunch of time for Adoration….. remembered all of you!!!   It was wonderful.... and I wonder how we can forget to do this!!!!!



I'm feeling very much ready to go this week!!!!!





This week we focus on:


Fly Lady Zone 2 - The Kitchen


AL's Area B - Financial and Bills to pay on the 15th.  


(These are my absolute favorite areas.... NOT!)  So... I'm gonna get 'em done and move forward!!!!



Today’s tasks is to choose FIVE (5) 15 minute tasks you can do in your area (or areas) and make a list of them right now.   You can also use the 'Missions' that FLYLady has on her website (or that you get through her emails) (See below on today's FLYLady Step)


You also can choose to spend that 15 minutes decluttering in that area or areas.  


I'm planning on doing a little of both in both areas.  Once you have done your 15 minutes, you can stop.  (We’ll go over more about this soon….)


This is what is on my lists; I will check them off as I get them done:


Zone 2 - KITCHEN


1 _____ DECLUTTERING:   ‘Declutter' Fridge:   (i.e., Clean out old 'science projects' from the Refrigerator and toss with the garbage.)

.....................(the term is FLYLady's, and it is only too accurate!)

2 _____ Wipe out 2 shelves in the refrigerator... move items around to clean around them -- do NOT empty the fridge!

3 _____ Wipe out the other 2 shelves in the refrigerator


I WILL HAVE A CLEAN FRIDGE!!!!   in 30 minutes!!!!   YES!


4 _____ Spend 15minutes wiping off front of refrigerator and front of the kitchen cabinets.   What I don’t get done this month, I will do next month.

5 _____ Sweep and quickly wash the Kitchen Floor: 


BY THE END OF THE WEEK, I WILL HAVE A MUCH CLEANER KITCHEN!!!!    It may not be perfect, but it will be better!!!!!!   YES!


AL's Area - Area B - Financial and Bills


1  _____ Today’s Financial task has 2 parts:


_____ Label 4 file folders:  “Pay on the 1st” “Pay on the 15th” and “Financial To Do” and “Financial to File”.  Choose a spot on or in the desk for these 4 files to ‘live’ as a regular home. 




_____ DECLUTTERING:  Combine stacks of financial papers from around desk, kitchen, living room, etc. into one spot on your desk. (Yes, I do this…. :paperbag: ). 


2 _____ Put any bills or other things that need to be mailed by the 1st or 15th into those folders.  Put the rest of the papers into the ‘to do’ or ‘to file’ folders. .


3 _____ Make a list of the items in the ‘Financial To Do’ Folder.   Mark anything that needs to be done soon with a STAR as you write it down.  If anything needs to be done by the 15th, put it in the ‘bills and things to do by the 15th’ file.


4  _____ Prepare any bills or other documents that need mailing by the 15th.  As you finish the bills, put the paperwork into the ‘Financial To File’ folder.   Mail the bills today or on Friday.


5 _____ DECLUTTERING:  File and/or Sort financial papers for 15 minutes. Put this on the Week 2 Friday Task List for each month.  Just take out a few papers at a time, and sort them as you did this week – to pay 1st or 15th, to do, to file… and shred any confidential papers you don’t need to keep. 


AND…. I am DONE for the month with my financial stuff!!!!



Monday of the 2nd Week

 FLYLady's 4th Day


Now is the time to start exploring The FlyLady website. Be sure to read the Launch Pad section. This is where you will find the Daily Flight Plan. 




You won't be doing the whole flight plan right now... you just keep doing what is listed below!


Get up and dress to lace up shoes; fix hair & face [say Good Morning to God]

Read your FlyLady emails or check her website 


[When you are ready, make it your MISSION to do 1 or 2 Zone projects for 15 minutes each day]


Shine your sink before you go to bed  [and review your day & say Good night to God!]



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Hi, everyone!!!!


Well, I promised on my Daily Update feed that I would give you a nice snack if you came to the thread today.


Maybe you will enjoy this one!


Take some Monterey jack or fresh ricotta cheese.  Figure an ounce or two per person.  Chop it into about 1/2 inch cubes ( you can really use any mild white cheese for this... or another cheese you like).


Put in a plastic baggie (ideally with a zip-top)


Wash and dry some mushrooms.  Slice off the bottoms.  If they are very small, use them whole; otherwise, cut them into halves or quarters.  You want the pieces to be about the same size as the cheese cubes.   Drop  them in the bag as well.


Do the same with some cucumbers if you like those -- cut them into about 1 or two inch long chunks, and then quarter those.  (Peel them if you don't like the peels....)


Take some cherry or grape tomatoes (any color you like if you have options!) and wash them and toss THEM into the bag as well.


If you like black or green olives (or both?!) or some artichoke pieces, toss them in as well.


And, of course, you can add any other veges you like!!!!


Now take some oil and vinegar based salad dressing (or some plain olive oil and vinegar) and put some into the bag.  You don't need a ton... just a Tablespoon or two per serving... enough so you can coat the veges and cheese without drowning them...


Add a dash of salt and pepper and a clove of garlic chopped up.  You can add a little dry or fresh chopped onion if you want.   Get creative!!!!!!


IF you like spicy food, you can add a pinch or so of hot pepper flakes... but be careful... these can be REALLY spicy!!!!


Close the baggie, squeezing out as much air as possible (and be SURE it is closed or you will get a surprise!!!) and massage the veges and cheese with the dressing and spices.  You should have a pretty full bag!!!!   gentle massage turn the bag and massage the contents with the dressing/oil and vinegar.... you want to get all of it coated with the mixture. 


Put in the fridge for a few hours if you have time, or enjoy right away (but it tastes better if it sits a few hours.. or even over night.  You can eat it with a fork, or use some toothpicks (this is a great thing to bring for a party, by the way..... and is WONDERFUL for lunches!!!!!!


AND you can also put it onto a bowl of lettuce for a WONDERFUL Greek-style salad!!!!  Add some chicken or other protein, and you are SET!!!!!!





AND... this is healthy!!!!!!   Mmmmmmmmmm.....




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Check-in from AnneLine:



Got my before bed and when I get up routines done.....................................................   :) 


My fridge is decluttered.  Washed my kitchen trash can before relining, too,

....and swept the garage before bringing in the trash cans!!!!......................................   :like3: 


Tomorrow I am taking aim at two of the refrigerator shelves.................................... :knight: 


Got the financial stuff sorted, and pulled out the stuff that will need

to be mailed on the 15th.This took a little longer than 15 minutes,

but I am happy that I got it done.  .................................................................................. :saint2:


Plan to get my 15th-of-the- month bills prepped and send those out tomorrow.......... :cupid: 



How is this going for you?   Feel free to make a comment if desired.....




FLYLady's 5th Day


Write the tasks below on post-its and post above your bathroom mirror and above your kitchen sink.

This is the beginning of a control journal.

They will help you to remember the habits you are trying to establish.


Get up and dress to lace up shoes; fix hair & face [say Good Morning to God]


Read your FLYLady emails or check her website 


[do 15 minutes work in your ‘Zone’ if you are ready….]


Shine your sink before you go to bed  [and review your day & say Good night to God!]




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Reading my posts, eating my food... or doing 15 mins of flystuff each day????  ;)


Actually, Missy, it is truly counterintuitive, but I actually seem to get MORE done when I do the FlyLady stuff religiously... because I know I don't have a ton of time so I don't waste it.... and that means I have more time for what I want to do.  It's crazy!!!!


Or maybe it is that I use the time differently.   I dumped some water on the kitchen floor accidently last night while doing the dishes.... and rather than just wipe it up... I looked at my week's list and grabbed my mop and a bottle of windex instead... and I have a clean kitchen floor now.  Elapsed time... 5 mins.   It might not be all the corners, and it might not be the BEST floor clean I've ever done... but it is better than when I started.


I think this REALLY is the secret... just being a little better than when I started.. do that a hundred times, and you're 100 times better.... yes?

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