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Bg's Random Ramblings And Thoughts 3


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Good point.  Caring for the homeless isn't really my charism, as noble as it is.  Found that out nicely when I had no cash and gave a man in Cincinatti my food instead, only for him to get angry and throw it on the ground.



Me either. :hehe:





We shall leave it to your fiance then? :)



That makes 3 of us.... I'll do whatever it takes to support the front-line troops working with the homeless, and I can help them find work, but the hands-on service part... it just is too much of a stretch for this introvert....


BUT the people I know who excel at that kind of work... can't imagine how I do what I do.


So... yes, different gifts, One Lord.... Amen


Fiance--let us know what you need!!!!  We are here to support YOU in your very capable front-line service!!!!!

Edited by AnneLine
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Indeed!  When I have money again, I'll start giving to the food pantry again.  I was raised helping carry stuff in for it every Sunday, and mom's involved with it at home now and says it's unreal how there's never enough donations...


I just spent 3 hours helping a friend.  She called, having been pulled over a county away on a business route not on my up to date GPS...and needed someone to come get her, because she didn't have an up to date proof of insurance.  I knew she was desperate to call me, because my lack of directional sense is legendary...sure enough I pulled off seven separate times before I found her, her 5 year old nephew, and a cop.  Apologized up and down to everyone, and wished her a happy Eid Mubarak. 

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And when I can, I give blood.   I figure I don't have any money, but that sometimes can be more valuable than gold.


And... for those who have the time to do it (and inclination, of course!) if you go the apheresis route, it takes a few hours, they treat you like visiting royalty, and let you watch a movie while they get several bags of plasma out of you....  


When I was in grad school, I did that almost every month... it was my 'afternoon of sanity' in a very crazy schedule.... I heartily recommend it!

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Fiance--let us know what you need!!!!  We are here to support YOU in your very capable front-line service!!!!!


Jesus, sleep and money. ;)

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Good itemized list!


And AL I hate needles...like the last time I had to have blood work, the nurse said "Mr. BG, are you okay?  You look like you're going to faint on me."  A friend sells his blood to buy video games all the time though.  :|  Can't pay his bills, afraid of his house and car being repossessed, wife is due any week with their baby...but gotta have games.  :(


Anyhow, have a good weekend pholks!  I'm headed to a wedding and won't be on until Monday probably.  Laptop is staying in my apartment and I'm taking a textbook for Juve Justice with me to the hotel so I can prep the class some.

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I hate getting blood work done! :(

I had a terrible experience once where the nurse couldnt find my veins. She poked me 3 times in one arm and 2 times in the other. I have never fainted in my life and I consider myself to have a pretty high pain tolerance but I was nearly reduced to tears because of how anxious she was making me.


They finally had another nurse come in and she got it in the first try. I was very grateful! 

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Crosscut I'm so sorry!!  That's insane that they kept poking you and had to bring in someone else!  :(  I'd be happy for nurse #2 also.



Nice wedding and the only time I've seen my friend D. cry...I sat on the wrong side of the aisle by accident, and before we began, got to hear the heaping praise from the groom's relatives about how smart and awesome she is. It was nice to actually hear them expressing a positive opinion, since sometimes weddings can be a bit catty.  There was a 3 hour break between the wedding and reception, so I went shopping at places this town doesn't have!   Ended up sitting with a faculty member and his wife at the reception, while all the grad students from the cohort behind me stole a table for them.  Lots of mingling, and everyone but my friend B. in that cohort was shocked to see me drink (one glass of vodka and OJ, that's it).  :P  There's a persistent myth in our department that I abstain from alcohol completely, probably because it's rare for me to ever partake lol.


Hotel room was pretty great and so was the continental breakfast.  Went to Mass this morning and...well I'm not a rad trad, but I wanted to shove someone's guitar where it doesn't shine.  My parish here uses a guitar, but it blends in with everything else.  This guitar was loud, drowning out the voices of laity and clergy.  However, I was glad to get to Mass and thankful to receive the Eucharist before the two hour drive home.  The hotel is getting a glowing review from me on Tripadvisor (except for the fact the only exit has all view of oncoming traffic from one direction completely blocked).



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 Went to Mass this morning and...well I'm not a rad trad, but I wanted to shove someone's guitar where it doesn't shine. 


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Glad you had a good time, BG!!!!!


Yeah... there are guitar accompanists... and there are guitar accompanists.


And there are organists and organists. 


Frankly, there are times I'd like to use an organ pipe on one of our organists in much the same way...


The guitar people are fine.... prayerful and good musicians.  The organist... is a fine musician, but it is always a 'look at me' performance.... and he uses a lot of really interesting... instruments... that he can access through the fancy organ.   Flutes & Oboes... chimes and bells.  Violins... 


Enough said...

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Indeed <.<  This was the latter "accompanist".  Great breakdown on different musicians.


Well...took the car in due to brake light coming on on the drive back.  $500 and my morning later...heh.  When the mechanic motions you over and has an itemized list and offers to take you into the garage to show you everything on it, you know your brakes hate you. :|  On the positive side, my car now stops perfectly and I'm not going to probably meet Jesus face to face anytime soon due to imminent brake failure.


Please pray for my best friend, his wife, and his soon to be born son if you all don't mind.  Posted in the Prayer Room...they're losing the house and the car.  (He quit his job just now, because he doesn't know when the car is being repossessed and he needs to use it to move stuff to his mom's for as long as he has it...and no public transit to the mall at home, so he can't work once it's gone.)  Moving back in with his mom; his wife is due sometime in the next two weeks.  He's hideously depressed and had to put up most of their pets for adoption this morning online, including his beagle, who was a fulfillment of his childhood dream to own one.  



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I saw your post in the prayer room :(

It makes me sad



Especially when Ive been reading stories about the Oprah Winfrey ordeal about the handbag...that was $32,000.

Seriously...why would you even CONSIDER purchasing a purse with that price tag? You could buy a family like your friends a new car!


It angers me. I shouldn't get angry, but I do.

So many people are struggling financially...its just sickening.

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Oh BG, that is SO hard.   I've passed the prayer request to a bunch of heavy hitters in the prayer world. 


As far as him being PEEEVED with God... well I am sure God understands why he feels that way!   And God is big enough to take it.  At least the lines of communication are, uh, open.   I suspect God hates sullen silence and narrowed eyes a lot more than a little noise and tossed items.


God willing they will have a healthy baby, healthy mother, and stuff will work out for them.  But SO HARD!!!!!!


Wonder if ARFink might have some contacts in the pregnancy support world who could help them with stuff for the baby and suchlike?



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Thanks you two.  And I know, what an expensive handbag!!  Crosscut, the first thing Jack Whittaker did when he won the lottery was to give 10% to Christian based charities and buy the woman who sold him the ticket a house, a truck, and give her $50,000 in cash.


Though he didn't end well...within a year, things kinda went downhill. Jack liked his strippers apparently, and someone broke into his car at a strip club and took a suitcase of half a million dollars in cold hard cash. Who has a suitcase of $500,000 just sitting in the car? Fortunately for him, police recovered it soon after. But then, he didn't learn his lesson, and thieves broke into his car AGAIN and stole $200,000...which was also recovered, because apparently southern WV cops are like an army of redneck supermen. So, repeated robberies, it's not like anyone died right? Until his granddaughter's on-again-off-again boyfriend was found dead in one of Whittaker's Teays Valley, WV homes, having overdosed on a combination of meth, cocaine, Oxycontin, and some other drug. Three months after that incident, his granddaughter was found dead in the appropriately named Scary Creek, WV after being reported missing and it was eventually ruled an overdose as well, but the body was wrapped in a tarp and dumped behind a junked van in the woods. 

Then during all this, he got a DUI charge and ended up being sued by Caesar's Casino in Atlantic City for bounced checks due to gambling problems. Oh and his wife of 42 years divorced him. After all of this, the last time Jack was in the news was because his daughter, Ginger, the mother of the granddaughter who ODed (who had the boyfriend that ODed) was found dead in Daniels, WV and they never determined a cause of death.
AL, thanks I appreciate it!  Good point on sullen silence as compared to at least being on speaking terms.  Thanks so much for the prayers, I'm praying for them too!  And dunno, if they end up needing it, I'll make sure to ask him.
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I took this picture for you, Phil. I would have done the whole trip over again JUST to get this shot. I'm so happy.



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