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Catholic Cardinal: 'no ulterior motives of conversions'


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[quote]Delegates agreed that freedom of religion enjoins upon everyone the equally non-negotiable responsibility to respect, and never to denigrate, vilify or misrepresent others’ faiths for the purpose of affirming superiority of one’s own beliefs.[/quote]

Budge presents this as evidence that the Vatican is against preaching the Gospel to the Hindus.

I guess budge thinks we should put down and distort other faiths to raise ours up. Well that is obvious since that is all he has been doing on this board since he got here. He knows Catholicism better than Catholics. Peter says "give reason for the HOPE THAT IS WITHIN YOU". Apparently Budge doesn't think the Gospel can stand on it's own two legs and needs the assistance of twisting other religions. Of course from what I have seen in my 8 years of internet apologetics, Protestant Apologists evidently do feel that they need to twist the faith of others (not just Catholics) in order to spread their watered down gospel of easy believism.

Edited by thessalonian
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Gee Thess, my friend, I love you too. I think you are painting all non-Catholics with a wide brush. That said, the Gospel is simple enough even a child can understand it, even if theology is filled with difficulties.

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True enough. Not all Protestants believe in easybelivism, OSAS so I stand corrected in my broad brush statement. The distorting of Catholicism in order to uplift their beliefs is quite common however. As I recall you have a post or two in which you posted based on pre-concieved distortions of Catholicism.

"My Catholic friends, we cannot be saved by our own works, but only by the grace of God. Our only response can be faith in Him who is the Lord!"

I will stand by the remark on protestant apologists.

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Even OSAS has its nuances that make 'easy believes' a hard word to actually accuse people of. Perhaps some of the TV health/wealth evangelicals could be accused of such, but even in Calvinism works and hardship are a basic requirement as verification of the status of ones soul. The difference it seems mainly is a result of where we place the role of justification and santification. Any "distortions" I have posted, I have posted in a Catholic forum, so I'm sure that I was corrected. I've done my fair share bit of studying on the Catholic faith, unlike Budge, who is clearly making an a** out of himself and not doing much to represent non-Catholics on a Catholic forum.

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I would agree that it is difficult to speak of "protestant" in a general/broad brush manner as I guess I am guilty of at some level here. There are in reality "there are as many theologies as their are heads" according to one well known "reformer".

If you are correcting your thinking on Catholicism based on explanations given and what the Church actually teaches (i.e. CCC) then I consider you a humble man, the likes of which are not in the majority on internet message boards. There are many like budge. Some not like him though.

God bless

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Receiving correction, is IMHO, a trait of honesty more than of humility (boy do I wish I was more humble), but I see where you are coming from. I would hope that we would all strive to be honest in our beliefs and the understanding of others from various backgrounds different from our own. To refuse to be corrected when it is due is to destory the learning process and does nothing to make someone a better person. Protestants can learn alot on a variety of fronts from Catholics such as on Christian history, Catholics can learn alot from Protestants, such as the area of biblical scholarship.

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I[quote] guess budge thinks we should put down and distort other faiths to raise ours up. Well that is obvious since that is all he has been doing on this board since he got here. He knows Catholicism better than Catholics. Peter says "give reason for the HOPE THAT IS WITHIN YOU". Apparently Budge doesn't think the Gospel can stand on it's own two legs and needs the assistance of twisting other religions. Of course from what I have seen in my 8 years of internet apologetics, Protestant Apologists evidently do feel that they need to twist the faith of others (not just Catholics) in order to spread their watered down gospel of easy believism.[/quote]

Twisting other religions?

See thats the problem...

Your view of false religions is totally wrong.

You seem upset that anyone would call Hinduism false, and based on the lies of the devil.

[quote] However, everyone sins, including people in the clergy, high positions do not equate a sinless person. Also, I do help people out and try to preach the gospel but it takes more than just words. And people have to know that their beliefs are respected before they start thinking about another religion.[/quote]

If my minister went to go pay homage to Ganesha, hed be removed by the next day...

This Cardinals place is still intact.

The respect of all beliefs tactic does not work for conversion.

When I was UU, I had Catholics tell me..."Thats NICE" smile...smile..

Thankfully I had Christians who gave me the gospel and told me that UUism would lead to hell. A person can tell others the truth about false religions, without watering it down. People respect those who stand by their beliefs more in fact.

No favors are done those in false religions when they are not told the truth.

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[quote]You seem upset that anyone would call Hinduism false, and based on the lies of the devil.[/quote]

Upset? Budge, you don't know me very well. I am not upset about your nonsense in the slightest. The fact of the matter is that Hinduism is not completely false. That is the rub. The scriptures say test all things and hold on to what is good. Hinduism is a mixture of truth and error. To look at it as all false is to miss the truth that the people of the Hindu persuasion understand and miss the opportunity to use it to help evangelize them. That is the Catholic method that St. Francis Xavier used to convert nearly 1 million people. That is the method of Paul in Acts 17 in the Aeropogus when he used the altar to the unknown God to explain Jesus Christ to pagans. He did not attack them and distort what they taught. He looked for the evidence of God's laws implanted in all men's hearts (roman 2:14-16) that manifests itself in their desire to worship the one true God even though they do not know him. Jesus says this to the Samaritan woman.
[22] You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews.

I have no reason at all to be upset with you for your blindness and lack of understanding of these things. It is by the grace of God that I understand them.


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Believe it or not, I actually have co-workers who live in Mumbai (Bombay). I'll see if they can find an archived copy of the Indian Express for that day, so we can see 1) if that picture even exists in that paper, and 2) the proper context of it.

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[quote]The fact of the matter is that Hinduism is not completely false.[/quote]

So this somehow excuses your Cardinal for breaking the first commandment?

You dont even have the basics of Christianity down...

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