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Is making out okay?


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I have heard this argument one to many times at youth group so why not hear it one more time on PM.

:P Is making out okay???(If your not married of course)

-and- the age old question

:rolleyes: How far is too far?

Edited by KobeScott8
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as a recovering teenager my best advice to you is use common sense. Lust is bad. Making out is a precursor to sexual activity. You know the way things kind of progress. They start small, like with a kiss. Then it's a kiss and you put your hand on her leg. Then comes the French-kissing and some roving hands. Finally you are groping and perhaps going under her clothes...That is making out. It's an occasion of sin (and of course once you've progressed to groping it is a sin) and must be avoided if you are not married. It is ok to give small kisses and hold hands and stuff, but really if you do that you must be VERY sure that you can leave it at the small kisses.

Too far=prolonged kissing (longer than a goodbye kiss) and placing of hands on certain areas.

obviously, people are going to argue the opposite, but think about this: If you just do it because it feels good what's the deeper significance of your relationship? Can you love someone without becoming 'touchy'?

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[quote name='KobeScott8' date='May 30 2005, 09:49 AM'] I have heard this argument one to many times at youth group so why not hear it one more time on PM.

:P Is making out okay???(If your not married of course)

-and- the age old question

:rolleyes: How far is too far? [/quote]

[quote]Chastity means the successful integration of sexuality within the person and thus the inner unity of man in his bodily and spiritual being. Sexuality, in which man's belonging to the bodily and biological world is expressed, becomes personal and truly human when it is integrated into the relationship of one person to another, in the complete and lifelong mutual gift of a man and a woman.

The virtue of chastity therefore involves the integrity of the person and the integrality of the gift. (CCC 2337)[/quote]

[quote] The chaste person maintains the integrity of the powers of life and love placed in him. This integrity ensures the unity of the person; it is opposed to any behavior that would impair it. It tolerates neither a double life nor duplicity in speech. (CCC 2338)[/quote]

[quote]Chastity represents an eminently personal task; it also involves a cultural effort, for there is "an interdependence between personal betterment and the improvement of society." Chastity presupposes respect for the rights of the person, in particular the right to receive information and an education that respect the moral and spiritual dimensions of human life. (CCC 2344)[/quote]

"Making out" doesn't do this....any of it. Making out is a sin against chastity. How far is too far? Not too tough to figure out. Anything that lacks respect for the rights of a person and behaviour that would impair unity of the person to his gift of self, to God.


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Q the Ninja

Built into the action itself is the idea of arousal, and so your intention has to be aligned with this. In other words, if you're making out/passionately kissing, then you are implicitly willing that arousal. It is really the beginning of the acts that purposefully causes arousal (if it doesn't for you, you may want to see a doctor, and I'm serious).

Well, you have two options:

1) You can not will that arousal and just passionately kiss/make out to show your affection for a person (or even forget entirely about the arousal aspect). If that's the case, you're committing an evil act (most likely sinning) because you are not using the act for its original purpose.

2) That leaves willing the arousal. Well, willing arousal is only to go with sex. If you use it outside of that context intentionally, you're also committing an evil act. Arousal is meant for sex and you're just toying with it.

So, long story short, making out/passionately kissing/whatever is an evil act if you aren't about to have sex. That means none of it outside of marriage and even in marriage you must be careful that you're doing it with the right intention.

[All terms come from Thomas Aquinas and Catholic Moral Theology.]

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[quote name='Noel's angel' date='May 30 2005, 10:13 AM'] I'm looking forward to a very single life.... [/quote]
Why's that? Thinking of becoming a priest?

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Not to brag or anything but I, unlike all you latinos, can marry and still be a priest. That's right, then I can use my magical priestly powers to convince my children to become priests too! Yes, It will be a happy time indeed. But anyways, let's get back to the orriginal topic.

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I'm a teenager, and I've made out more than a few times. Now that I look back, I say it's bad news. There's no point in making out. It doesn't bring either person closer to Christ and it doesn't make the relationship stronger.


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[quote name='Noel's angel' date='May 30 2005, 10:16 AM'] HECK NO!!!!!!!!! I'm a girl [/quote]

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[quote name='KobeScott8' date='May 30 2005, 10:18 AM'] Thinking of becoming a nun? [/quote]
Maybe just a celebate lay person...

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