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Musings on Idolatry and the {real} 2nd Commandment


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considering the rudeness of your respones, very few people are even bothering to read your threads, must less make the effort to respond...

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[quote] considering the rudeness of your respones, very few people are even bothering to read your threads, must less make the effort to respond...[/quote]

So sorry. I forgot that I'm to come and bow before the mighty here?

I was under the mistaken impression, that a forum named DEBATE/INTERRELIGIOUS would by that very term invite those that have strong disagreements with those here.

Afer all, I'm NOT posting in the Vocation Station section, now am I?

As for "rudeness" .... have you read the 100+ ANTATHEMA's of Trent? All of which, were reconfirmed by Vatican II and still in effect? Basically everything an evangelical believes triggers an anathema, and at the time of the issuance { before the Catholic Church in it's magical revamping of lingospeak every few decades } the word Anathema meant "GO TO HELL YOU HERETIC"

There are some { historically aware } that still believe that is quite rude too, but then WE don't consider ourselves in the OTC, just in communion with Jesus Christ, not a city on seven hills cloathed in scarlet and purple holding a golden cup in her hand.

So, what do I know anyway? After all, I was poorly Catechised, and didn't know the "real" Catholic Church, and Martin Luther was an antisemite, and King James was gay....right?

[i]{ Seriously, the bumpersticker theology of the roman catholic continues to bring me chuckles. Frankly, there are about 15 verses in the entire bible that are used by the Catholic Church .... and even those are isolated, and changed to support the unsupportable. }

{{{ Now another thing, remember, that as a bible believing EX Catholic [ by definition ] we believe that the Roman Catholic church is the church described so accurately and completely in Revelation 17 and 18, so pray tell, just why would an EX-Catholic be nice and polite about discussing maters that [ by definition ] they believe will lead millions to hell instead of heaven? }}}[/i]

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"Ex" catholics all sound alike.

You do go on and on about your lack of education, and your hatred don't you.
Strong disagreements and good manners are not antithetical.

We have had amazing and productive discussions here with wiccans, atheists, satanists and fundamentalists for years now.
But people simply ignor your posts because of your condescending attitude and repitition of hatred and disdain for the Church. We love God and the Church and are not likely to listen to any attacks with any seriousness.

You really can't expect much attention when you approach with the red flag of hate waving about you,
most of us just walk away shaking the dust off our feet, and adding you to a prayer list somewhere.

Start from a basis of what you have in common with the Church and generate a little more light than heat please.

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[quote name='Eutychus' post='1045250' date='Aug 17 2006, 04:32 AM']
Exegesis isn't your strong point, is it?

OK, I will dumb this one down for you, all the way.

God makes rules for US, not Himself. D'oh, yeah, wow, shocking, isn't it?

Perhaps an illustration would be in order, you do what an analogy is don't you?

OK, in the TEN COMMANDMENTS is a command, "DO NOT MURDER"...right? That is there, clear as day, and everyone agrees with that one, as far as I know, that command is still listed in the top ten by all believers, of whatever stripe.

Now, fast forward only 40 YEARS from God's giving of that GENERAL COMMAND. You are Joshua, standing on the east bank of the River Jordan, reviewing your "marching orders from God" speaking to the assembled troops. And it is given "when we cross the River Jordan, God has COMMANDED us to *** MURDER *** every man, woman, and child from the listed groups we encounter in the promised land."

Yeah, note the term is not FIGHT AND DEFEAT, but SLAUGHTER THEM ALL, infants included.

So, here we have the conrundrum. God told them, MURDER was one of the ten commandments, and forbidden. Yet only 40 years later, God HIMSELF tells them to murder all the Jebusites, Caananites, Hisvites, and the other "ites" they encounter, leaving not one alive, even hours old newborns, ALL are to be put to the sword.

Now, we apply "Roman Catholic Logic" to this problem, using the 2nd commandment rule that where God allows or commands something, that means it overrides the commandments to us.

So, by extension, since God commanded Murder of his enemies, we are to do the same, right? Therefore, since we can find an EXCEPTION to God's general rule { make a cherubim for the Ark } that negates the entire command. And therefore, MURDER is allowed.

Cannot you see, that God MADE THE RULES, and when HE WANTS TO, for HIS PURPOSES, HE can break them. But that does not give US the right to do so using that as our excuse.

Sheesh. This is pattycake exegesis for a properly trained evangelical or pentecostal with a years worth of bible study under his belt. Why does this one so test the skills of the Roman Catholic wannabe apologists? :sadder:
Your "exegesis" is simply imposing your own opinions upon the words of the Bible. God is the author of life and death, and can thus order whomever He wishes killed. God willed these people killed for their sins.
The laws of God are not arbitrary, however.
The Second Commandment forbids the [b]making and worshipping of idols[/b]; this is quite clear from the context.
If making images of any kind is intrinsically evil, why would God command it? If making graven images was something evil and contrary to God's will, why would He command it. I mean, He could have just as easily ordered the ark made without the adornment of the gold angels, and could have used another means to cure those afflicted by the serpents without an image of a serpent! Your argument here is absurd and farcical.

I'll ask you a question; do you have any photos of any family members - wife, kids, mother, fathers - or have any pictures of anyone? If so, wouldn't that make you a hypocrite? (Or does "graven image" only mean things carved out of stone or metal - the Lord being okay with photographs?)

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