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Vote Kerry . . .

Good Friday

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Just to add something ,abortion didnt come about because people voted on it ,it came about because the Supreme Court made it into law ,the Supreme court interprets the law but doesnt create new laws. Abortion didnt even go throught the house or senate ,but should have and we wouldnt be having this discussion today , I rest my case.

God Bless,

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Kilroy the Ninja

[quote name='reelguy227' date='Oct 28 2004, 12:56 PM'] Just to add something ,abortion didnt come about because people voted on it ,it came about because the Supreme Court made it into law ,the Supreme court interprets the law but doesnt create new laws. Abortion didnt even go throught the house or senate ,but should have and we wouldnt be having this discussion today , I rest my case.

God Bless,
Ricky. [/quote]
Good point!

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[quote name='reelguy227' date='Oct 28 2004, 02:56 PM'] Just to add something ,abortion didnt come about because people voted on it ,it came about because the Supreme Court made it into law ,the Supreme court interprets the law but doesnt create new laws. Abortion didnt even go throught the house or senate ,but should have and we wouldnt be having this discussion today , I rest my case.

God Bless,
Ricky. [/quote]
Wasn't abortion against the law (approved by the House and Senate) and the (crooked) "supreme" court threw out the law because of the "right to privacy"?

God Bless,

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While some of us have tried to reach out to you, you chose to stay away from PM for a time. I am still new here but I was sad when you stated last time that you wouldnt be back.

We all have crosses to carry Nathan, yours just happens to be SSA. Yet you seem bitter and angry at the Church for this. When in reality it is God you must be angry with because you cant have what you want and try to rationalize that the Church is oppressing you. The Church only teaches what God has instructed her to do, yet there you go, trying to figure out why you cant have this and that and still be a good and upstanding Catholic. So you lash out and start biting the spiritual hand that feeds you.

The truth is that you are angry with yourself because in your eyes you cannot be Catholic if you desire intimacy in your life in a SS relationship. Who are you kidding Nathan? On this point you are going to fail.

You cave to your (as in personal) desires and then get angry because you have sinned and then get angry because the Church (who represents Christ here on Earth) openly condemns it and then it's off to war. Lots of anger, and still no solution.

Your cross is your cross. I dont want it and I can guarantee you that you wouldnt want mine. They are tests. I fail mine constantly (in my eyes) and yet I beg for forgiveness. I am nothing without God and cannot imagine my life without him to guide me and since it is my sincerest desire to please Him first, nothing else matters. The Church keeps me on that tiny narrow path, and she will ever be there to assist me if I happen to trip off of it.

It isnt an excuse, and I sincerely hope that you reconsider your earlier thoughts.
You are a lucid wonderfully informed poster here who I have really missed in the last few months, but in all honesty, I'd rather not listen to bitter anger anymore. Your posts have been reduced to lashes at the Church, and this is a waste of your spirit.

Pick yourself up, brush yourself off, go to confession and start fighting the devil again. Be a soldier of Christ as opposed to an enemy of His Church. This is my best advice.

Nathan, we do care and love you. For you to feel otherwise, means that you are feeling sorry for yourself, and that will get you nowhere but despair. And thats a pretty crappy place to spend time in.


Edited by Quietfire
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[quote name='Iacobus' date='Oct 27 2004, 05:56 PM'] TheDude, as I promised

It is from G et S, Paragraph 67

I still don't think todays unions are what the Church invisioned. Some are more like mafia. More people could work if businesses weren't giving my sister multiple a paid vacations a year.

Edited by thedude
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[quote name='thedude' date='Oct 28 2004, 07:14 PM'] I still don't think todays unions are what the Church invisioned. Some are more like mafia. More people could work if businesses weren't giving my sister multiple a paid vacations a year. [/quote]
I think the unions the Church was talking about is the union in the purest sense, a group of workers who unite to get better working condititions via strikes and legisitive pressure. The Jimmy Hoffa stuff.. :ph34r:

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[quote name='reelguy227' date='Oct 28 2004, 12:56 PM'] Just to add something ,abortion didnt come about because people voted on it ,it came about because the Supreme Court made it into law ,the Supreme court interprets the law but doesnt create new laws. Abortion didnt even go throught the house or senate ,but should have and we wouldnt be having this discussion today , I rest my case.

God Bless,
Ricky. [/quote]
Just thought I would contribute some info Ricky

The decision to legalize abortion was based on a prior case involving a maried couple and birth control. In the 1965 Griswold v Conneticut case the court ruled that governmental bans on birth control , based on the right to privacy. Before this in some states it was illegal for a doctor to prescribe birth control.
Later on in ROe v Wade, this precident, of right to privacy, was used to legalize abortion.

So the church was right.......birth control lead to abortion, and thus the culture of death thrives.


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Vote Kerry if:

You are a homosexual
You are a socialist
You don't mind sucking unborn children through a tube
You hate guns
You hate God

Vote Peroutka if:
You are Catholic

In any case, vote against Kerry!

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PSPX, what about writing in Buchanan? Also, I do not know how true this is, but I was told (by a Traditionalist who was told by a Seminarian from Our Lady of Guadalupe Seminary--so I realize this is kind of far removed, but they are good sources) that Peroutka is anti-Catholic or at least made anti-Catholic comments. I was not told the actual comments, so I do not know exactly what the accusation was, but certainly Pat is better!

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Neither one makes a difference. We're standing in a pile of manure (abortion) you can either vote to jump both feet out at the same time, and since the vote wouldn't affect anything you'll be falling flat on your face cause your so deep in the manure, or you vote to take one foot out of the manure.

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[quote name='Aluigi']Neither one makes a difference. We're standing in a pile of manure (abortion) you can either vote to jump both feet out at the same time, and since the vote wouldn't affect anything you'll be falling flat on your face cause your so deep in the manure, or you vote to take one foot out of the manure.[/quote]
And what do you suggest for those of us who would throw up if we had to vote for President Bush, knowing full well what he is and what he [i]really[/i] thinks of the church, regardless of how much he panders to it for our votes?

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i wouldn't consider it morally wrong of you to vote for a third party like that. i just think it's a waste and that bush is a better idea because i believe bush would fit in as the one who is taking one foot out of the manure. but if you want to, vote for the 100% pro-life guy. I wish he had a chance, maybe if right after this election we start campaigning for the next one and somehow raise tonz of money for the 100% pro life guy we can get him elected next time around. it's way too late for him to have a chance this time though.

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[quote name='qfnol31']Vote Democrat everywhere else to counter the vote some.[/quote]
I'm sure that's not acceptable to "the church" (and by that I mean the laypeople here who think they speak for the church) either.

[quote name='Aluigi']i wouldn't consider it morally wrong of you to vote for a third party like that. i just think it's a waste and that bush is a better idea because i believe bush would fit in as the one who is taking one foot out of the manure.[/quote]
Here, let me explain this situation to you and everyone else here.

For some reason, most of you don't see him this way, but here's how I see this election and President Bush. If this were John McCain, we wouldn't be having this discussion. If this were anyone else -- George H.W. Bush, Gerald Ford, even Ronald Reagan -- we wouldn't be having this discussion. I would vote for them. In fact, I would probably vote for any Republican except maybe Richard Nixon or Herbert Hoover. But not George W. Bush. Why not? Because I can't stand him, and it pretty much boils down to that -- I can't stand his arrogant demeanor, I can't stand that smirk on his face, I can't stand his cute little way of saying nuclear, and I can't stand his stuttering. I can't stand that he pretends to be Christian, when I know in my heart, looking at his actions and his attitudes, that it's just a political ploy. I would rather see John Kerry, who just ignores his faith, than George Bush, who tells us that his faith guided him to send young men and women -- people my age, people I know -- off to an at least unnecessary and at most unjust war to die so that he could have . . . satisfaction, whatever it is about this war that seems to satisfy him so much. And when he's trying to send me off to this same unnecessary and/or unjust war, and when I refuse and go to prison because he's drafted me and I've refused, I'll be able to stand him even less.

So, you see, I [i]cannot[/i] and [i]will not[/i] vote for Bush. God himself could tell me to, and I wouldn't. But the thing with me is that I don't believe God would tell me to, and I don't believe he expects me to -- but I'm saying, for the record, that even if he did, I wouldn't.

Michael Peroutka? Sure. Pat Buchanan? Maybe. John Kerry? Probably. George Bush -- absolutely not, never, over my cold, dead body.

If that wasn't clear before . . .

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[quote name='Good Friday' date='Oct 29 2004, 12:17 AM'] [quote name='qfnol31']Vote Democrat everywhere else to counter the vote some.[/quote]
I'm sure that's not acceptable to "the church" (and by that I mean the laypeople here who think they speak for the church) either. [/quote]
Two words to help your case: [b][i]Proportionate Reasoning[/i][/b]. In this case, it stands up, and you would be within your rights to do so.

[quote]So, you see, I [i]cannot[/i] and [i]will not[/i] vote for Bush.  God himself could tell me to, and I wouldn't.  But the thing with me is that I don't believe God would tell me to, and I don't believe he expects me to -- but I'm saying, for the record, that even if he did, I wouldn't.

Michael Peroutka?  Sure.  Pat Buchanan?  Maybe.  John Kerry?  Probably.  George Bush -- absolutely not, never, over my cold, dead body.

If that wasn't clear before . . .[/quote]

I'm sorry you don't like Bush very much, and I can sympathize with you (I don't necessarily care for his policies much myself). I just hope you choose someone other than Kerry, at least for this time.

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