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I'm so excited for you, I waited for this news  :bananarap:  I encountered some Apostolic Sisters of St John the past year and they were very nice with me and my friend. I noticed them during Mass and I kept wondering who they might be, by the habit I had the feeling they were from this congregation (I guess I now know most of the habits for all the orders, I saw so many nun photos :hehe2: ) and after the celebration I went to meet them. From the group there were also two romanian sisters, they have a foundation in my country. I believe the brothers are also present. 

They also attracted my attention by the fact that in church they were sitting down on the floor and this is very uncommun for us. However, I think it's nice to pray like this.


Thank you, Julie. What country are you from?

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Congratulations! Prayers for you as you continue with your discernment.

When is your entrance date?


I'm not sure exactly. The sisters in France begin in early September but I'm not sure yet about the US. I'm guessing around the same. I hope so. I need some time to check some things off my bucket list first. ;)

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Excellent news indeed! :clap: I've met a couple of the new Novices who are from WI. I think you were at their clothings not long ago... I remember you were posting about that. I'm not sure, but they may be in Princeville now. I love that place! :like:


Really excited for you!!

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Excellent news indeed! :clap: I've met a couple of the new Novices who are from WI. I think you were at their clothings not long ago... I remember you were posting about that. I'm not sure, but they may be in Princeville now. I love that place! :like:


Really excited for you!!


Thanks Chiqui! If they're novices now then they're here in France for the long-haul: at this point Princeville for the apostolic sisters is just the first-year postulancy. I'm really excited to visit there soon! I've actually never even been there before but from all the photos I've seen it looks like an incredible place.

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Congratulations! I have a special place in my heart for the community of st. john A few of my friends have entered that community. A number of years ago I visited the priory in Princeville, IL once a year or more. But since being in the seminary, it's been about four years since my last visit. Thank you for responding yes to God's call!

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Je prierai pour vous!

Je pense que le debut de formation est en Septembre ici aussi. Aout, peut-etre.

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To Jesus Through Mary

I have known several people to enter this order. It seems like a beautiful order. I am so excited for you!! What exactly is their charism and apostolate? 

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I have known several people to enter this order. It seems like a beautiful order. I am so excited for you!! What exactly is their charism and apostolate? 


The specific apostolate varies but in the US (and I believe for the most part in France) they work with young people (HS and college). The US apostolic Sisters work in religious education, RCIA and campus ministry. During the summer they have retreats all over the US.

There is still a big emphasis on prayer.

The US website is here http://communityofstjohn.com/

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Leaving France is never easy - our Motherhouse and international novitiate is there too, and we all have at least a year there before final vows.  On the other hand, your familiarity with the language will be a real life-saver to the English speakers in your group.  Studying it is one thing, getting immersed is something else, as you must well know yourself.  Distance and detachment is the price when a community is spread around the globe.  The one thing we've all learned is, "Never say good-bye."   The Spirit blows, and blows us, where he will.  And the next place is always happy.

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Congratulations! :) that's great and I hope everything works out for you according to God's will :) God bless you!

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Thank you all for your encouragement. I just got back from Pentecost weekend in Paray-le-Monial. God's providence these two years in France has been incredible, and I shouldn't be surprised at how much of it I would experience this weekend, or how it would all culminate here. What a beautiful ending of one phase of my life and send-off into the next. :cloud9:


Many things happened that helped me accept and understand that Princeville is where he wants me to enter, mostly through conversations with friends of mine who are brothers and sisters, and of course confirmed by talking with the prior general. I'll be there for a year or two, and then I'll be back in France, and I'm happy about it. And I got some incredible, happy news that was the final sign. Maybe in a little while I'll be able to share that, too, 'cause it's pretty awesome. God is so good.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The really happy news: there is one other girl entering in the US with me this fall . . . and she happens to be a dear, dear friend of mine!! We met and spent two months together in France two years ago when I first arrived there and we became fast and good friends. She helped me make the initial acclimations to French and European culture. She was discerning with the apostolic sisters then but she still had a long ways to go: finish university, work, etc. She went back to her side of the world (New Zealand) and we said a difficult and teary goodbye, not knowing if we'd ever see each other again. We've stayed in touch, but I didn't breathe a word of my discernment to her because I didn't want to influence hers, which has not exactly been smooth sailing. I had no idea what her status was and I hadn't heard in a while and the time wasn't really right to ask so I just wondered, and wondered . . . Then I found out at Pentecost weekend that she will be entering in the US with me!!! And she just found a few days ago that I'll be entering with her!! Quelle joie!!!


My worst fear - that I'd be entering with a bunch of young Americans who had no experience with French or France or the community in France - is destroyed. My friend has had tons of her own experience with all those things - much more than me - and we can work at a more advanced level to practice French before going back to France in a year or two.


I'm on my way tomorrow to visit the sisters in NJ for a few days. I've only been home in the US for a week and I miss the community a lot. I'm really looking forward to seeing them and catching up with a brother and a sister I know there: two of the first three I ever met! Then a week later I'll be headed west to spend the summer with them in camps and programs, stopping in Illinois along the way and visiting my new home for the first time. Things are moving quickly. :)

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