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Vote Kerry . . .

Good Friday

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[quote name='BLAZEr' date='Oct 27 2004, 10:53 PM'] read my quote above . . . dUSt doesn't have to worry about his comments either. Duh. [/quote]
Blazer I kind of resent the "duh." If you notice my post and your post have the same time posted, 10:50. When I wrote my post and posted it I had yet to see your post, thus I made it. If you notice in my post above I reply to your post which I saw for the 1st time [i]after[/i] posting mine.

I forgive you and I understand it was a mistake but it is kind of offensive.

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Flowery, you disagree with me?

Now I will argue till I'm blue in the face saying Bush will be better for pro-life, that's what I honestly believe and think that if you look clearly at the issue you will see he is better for pro-life. But does the Catholic Church teach that Bush will be better for pro-life? No. Just like Catholics on the other side will argue till they're blue in the face that the Iraq war was unjust. But does the Catholic Church teach that the Iraq war was unjust? No. It teaches what a just war is and what an unjust war is. It teaches that the state is required to illegalize abortion to defend the right to life of the unborn. Good Friday is entitled to the opinion under Catholic Moral Teaching that President Bush is not going to do anything pro-life. That's where we leave the area where we can say "BECAUSE OF THE CHURCH'S TEACHING AUTHORITY!" And move into the area where it is a purely political/ current events debate citing statistics and presumptions and assumptions and party platforms to show who conforms more to Church Teaching. Here's where I think Good Friday got the wool pulled over his eyes, he's become convinced that Bush will not be pro-life. Correct him on that not based on Church Teaching, but based on fact (which was being done, I'm just clarifying the dicotemy of political facts and statistics and Church Teaching). I don't believe in accusing Good Friday of not being Catholic based on his political opinion regarding the platform of George Bush (there could be other factors that make him non-Catholic, if he were pro abortion or gay rights or something, he wouldn't be united to the Church in intention).

John Kerry's position of being personally opposed to abortion is reprehensible and heretical according to Catholic Teaching. The only way a Catholic could justify voting for him is if they believe George Bush will do just as bad or worse on the abortion issue (the only proportionate reason). Arguing about that is political, current event based, factually based. Good Friday has facts wrong in our humble opinion, and needs to be told that George Bush will do pro-life stuff better than John Kerry. I refuse to question his Catholicity over this (again, there could be other things that could cause question to his Catholicity, he tends to go back and forth alot on key Catholic Morality issues)

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Aluigi, I like your post. It said what I think I was trying to get at with driving a wedge and how Zach's posts, and your post I quoted, where really good examples of "formula" posts.

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[quote name='Aluigi' date='Oct 27 2004, 10:57 PM'] Flowery, you disagree with me?

disagree with what?


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That said, Bush will do good deeds for the pro-life cause, and has done good deeds for the pro-life cause. The Partial Birth Abortion ban is a big step. It ends a barbaric practice of ripping babies apart limb from limb. The Lacy Peterson law is the first to recognize a fetus as a human being. It can set a precedent for the future overturning of Roe V. Wade. Bush has been unable to cut federal funding for Planned Parenthood in his term because it's complex situation, the President can't just say "no more federal funding to PP" and get away with it. But he has cut the U.S.'s international funding of UN population control through coerced abortion. Abortion rate cannot be directly correlated to a president, it simply isn't logical. More people will have abortions when more people are having dangerous premarital sex. Sure, economic situations also factor into it, but what factors in more is BOYFRIEND pressure, FAMILY pressure, and/or SELFISHNESS. The economy does not directly correlate because there are always options to give the baby up for adoption and everything and really to have to pay nothing, except maybe a little higher food price eating for two while pregnant, for having the baby. For these reasons, President Bush is better on the issue of ending the American Baby Holocaust, he is a step in the right direction towards the overturning of the culture of death. This is why he is the better, what I consider ONLY, Catholic candidate.

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[quote name='Iacobus' date='Oct 27 2004, 10:56 PM'] Blazer I kind of resent the "duh." If you notice my post and your post have the same time posted, 10:50. When I wrote my post and posted it I had yet to see your post, thus I made it. If you notice in my post above I reply to your post which I saw for the 1st time [i]after[/i] posting mine.

I forgive you and I understand it was a mistake but it is kind of offensive. [/quote]
Sorry, it wasn't really meant to refer to you, just in general . . . no offense intended . . . I'll even delete it!

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[quote name='Aluigi' date='Oct 27 2004, 11:08 PM'] Flowery, u said Oh Lord Have Mercy on us right after Iacobus quoted me [/quote]
as election time nears i find myself saying this quite frequently, if not constantly

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[quote name='BLAZEr' date='Oct 27 2004, 11:08 PM'] Sorry, it wasn't really meant to refer to you, just in general . . . no offense intended . . . I'll even delete it! [/quote]
You don't need to delete it. It just kinda made me get upset, lol. And I didn't want to start posting upset, it just goes downward from there. I understand that everyone is a bit wound up about the election in less than a week. No problemo.

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[quote name='Aluigi' date='Oct 27 2004, 11:08 PM'] Flowery, u said Oh Lord Have Mercy on us right after Iacobus quoted me [/quote]
she doesn't disagree with you! ;)

Bush isn't the best choice, in fact if a foreigner were in the States one would and could conclude that only TWO ppl were running for office. But for reasons for limiting the evil that can and will be done, the choice is obvious, as you so put. good job..... :nerd:

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Thanks Blazer, for CLARIFYING so much!

Catholic Answers will win it. Prayers for them.

Prayers for you Nathan. Please keep us in yours.

Edited by jmjtina
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