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Moderators Wanted


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everyone who's been nominated...you guys are being so humble when you nominate you make me sick...just kidding. but seriously, why didn't anyone nominate themselves besides "phatcatholic"? it's not prideful...call it confidence...

Edited by traichuoi
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Dust I think we also need a reference section in apologetics and I propose iron and katolikos should run it. These guys know every single argument and anology about the faith. We have the information scattered througout all the posts, but they are difficult to access at a moment's notice.

I would like to take a single topic at a time : sola scriptura, presdestination, perpetual virginity of Mary, apostolic succession etc and list every thing we can about each one, every good analogy we have come up , every diagram someone has contributed. We have the material , and I can help locate more, but we need iron and kat ( and everybody else, I am not IGNORING anybody, I just don't want to type everybodys name ) to get it organized.

We can be the most comphrensive apologectic site on the web.

After this is organized, we can pick the anti-catholic sites and we ALL can go after them as a group, because we will have the info we need to all be great apologists.

Facts for brainfood, and music for soulfood: PHATMASS has'm all!

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I think we should keep in mind some things like, who is in the board often, are they mature people who won't fly off the handle at someone, are they willing to put up with people who get mad because they were edited or moved or whatever.  Would they be able to put aside their own loyalties in order to be fair and balanced.  Are they over-sensitive and would they be able to put up with a little bit of "noise" before coming down on something.

In my mind this isn't a popularity contest, partly because I'm gonna be moderated too.  I want someone who I know will be fair, even when I'm the loud mouth that needs to be settled down.  That's why the first people that came to mind are C-Mom and Anna and Foundsheep.  They tend to be strong defenders of the faith and I don't think I've ever seen them be uncharitable or unfair in their responses.  I also trust that they aren't gonna become all power hungry like that Creepy President wannabe (just kidding Al, I love you!)

That being said, I think all of the serious recommendations made so far are really good.  But some would be better for boards where gentle ribbing and serious challenges can be made without it being perceived as "mean."  CMom, Anna, Foundsheep, IcePrincess, Flowery, C&F, Azriel have all, IMHO, demonstrated wisdom and restraint on Phatmass.

Well said, Blaze, and not just because I'm mentioned.


Trachoui - As for not noming ourselves, well, the original post asked us to email Dust. I did this for a spot on Open Mic. I realize that my nature as a pacifist and conflict avoider is not suited for somewhere like the debate table. I've been down that road, and realize its not the path for me. Open Mic remains relatively calm, and I enjoy inserting a bit of levity in there now and then to keep us all a bit more sane. I've long assumed for myself the role of morale builder on PM. Not always with great results, but I do try. So, that's my plug for me.

That being said, I think all the people that Blaze have mentioned have made a concerted effort to make PM all it can be. And let me included Phatcatholic to that mix, because I don't want to sound like I'm all for those of us who've been around forever and 5 days. Each mentioned also has qualities that are more suited to different boards.

Anyway, that's my two cents.

Peace ya'll ... I'm outta here to childbirth class. YIPPPEEE!

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we aren't allowed to vote for ourselves...that's the only reason why we aren't voting for ourselves :P. I vote Dust for Bishop of Open Mic & Hip hop page

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Moderators will usually end up being disliked. It just goes with the territory. I am specifically going to limit the amount of power moderators have specifically for this reason. I want to keep pm a place that remains fun for everyone--so in order for that to happen, I can't have the moderators have too much power, causing a divide between them and everyone else.

Like I said before--moderators will only be expected to delete vulgarity, profanity or pornography. Anything else will simply be "moved" only if necessary. If a topic is moved to the BAck Alley, and still out of hand, then I will be the one deleting. This will eliminate anyone getting mad at the moderators.

Of course, the moderators will also be able to "pin" topics on their boards and generally encourage participation in their section (running contests, starting campaigns, etc). But that's totally up to them. My main concern is safeguarding against explicit content and keeping the threads in the correct categories.

I'll wait a couple more days for people to privately express interest to me for becoming a moderator, and then let y'all know the outcome. It will be only 1 moderator per board. Having more than one per board opens up a door for potential conflict.

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i think ur idea for a reference section is freakin amesome! i especially love this part:

After this is organized, we can pick the anti-catholic sites and we ALL can go after them as a group, because we will have the info we need to all be great apologists.

YEA!! that hypes me up! let's do it! i like this idea b/c it breaks each topic up by the specific argument used for it. for example, there are many different reasons why sola scriptura is faulty. so, under that one topic, we can have the best article for why its illogical, the best article for why its not supported by scripture, the best article for how it goes against tradition, the best article for how protestants think it works in theory, but it never works in practice, the best article for why sola scriptura was created, etc. etc. etc. then, that way, under each topic, we have every conceivable argument covered. THAT WOULD BE amesome!

maaan, i'm all about it. dUSt, say the word, and i'm on it!

good idea cmom,


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i think ur idea for a reference section is freakin amesome! i especially love this part:

YEA!! that hypes me up! let's do it! i like this idea b/c it breaks each topic up by the specific argument used for it. for example, there are many different reasons why sola scriptura is faulty. so, under that one topic, we can have the best article for why its illogical, the best article for why its not supported by scripture, the best article for how it goes against tradition, the best article for how protestants think it works in theory, but it never works in practice, the best article for why sola scriptura was created, etc. etc. etc. then, that way, under each topic, we have every conceivable argument covered. THAT WOULD BE amesome!

maaan, i'm all about it. dUSt, say the word, and i'm on it!

good idea cmom,


smell of elderberries up <_<

Just Kidding :P

Nice Idea's phatcatholic :D

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  • 19 years later...

As the longest active member of this community, I nominate myself to become supreme Mediator of Meh overlord. I will treat the peasants kindly.

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