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Why are you Protestant?


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There have been threads on other boards with the question, "why are you Catholic?" or something close to that.... so to our Prot brethren, it's your turn.

Why do you love being Protestant?

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i love Christ, i love the word, i love the body, i love the gospel, i love witnessing, i love worshipping, i love studying, i love fellowshipping....what's not to love?

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Thy Geekdom Come

[quote name='mulls' date='Apr 12 2005, 05:15 PM'] i love Christ, i love the word, i love the body, i love the gospel, i love witnessing, i love worshipping, i love studying, i love fellowshipping....what's not to love? [/quote]
Catholicism has all of those...what do you love about Protestantism...that is...what do you love about Non-Catholic Christianity?

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Brother Adam

[quote name='mulls' date='Apr 12 2005, 05:15 PM'] i love Christ, i love the word, i love the body, i love the gospel, i love witnessing, i love worshipping, i love studying, i love fellowshipping....what's not to love? [/quote]
The rejection of the body of Christ...

Alienation from the Christian community...

Rejection of John 17...

Rejection of the Mother of God...

No Eucharist...

No Confession....

No Holy Orders....

To name a few :)

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[quote]The rejection of the body of Christ...[/quote]

i've embraced the body of Christ.

[quote]Alienation from the Christian community...[/quote]

i'm more a part of the Christian community as a non-catholic than i ever have been

[quote]Rejection of John 17...[/quote]

nah. you know how this argument goes, and i know you feel correct about it so why bother

[quote]Rejection of the Mother of God...[/quote]


[quote]No Eucharist...[/quote]

communion is my favorite/most essential part of worship.

[quote]No Confession....[/quote]


[quote]No Holy Orders....[/quote]


Edited by mulls
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Brother Adam

"i've embraced the body of Christ. "

You've rejected her. You've opted the way of divorce instead of family.

"i'm more a part of the Christian community as a non-catholic than i ever have been"

You are a part of an orphaned Christian community. And only so long as you have valid baptism.

"nah. you know how this argument goes, and i know you feel correct about it so why bother"

I don't feel anything about it. The Church however is infallible on matters of faith and morals. Remove the annointing the Apostles were given and you're left with..... protestantism.


Devastating are the lies you have bought into.

"communion is my favorite/most essential part of worship."

eating a cracker is not part of worship.


Devastating are the lies you have bought into.


Devastating are the lies you have bought into.

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Brother Adam

As far as the denomination I was never a true baptist or fundamentalist. At best I agreed with about half of the teachings. But that is what being a non-Catholic is all about. You get to follow your own will instead of the will of God :)

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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Apr 12 2005, 10:41 PM'] As far as the denomination I was never a true baptist or fundamentalist. At best I agreed with about half of the teachings. But that is what being a non-Catholic is all about. You get to follow your own will instead of the will of God :) [/quote]
Isnt that why it's called PROTESTant?

Bro speaks the truth.


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[quote name='Brother Adam' date='Apr 12 2005, 05:34 PM'] "i've embraced the body of Christ. "

You've rejected her. You've opted the way of divorce instead of family.

"i'm more a part of the Christian community as a non-catholic than i ever have been"

You are a part of an orphaned Christian community. And only so long as you have valid baptism.

"nah. you know how this argument goes, and i know you feel correct about it so why bother"

I don't feel anything about it. The Church however is infallible on matters of faith and morals. Remove the annointing the Apostles were given and you're left with..... protestantism.


Devastating are the lies you have bought into.

"communion is my favorite/most essential part of worship."

eating a cracker is not part of worship.


Devastating are the lies you have bought into.


Devastating are the lies you have bought into. [/quote]
Amen to Brother Adam ;)

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Ok ok...back to the original topic of the thread...

Q: Why are you Protestant?
A: Because it is the denomination that my parents are and they raised me in. Yeah, thats about it.

But who knows...things change sometimes. I've definitely put some thought into it. Parents aren't [i]always[/i] right are they? ^_^ God bless.

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