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An Old School Catholic Message Board

The Homosexual Agenda

hyperdulia again

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[quote name='spathariossa' date='Jan 5 2005, 12:40 PM'] You do know that AA requires you to identify as a recovering alcoholic/alcoholic forever right? [/quote]
The Church's moral doctrine is not determined by what AA or any other group may require of those trying to recover from an illness.

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[quote name='spathariossa' date='Jan 5 2005, 04:29 PM'] This website you've linked to is a bunch of nonsense.  \

This whole section is incorrect.  GID has nothing to do with homosexuality.  Furthermore, GID is incurable.  There is not a single reputable psychiatrist in the US who would claim to be able to cure GID.  Therapy can't rid someone of GID anymore than it could rid someone of schizophrenia. [/quote]

The APA is a joke. You have a lot to learn. Pscyhology is an art... it's far to easy to become a psych-ologist/iatrist... anyone can make it... standards are toooo low....the APA fails miserably with helping people because the most vital thing to a healthy mind is a healthy spirit - there cannot be a healthy mind without a healthy spirit, and the APA is trying to take God out of everything... they destroy the foundation before they get to the roof. Psychology is the roof of a healthy mind, Christianity is the foundation because it is the truth. It's not a maybe, it's real. It's a fact.

Many disorders are "curable" because they are not viruses or a deseases, they have to do with the way people think... people can change the way they think.

Many people with SSA have been helped, and can loose their ssa desire for osa.

Schizophrenia and GID are totally different conditions. GID is behavioral... anything learned can be unlearned and replaced with new learning... basic application of psychological truths.

Schizo is not learned.

BTW... what you call a bunch of nonsense is by a bunch of highly educated psychiatrists and other doctors that have spent many years studying it... unlike the few hours you have spent listening to one side of the arguement OR making your own conclusions from what little knowledge you have on the matter in your head.

Given the facts... you're posting the "bunch of nonsense"


Edited by ironmonk
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Ok this thread which started out about something someone considered funny, has gone in a decidedly different direction. It is past usefulness and is closed.

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